RDF What is the downside to You Personally

Kek, they’re woke when it only lines their pockets with money. Though adding rdf and cross-realm would make the game a lot more convenient to play. At the end of the day people just wanna log on and play wow

Point it out where I couldn’t read please?

Thats true but reality is that Heroic gear and some badge gear are basically entry level gear to get into raiding, if you want to go beyond that entry level gear, you have to join a pug or a guild.

Evidence has been provided repeatedly.

I almost never do dungeons now. No point since it takes so long to find a group by the time I log out. Work full time, parent full time I don’t have time for the so called social aspect that doesn’t actually exist. The pretend majority that appears to be that loud minority don’t want LFG. EVERY person I talk to in game wants LFG. I have not run into one person that doesn’t. As soon as my sub is up I’m going back to ESO until Illysia comes out for VR.

No downside, RDF was my favorite part of the game.

And retail has essentially sucked the fun out of it with Chromie Time. You can’t just run Wailing Caverns or Gnomereagan on retail anymore, Wrath Classic should be where we get to do the old dungeon leveling.

I’ll be fine if they add RDF.

I’ll be fine if they don’t.

The biggest benefits I see adding RDF:

  1. Finding groups while leveling from 1-70 will be easier.
  2. No more group leaders switching to ML just before the boss pull to take items or hand out items to their buddy. This is quite rare, but still very frustrating when it happens.

The biggest problems I don’t want to deal with if RDF is added:

  1. People rolling NEED on literally everything, since who cares? They’re not on your server and won’t ever see you again. That Prot Warrior needs the tank shield? LULZ, no, I need to DE it so I can sell cheap enchants on the AH.
  2. Being held “hostage” for achievement runs. Sometimes I just want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. With the current LFG, I can see if a group is trying for an achievement or not before accepting an invite, but you can’t do that with RDF. Sure, I can leave, but then I get the debuff and can’t queue again right away.

I’d be more open to RDF not being cross-realm, but at that point, is it even worth it over the current LFG tool?

Exactly all the evidence shows RDF has no downsides and is a huge improvement for pugging dungeons.

Both of these problems have a solution, you kick the troublemaker and replace them.

Which RDF makes relatively pain free, so ironically these are bigger problems without RDF.

I rarely play retail, but RDF feels soulless. I’ll never see those people again. I won’t talk to those people while we’re playing. I don’t know the guilds they’re in or care. There’s no point in thinking about them. Someone is AFK for more than 10 seconds, and everyone mindlessly votes to boot them, because, why not, there’s an endless supply of bodies to swipe right on and a new person is plugged in like machines. Again, soulless tracks to mindlessly run down.

When I play classic, people message me from the DF tool to ask if I want to run something. Sometimes I remember that person from other runs. When I join, I often recognize people in the pug, or at least their guild names and probably know something about their guild. I might know they’re in that one guild that cleared Sunwell on day 1 or their guild is a leveling guild that I’ve been considering joining with an alt.

Once added, RDF will permanently destroy that social aspect because that’s all people will use. I think most the people that are pushing for RDF are from retail, where all the servers long since died, that have no thriving community anymore. Now they’re already spread across multiple servers, and see no harm in killing something that’s already dead to them.

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Yes I know that the point is still flying over your head

If they added an option for people to instantly get that gear no one would get it organically, so that’s why the “don’t have to use it” argument is literal sub-80 IQ nonsense

this is like reading the same post I read back in 2009 by the same body of people that ruined retail and now want to play ruined retail classic.


I actually did end up enjoying non-RDF gameplay as I was levelling a fresh alt. There were a bunch of nerve wrecking PvP encounters at the meeting stones, and then I remember seeing and waving to party members in the capital city a few days later as a I met them going about their day. Those kinds of things add a bit of immersion.

So now I fear they add a cross-realm RDF and this magic will be gone. I wouldn’t mind some sort of local realm bound RDF, teleporting everyone to meeting stones though. I really like that realm-isolated feeling.

It gives into whining on the forums which is never a good thing.

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If I join a group through RDF and then leave, wouldn’t I get a debuff?

This is where the current tool is better: find a group, ask if they’re bothering with achievements, they say “yes”, I say “not interested, sorry, GL though!”, and drop group and go back into LFG to find another group.

For the first part, does RDF give protection if 3 of the members are a “pre-made” group? As in, three members from the same guild? I honestly don’t know, which is why I’m asking.

Retail RDF gives you a debuff under certain conditions for leaving. I don’t remember if the original version did.

But if it does you don’t have to use it. People can still make groups themselves.

“What can one say about it?” replied the prince in a cold, listless tone. “What has been decided? They have decided that Buonaparte has burnt his boats, and I believe that we are ready to burn ours.”

Prince Vasili always spoke languidly, like an actor repeating a stale part. Anna Pavlovna Scherer on the contrary, despite her forty years, overflowed with animation and impulsiveness. To be an enthusiast had become her social vocation and, sometimes even when she did not feel like it, she became enthusiastic in order not to disappoint the expectations of those who knew her. The subdued smile which, though it did not suit her faded features, always played round her lips expressed, as in a spoiled child, a continual consciousness of her charming defect, which she neither wished, nor could, nor considered it necessary, to correct.

what patch we are playing for balancing and tuning doesnt matter when it comes to the features released.

what matters is what phase and if we are going by that RDF would happen phase 4. But possible phase 2 since they might be throwing heroic + out there.

All this argument over a tool that was created so ppl can catch up and join us for a year of ICC.

This persons blacklist must be a mile wrong. Topic after topic this person gets shut down, so they always end it with “lol you must be a troll, ignored!”

It makes classic more like retail. I am so glad it’s not in classic now. And should never be.

I can totally understand how difficult it is for you retail player to do the things in the more difficult way. But the classic project is for old school players who don’t like features like LFD. So get used to it or go back to your retail game.

:joy: us retail players use the same LFG tool that was added into wotlk for all of our end game content.

Do you guys think we are doing using rdf for mythic dungeons, heroic raids, arenas, and rbg’s?

We use rdf while we level, which takes less than 8 hours now for 1-max, then it becomes pretty much obsolete and we use the LFG tool exclusively.