Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

I didn’t dismiss your criticism, in fact I specifically acknowledged that there are use cases where LFG Tool or chat is preferred(and even gave you one example).

What I did do was very accurately point out that for the majority of dungeons being run those use cases don’t apply and that for what most people are doing RDF is in fact simply the better tool.

It’s almost like not everyone has the same motivations you do or gets the same thing out of it. And as much as you might want to force them to think like you do you can’t.

And playing into that, Blizzard not moving with the times and making the game their players wanted but rather forcing their own vision on the players.

See: Ghostcrawlers idiotic “we hoped players would rise to the occasion for Cataclysm heroics” tweet. But why? 5 mans were never challenging and people never expected them to be, so why force that vision on the game, particularly after WotLK?


Well no Cataclysm caused a drop in subs for multiple reasons.

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It’s refreshing when he throws out those obvious troll posts. Makes it easier to accept his other posts when you remember he’s just a troll.


Nah, man. Death Knights totally caused subs to plummet after the honeymoon phase!!!


And rdf also caused people to leave. The intake rate of new players just outpaced the leaving rate of old players until a little ways into cata.

Wow grew to about 12 million subs before rdf was added, when the design goal intentions of convenience over community became the direction of the game though, subs begqne to drop, and rdf was the first step of that. Cata was very convenient in its design. Portals everywhere to anywhere, fly anywhere, respec anywhere, exc, exc, exc.

Show where the subs dropped in wrath after RDF was added. You cannot, nor can you attribute RDF to declining subs outside of personal anecdotes.

Subs dropped heavily in Cata during Q2 well after RDF was added, if RDF was causing this exodus you claim the data would show it in wrath not an expansion and several quarters later.

Just say you don’t like it and move on, stop creating narratives to suit your needs when none exist.


It was the first step of convenience over community game design.

And total sub numbers do not account for people leaving alone, it also accounts for new people joining. But hey thats using basic logic to understand that, so no suprise you missed it. Even then when convenience over community was fully embraced, after rdf being the first step in that design decision, with cata we saw a huge drop in subs. Almost like convenience over community is a bad game design for an mmorpg…

LOL you heard it here first RDF was the first ever QoL feature added to WoW.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

WoW was literally built for convenience and accessibility.


That’s a lie. Wrath flat lined for a year after a small increase to 11.5 when it was released. It grew 500,000 after rdf was added. It stayed at 12 million until several months into cata.


WoW hit 12 million subs for the first time Oct 2010…nearly a year after RDF was added.

But this whole sub discussion is just him trying to change the subject from the fact he has no actual argument against RDF. Frequent tactic of the troll.

Also, every time he’s proven wrong (and I’ve lost count) he just moves the goalposts. It’s going to happen.


Again putting word in my mouth that i never said.

It was the first feature that put convenience as a higher priority than community.

You refusing to even read what i post 99% of the time and putting your own words in place of what i actually say is why you cant seem to find out what my arguments are.

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Well except for the part where it wasn’t even based on your highly subjective definition of community :stuck_out_tongue:


They definitely didn’t add cross-realm bgs way back in 1.12 and bgs went from familiar faces on your server to fighting random strangers.

What a clown. By the way, I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess he didn’t admit he was wrong about subs. :wink:


Heck what about hearthstones and flight paths that let me easily travel long distances without having to deal with the community? Or what about boats, think about how much better the community would be if you had to engage with a mage or warlock to get across continents? Or what about instances in general, how dare they give small groups their own personal zone where they can escape the community, just think how much better things would be if stockades or RFC were just part of the city?


The examples are endless. Like I said…Vanilla WoW was the convenience mmo.

And I’m ready for him to move the goalposts again from my example. Something about pvp and pve are different. Pvp is a mini-game. Whatever nonsense he comes up with.

So when he talks about RDF being the first time convenience superseded community, what he actually means it’s the first time an automated dungeon finder that could be used to form groups and let players queue for random dungeons and teleport players to said dungeons was implemented into WoW.

Because that’s such a broad spectrum of criteria. :smirk:


Stop it.

Subs never dropped once in a year long content draught after RDF was added.

They did drop once Cataclysm was added.

I know you’re just gonna call this “the honeymoon period” cause the actual factual numbers simply don’t fit into your narrative, but it’s stupid and you should feel bad for using it as an argument.


Battlegrounds and arenas would like a word with you.

Flying would like a word with you.

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