Not showing up on Guild Roster ect..?

So today after logging in I noticed that when i type in guild chat it doesn’t show up. Upon checking in guild chat by pushing “J”, it simply shows what I typed and where my name should be as " [ ] ". No name attached to it at all. Someone said they could see what I typed when they also pushed “J” but not in the normal chat box. This also affects the community I am in.

Any ideas or anyone else experiencing this? Also the submit ticket button “continue” is constantly grayed out for me despite putting all the info in they ask for.

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I am also having this issue. I am no in offline mode in bnet. I completely restarted the game and bnet. I left my guild and rejoined and still just as OP has described. My alts are fine in the same guild.

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Yep This is my issue Also As I stated over here: Guild missing/guild chat broke - #14 by Luciferno-moon-guard

Having this same issue as of last night. Here’s what I posted in another thread in the Support Forum

Looking for some help on an odd issue here that’s preventing me from talking and adding blank entries to the guild’s chat log.

Issue Details

  • When typing in /g or /o, messages do not appear and other players cannot see anything posted.
  • When looking at the Guild & Communities window, the messages DO APPEAR and everyone can read them, but they do not show my character’s name. (e.x. Instead of “[Name]: This is a test”, it displays as “[ ]: This is a test”
  • This only impacts a single character on my account.
  • This does not appear to prevent chatting in /s, General, Trade, party, or raid/instance.
  • [EDIT] - My character also no longer appears in the guild roster.

I have them, but apparently, I can’t post it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Things I’ve tried:

  • Removed all addons
  • Removed WTF/Cache folders (Per “Resetting the WoW User Interface” help article)
  • Logging out and back into the game
  • Logging out of and band into BNet.
  • Cursing loudly.

UPDATE: I did get a reply from a support ticket and it sounds like a “We’re aware, nothing to share” sorta thing right now.

Read over this and at the moment the guild\community issues are something that we’re getting reports on and we have escalated these to our developers to have it looked into. With that said, we don’t currently have a timeframe for when it may be resolved, but we are working to get this fixed as soon as possible.

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From Customer Service, yesterday. I don’t know how connected it is, but there you are.


Thank you for the link from the support team. I tried to submit a ticket but for some reason the “continue” button is always grayed out for me even after entering all the info they ask for.

On the off chance, does anyone know how to fix that issue also? About why I cannot submit a ticket?

I tried resetting my UI, I left and rejoined the guild. Did everything mentioned in other threads but still nothing. I guess to add on that because my character is technically invisible, I cannot sign up to my guilds events on the in game calender. It just says “Cant find player”. I hope this gets fixed soon

Mine has been like this since Tuesday morning :frowning: I’ve done everything with no luck at all. They said something about EIvUI, I don’t use that. I’ve left the guild twice, same thing, toon is invisible, can not talk in guild chat, can not sign up for raids on the Calendar because its not showing the raids at all. So it’s up to you now Blizzard to find out what’s going on!!

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Mirinne is my alt it has not affected any of my alts only my main character which is Tulips.

Hi there friends,

Right now there is a known issue with guild services. This is for chat, events, rosters, and other related guild functions. The proper teams are aware of the issue and we hope to have it resolved soon.

As of right now, we ask for you to wait until Tuesday resets and then post back if still happening. While we hope it is resolved then, here in support, we can only gather the status.



So the symptoms that we know of so far are:

  1. Inability to speak in guild channels (/g, /o)
    a. Messages do not appear in the regular chat frame for any other guild member.
    b. Messages still appear in the guild chat log in the Guild & Communities page and can be seen by everyone in the guild.
  2. Guild & Community Logs show empty user name to messages sent (e.x. “[ ]: This is a test”).
    a. This is visible to the whole guild, regardless of addons.
  3. Impacted character no longer shows in the guild roster.
    a. The character still has access to the guild bank, guild repairs.
    b. If an officer they can still invite, promote, remove toons within the guild.
  4. Guild calendar does not show any guild events.
  5. When accessing some features such as the roster or calendar, a message window appears saying “Can’t find player”.

Does this cover what we’re seeing?


Impacted character also can’t click on other people’s names to see their note, etc. in the Guild & Communities page. The little window which normally pops up when you click on other character’s names does not appear.


Pretty much However i been told by Friends and guildies if they have the guild window (j) open they can see what I say but as a mere [ ]; With out that window being open No one knows you exist online unless you have then as friends. Dunno if that is how it is for you or others but thought it was worth sharing.


Also having same exact issues as people posting here several submitted tickets only to get we’re working on it. It is only affecting one toon in guild the other toon in same guild is just fine

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And back from CS

Same for my rogue, Toxicvenator. Still persists as of Sunday 2/3/19. Hopefully it is fixed by Tuesday. I am an officer, and need to be able to type in guild chat. How does something this awkward and specific happen? it only affecting one character on an account, and in such a specific way.

Just to confirm. The restart fixed my issue.

Thanks for the update, Halsey!

Is anyone else experiencing this issue still after the realm restarts?

I am still having the issue on at least 2 of my characters on shu’halo


Based on your recent ticket, it sounds like you are having a similar, but unrelated guild problem. I would recommend making another ticket with the details, as we may need to look into a possible flagging issue.