Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder


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Again you’re digging for ages to find non-contradictory statements.

Just because the game was built for convenience (and it truly was at the time) doesn’t prevent further conveniences being added later.

You’re flailing mr. stalker.


Just because you’re incapable of properly utilizing forum features doesn’t mean we all are. I’m not some slow 40 something year old.

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“me google gud”

“me not respond to actual criticism of the stupid statements me found not being contradictory”

“me stalk someone else now”

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You’re not worth responding to any other way. :wave:


Some google fu is probably required for you here.

Oh these edits are CHEF’S KISS

The utter flailing going on right now.

It’s a sight to behold :smiley:

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Nice lies.

Coward lmao.

Pvp was considered a minigame at the time as participation was so low cross realm was required for it to even renotely function on any realm. That isnt true for dungeons.

Flying didnt renove community. It did hurt world pvp, but again, pvp was considered a mini game at the time.

But hey understanding history and you trying to rewrite it to fit your sgenda are two very different things.

Lmao this is simply untrue. Pvp was incredible popular which is why they even added BGs in the first place.

Even back in the day we had one-sided servers which made queues fairly unbearable for the dominant side, thus, cross realm.

The worst part is that you think this is actually true.

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Game design wise it was a mini game.

Blizzard disnt really focus much, if any resources on pvp balance when compared to pve balance. It wasnt until they separate pvp and pve balance in abilities (outside if just CC) that it started getting treated as something more than a mini game. And that happened well after wotlk.

It didnt though. It had a negative effect on pvp, but it didnt hurt community. I had plenty of aerial combat fights due to flying, plenty of drop out of sky and kill (or be the one killed) due to flying and not having the same amount of time to react. It changed world pvp, it was the players that minmaxed it to harm world pvp. And again, pvp was considered a minigame at the time.

That is all they have.

I get why some people want rdf, but the fact they endlessly lie about it is what erks me. “It has no downsides” “you dont have to use it so it wont effect you” exc. I have even suggested a reasonable compromise where they get their cross realm grouping but those who dont want to use it wont feel forced into using it because there would be no bonus rewards that would make it more efficient. Yet they cant seem to get past their own greed/entitlement/laziness/pride (or whichever it is per individual) to even consider a compromise.

The best part is they will blame all the sub loss that wotlkc gas seen on not having rdf, but refuse to eveb accept that part of why wow started to see sub losses (and not the only reason) was rdf being added origionally.

Their feelings get in the way of them having any logical thought.

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If pvp was a mini game you’ve just utterly and completely debunked your own “the world feels alive” argument.

I’m gonna be nice and let you decide which one you’re going with, but you can’t go with both.

It did AND it destroyed world pvp.

Do you think world pvp wasn’t part of a community or what? Do you seriously think we weren’t sitting on IRC trashtalking the other faction during the original?

Dude was editing his post, was playing Civ6 and watching his post change in real time.

Speaking of lies, absolutely no one has said RDF has no downsides.

The upsides do, by far and in ridiculous amounts, outweigh those downsides tho.

And classic is wholeheartedly proof of this.


One of your fellow pro rdf has said it quite a few times.

(Its the post right under that one if you take the link, its refusing to link the post i want)

“Exactly all the evidence shows RDF has no downsides and is a huge improvement for pugging dungeons.”

Another example of someone claiming it here.

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I want you to look up the word hyperbole.

Because i proved you wrong?

One if them is a very active pro rdf that said it, the ither i linked was someone random, there were more, but didnt think i would need to list all of them for you. I proved you wrong and now you want to claim you were just exaggerating? :roll_eyes:

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No, so you can actually learn something for once in your life.

The supposed downsides to RDF that you lot keep chirping on and on and on about are already present in the game.

So a hyperbolic statement based on this is saying “there are no downsides” since all the bad crap y’all keep saying is going to happen with RDF is already happening.


No, not all the downsides of rdf are in the game right now.

A downside of rdf is no lasting consequences for being a bad person in game. Without rdf you become known on your realm if you do enough crap. But rdf you wont have to be partied with people on your realm. Lasting consequences dont stop everyone from being bad people in game, but they do stop more than not having lasting consequences.

There is one downside that isnt in the game now that will be with rdf. Thats just one of many.

For your tldr version
Rdf removes the lasting consequences that can occur from only same realm grouping.

Literally in the game right now.

Wasn’t even true in classic.

It hasn’t ever been a thing in classic.

Even more so with name changes and faction transfers being present as paid services.