Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Even Ronald would average above a 46…

You guys are all debating rdf with someone who actively gets carried by his raid every week and he knows it and his response is he doesn’t want to try

In Vanilla Classic it made sense because the slower leveling pace meant spending more time in the same areas as other players, meaning groups were more likely to form assuming people were using /1 to talk, occasionally about Group/Elite quests, sometimes to group for dungeons, sometimes just because running around in the Barrens at 25 without a mount is REALLY tedious. Outside of SM Lib and maybe Deadmines/RFC based on faction, they weren’t even really needed assuming you did every quest you could.

In Wrath Classic, that’s not so much the case; for starters, the patch we’re playing on was AFTER Dungeon Finder was introduced. It would also make doing the stuff from Vanilla Classic and TBC requiring dungeons easier since there’s not going to be anywhere near as many people running around leveling, so getting an Icefury Wand is gonna most likely suck, much less something like Verigan’s Fist. It’d also make catching up on things like TBC reps easier, since you could lock your level and run Ramparts, Slave Pens, or Mana-Tombs long enough to hit the point where they stop giving rep before even doing a single quest…you know, the exact same thing the sweats did day one of TBC?


But regardless of time to level to max most people who play at max level spend most of their play time at max level.

RDF benefits both the leveling experience and max level dungeons. And removing it has hurt both.

And he’s right that a system built for an expansion isn’t meant for earlier versions of the game. I’ve said that all along…Vanilla means Vanilla. TBC means TBC. Wrath means Wrath. This Wrath experiment of shoving Vanilla design as well as Retail design into Wrath Classic has been a disaster. Authenticity should have always been the guiding principle.


Based on the actually community RDF would have been fine in vanilla and TBC classis.


I think it might be worth pursuing in an SoM version of those. But the first version (and permanent) should always be authentic. And TBC should have absolutely had 1 pvp and 1 pve eternal server.

However, that’s NEVER going to happen. Blizz can’t even be bothered to get RDF to work in the expansion it was in. No way they’d put in the time to add it to TBC or Vanilla.

The actual community of vanilla OG can never be recreated because it relied on so many thing outside of WoW.


That guy ruined the game then dipped forever

So the entire game should have crashed for everyone on a server if two groups had engaged the same raid boss at the same time because the servers at the time literally COULD NOT handle that level of effort?

he dipped by force bc they fired him lol
this may be good or bad for the health of the game if they find someone to replace him and put this game on a road to recovery like theyre trying to do with df. right now its in the air. can hope the game gets better if not we’re in a state of limbo or someone will come to make it worse.

:man_shrugging: Dungeon finder becomes the default way to play the game in the overwhelming majority of situations and 5-man content is such a constant and pervasive thing for many people (of which I’m one). Perhaps I just run more dungeons than the average person, but certainly, any issues you have with dungeon finder are multiplied by the number of times you use it, and I used it often.

Let me clarify.

With my theory #3, I was referring to the fact that Retail WoW tends to make a lot more money in recent years (because of microtransactions) than it ever did at the very height of its popularity when the playerbase was many times larger. Players are generally more profitable in Retail where there are so many more ways for them to spend money. I wasn’t saying it with bitterness in my tone as if Retail is only a milking machine and Classic is somehow totally different. I was just pointing out that, if Blizzard had a choice in where the players went, it would definitely be Retail, and of course they’re going to try as hard as they can to retain Retail players.

Oh, definitely. I think people are absolutely insane to look at the members of the WoW team as enemies of the game and the community. Blizzard still employs people who are really very passionate about what they do. My main issue is just where the line between passionate devs and corporate suits trying to push engagement metrics is vague.

I try very often to point out to people when something they dislike was very likely a directive that was pushed from high up, and not the “fault” of the developers in the weeds.

Honestly, not only do I agree, I think that would be quite fair, though only with the caveat that they continued taking it in a more “Classic” direction rather than just an alternate Retail. :stuck_out_tongue: But on this topic, I’m very excited to see what happens in the mid to long-term once the Microsoft acquisition is finalized.

That’s very melodramatic. :rofl:

Like I said, my experience with people in 5-man content in Classic has been been very positive and entirely unlike my experience in dungeon finder. So no, not exactly like now. Not like now at all.

I’m sad to hear it. Which realm are you on?

You’re not “calling something out”, you’re just dismissing an argument with a very flawed understanding of what a slippery slope is.

^ This is not an argument. It's not even a disagreement. It's just a false statement. Why do you think the slippery slope fallacious?

Idiotic take, right? I totally agree.

And saying “whispering inv to some guy is a social interaction” isn’t?

And like has been pointed out plenty of times, the same holds true for RDF groups.

The only consideration is “building lifelong friendships” but the overwhelming massive majority of those are built in guilds anyway. Guilds don’t recruit based on 5 mans (unless they’re levelling guilds and they’ll spam anything) anyway so it’s all a bit moot really.

Okay then, walk me through how saying “RDF killed WoW” isn’t a slippery slope?

lol way to make up facts.

wrong, according to OFFICIAL BLIZZARD profit sharing reports (before they stopped releasing them) wow grew to 11.5 million subs and held there from april 2009 until march 2010. rdf was added and it grew to 12 million subscribers and held there from march 2010 to jan 2011.

really should check which information is actually verifiable from OFFICIAL sources before spewing lies.


Ironic, because you were completely ignoring Redhead’s point about convenience being prioritized over the costs of said convenience. Stop projecting.

Every single distance-closing mechanic in the game (again, with the exception of PvP teleports) has some cost that reinforces the intentional world building of the game, or adds flavor in some way, or does indeed require some sort of team work and therefore encourages interactions among players.

Dungeon finder’s teleport breaks this convention by trivializing world scale, being free and infinitely usable, and not requiring any sort of player interaction. All it does is remove from the game.

Ahh yes, classic Ziryus, the Master Debater. :rofl:

My point isn’t that dungeon finder’s removal is the reason why Classic and Retail are different. I’ve stated that several times in this thread alone. My point is that it’s definitely one of the differences, and for some people broadly gestures at the forums it’s a deal-breaker.

There isn’t a doubt in my mind that the lack of dungeon finder is one of the big deciding factors for some unknown number of people who only play Retail not wanting to give Classic a try. And my speculation is that Blizzard might see this as advantageous.

Right now it’s only dungeon finder, but in the future, it might include things like LFR, transmog, account-wide achievements/titles/mounts/pets, borrowed power, etc.

I’m not sure what that has to do with your absurd comment “Getting kicked in the balls is a social interaction.” :stuck_out_tongue:

And to answer your question, no, calling a communication from one player to another a “social interaction” doesn’t seem melodramatic to me at all. It’s literally a social interaction. Do you know what melodrama is?

  1. Why the strawman? I never said “RDF killed WoW” or anything like that.
    • Even if I did, that wouldn’t be a slippery slope, fallacy or no. Once again, I think you misunderstand what a slippery slope fallacy is.

  1. Why are you dodging? You incorrectly called something a slippery slope fallacy and I asked you to explain why you thought that… Now you’re trying to pin the burden of (dis)proof on me? Why don’t you just answer the question or say “I don’t know”?

  1. I already explained to you why the slippery slope isn’t fallacious and you chose to ignore it.

youre projecting again. all you do is mix opinion with lies and claim it to be fact. you have yet to ONCE provide any verifiable official data to support ANY of your claims. you do realize how many people are actually laughing at your ridiculous claims right? youve repeatedly exposed yourself as someone with a complete lack of knowledge on the rdf subject and are nothing more than some anti rdf mouthpiece with no foundation in reality. and when you get called out on it, you either move the goal posts or try jumping to a different thread with your poor quality bs.

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I also know what a social interaction is just to preempt you.

Whispering folks with “inv” is not my idea of one that I want to pursue. More power to you if you think it’s fulfilling in any way, I certainly don’t.

Oh, I see, so when you bring in other people’s quotes it’s cute but when I do it’s a strawman?

But saying “RDF killed WoW” is a slippery slope fallacy simply because there’s no slope to be seen.

There’s no requests for what supposedly comes after RDF as if that was ever a thing.

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He was proven wrong and scurried off for a while, hoping everyone would forget. Then returned to pretend all of his inaccuracies (or lies) never took place. It’s been his pattern for months now.

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Not requiring player interaction? Do you just no know how the RDF works?
At least 5 players have to queue up for a dungeon. That is interaction.

And you apparently didn’t understand the point about instances in general. Think about the difference between a world boss vs an instance.


Doing the dungeon is where social interaction occurs.

Getting into those groups should be as simple and accessible as possible. That is how social interactions are increased. Making it a pointless, tedious process is bad for the community.

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Some of y’all need to turn your PC off and go touch grass if you think “4800 mage” is a meaningful social interaction lmfao, y’all really need to go make friends irl.

Bunch of lonely people lmfao