Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Well he’s freely admitted they would stop playing with him given the choice of RDF so they are clearly not friends.


So being teleported to and fro isnt a benefit of rdf? Intellectual dishonest much?

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No, as that is not why people want RDF.

Someone should remind that clown that you can still group with players on your same realm with RDF in the game. Never have to group with a stranger.

Again, not what i said. The pool of people i could pug would be reduced by a large enough amount that it would hurt my ability to pug on my server considerably.

As for why i refer to them as social connections, its because that word has multiple meanings in the sence that it can mean friends and acquaintances.

You’ve said multiple times that the people who group with you now would not do so if RDF was in the game.

I’m shocked…


Then we can remove it, glad we agree.

If rdf is added it should do nothing but group you. Then its actually a truely optional feature.

Yep something which the RDF crowd is in general fine with.

So why are you not advocating for that version of RDF?

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For the 700th time, that’s literally all we’re asking for.

The people i PUG when trying to make more social connections. And not that none of them would rdf is in game, but the pool of people to pug on my same realm would go down dramatically when trying to manually form the group.

You love twisting what i say to come up with a meaning completely different than what i actually said, then you attack that false statement. And you wonder why blizzard doesnt listen to you about why you need rdf?

And you will turn around in a few days and say it doesnt matter so it should be in the game. Like have done the last 10 times we had this circular discussion.

You have no friends stop lying.


So is your position that RDF is perfectly fine if it doesn’t teleport people to the dungeon?

I have a basic understanding of RDF where as you don’t have a basic understanding of it.

The rewards are miniscule at best and have short term value man, I can make way more gold than RDF will ever give me, RDF is not some sort of jackpot of gold making you are making this ought to be. Emblems are short term value, they will get you some pieces you need and once you got the stuff you need from those emblems, they will start to collect dust, I’m already at this stage with conquest by the way. On retail yes there is a call to arms goodie bag but still I can make way more gold than RDF will ever give me and I guess getting an augment rune is an incentive but I can buy those from the AH.

The ability to bypass lockouts means nothing, you know the heroic gear from dungeons are not the best gear in the game and they will get replaced the moment you step foot into Ulduar and win some pieces.

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They will get replaced as soon as you step foot in heroic+

He’s going to bring up the shard economy soon and how RDF impacts the value of shards.


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i like how if it was put in the ppl act like they’re forced to use the rdf against their will. sorry your friends dont really care abt u enough to wanna play the game instead waitin for u to come home at 8pm like a significant other anymore mate.

If you ever considered any argument but your own you’d see he presents his case with good arguments. I don’t agree with everything he posts but it’s not just trolling. But you’re totally a self centered liar so you’ve never bothered to read what anyone posts. You just listen to the sound of your own voice.

I mean I’m not surprised considering Redhead makes these weak arguments quite regularly like him making a scene about how 26 gold will have disastrous consequences in the 3.5k post thread.


Dudes a whole clown.

That implies he’s as competent as Ronald McDonald.