Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

So you got the $100 edition… gonna be playing early, gotcha.

This is mostly what I wanted to know. Because without an official statement or explanation as to how they were going to move forwards with it, all we know is their intention behind it. And look, one can be pissed off that they failed their intention … except I don’t think that they did.

They wanted folks to be able to go back and solo old content and raids. Which people can do typically. Oddball exceptions here and there break this intention (not rule, critical difference) and thus it only gets prioritized when people require it in greater numbers, pushing up the priority. Because at the end of the day there are workarounds for fights like Mythrax, namely that you group up with a friend and go at it until it gets changed so it is soloable at a later time.

Sometimes fights need complete reworks, and at other times you simply need an overwhelming amount of damage to break through a mechanic. Only in the first case do Blizzard typically go in and change things, and as for the need of overwhelming amounts of damage well… that’s on players typically to sort out. The moment a boss has been solo’ed at all it means it is possible, and thus if one want an easier time of it you wait until a later stage for more gear or even an entire levelling bracket.

This is why, as far as I’m aware, this is their intention rather than a rule. Because intentions in a context like this is largely dependant on however many people it directly impacts rather than something that requires immediate attention.

My point is this:
You not getting TWW is a personal choice and one you should make at your own discretion. But… the thing you are asking for is partially solved just by the nature of increasing your levelling bracket, meaning that buying the thing you say you won’t buy is partially the actual solution to what you are asking for.

If that’s unsatisfactory, you have your answer: don’t buy it.
If your complaint is genuine, then you have at least a partial solution right there.

Entirely up to you beyond that.

because it’s a thing which has happened with the last bunch of expansions.

people level, then forget about it.

…but that doesn’t stop the conspiracy crew and drama llamas from milking it until everyone discovers it’s a complete non issue.

if any fights are overtuned, it gets dealt with.

and this line here:

shows that the OP hasn’t kept up with “old news” over the latest batch of expansions.
…literally just rage bait.

Oversimplified to the point of not being entirely accurate.

The legacy buff (power buff- not legacy loot) was implemented when Blizzard made the original stat squash that reduced relative player power. It was not designed to do anything else but restore relative player power (the stated philosophy was whatever you could do before the changes, you could do after the changes at the same relative power level).

After they implemented Chromie Time they started rolling the last expansion into the leveling mix, as well as rescaling the leveling curve to include previous end-game ilevel stat inflation, and then flatten and smooth ilevel and power progression.

This has the effect of reducing relative player power in old content.

And yet for some reason (this is where Ion hatred and conspiracy theories start), they no longer implement a legacy buff to compensate players for the loss of relative power (which again was the stated reason for it being added way back at the end of MoP - to compensate players for changes to scaling that reduced relative player power in legacy content).

It also doesn’t help that they are not very open or transparent about these changes and generally play dumb, don’t comment at all, or gaslight players when eventually confronted in an interview somewhere.

So is it any wonder we get narratives that the changes are simply Ion trying to keep players from running his precious raid content or designed to sell the next expansion.

IMO the changes have a sound design basis (adding all previous expansions to Chromie Time as leveling options and having smooth progression while leveling), but the lack of a legacy buff to compensate when these changes reduce relative player power is a big negative.

Maybe they just don’t care, maybe they feel the resources it would take to address isn’t worth it, maybe there is some arrogance on the part of some developers, who knows.

But absent open and honest communication from Blizzard, all we’ll have is a bunch of speculation as to why they make these changes and don’t provide solutions to players outside of ‘level x will fix it’.


The health increases to SL and BFA raids wouldn’t even be a big deal if they hadn’t also increased the damage going out. My alts below 500 can now barely survive Mythic Wrathion in Ny’alotha long enough to kill him, whereas before 11.0 it wasn’t an issue and just took a bit longer than my geared characters. This constant moving of the goalposts in legacy content by Blizzard is tiring.


I won’t forget about it because the HP buff negates any increase in levels and gear after 70. If they kept the HP the same it would be way quicker but nah. At 80 in max gear I do less damage to nylotha than I did before prepatch


Shadowlands LFR is totally soloable right now with one exception: Kel’Thuzad. Without having the damage modifiers to one shot him, he’ll go into his split phase and without a second person, he’ll despawn. I haven’t tried SotFO Anduin, but that’s the other boss that might give some problems.

Honestly, until Legacy loot is activated, it’s not really worth doing them anyway. I picked up a few usable items after 19 bosses. This was before Warbanks, though.

That’s because of a scripted phase. They failed to remove that part, so we are forced to go through the phase change and the knockback.

Eonar is the only one in Antorus that will give any issues on Mythic difficulty.

In BFA, there are a couple: Crucible of Storms’ first boss is impossible solo from my experience, and I haven’t been able to get past The Queen’s Court in The Eternal Palace to try the rest (I’m 5 of 8 there).

Hell, even the chess event in Kara is still borked half the time, if not more. I’ve only ever won it once. They really need to fix these things, but I’m not going to quit the game over it.

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at the end of war within we should get shadowlands raid nerfs to make them soloable like they did with BFA a few months ago. however, the problem stands, HP values are overdone to the point where hitting 80 and getting level 80 gear makes no big difference.

you’ll be hitting for values lesser than what you had prior to the prepatch since you maybe gain 1x more damage and the boss HPs are 2.86x more

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Past content should ALWAYS be trivialized. Let solo players see the whole game, at least up to one xpac back.


Sweet see you never.

lmao, it’s not scummy to sell new content just because you dont play the new content. that’s a YOU issue

its scummy to artificially buff older content , in turn making it a requirement to level in the next expansion to be able to do what you did previously

but yeah keep taking it by blizz.


Do you normally have this much trouble tracking with a conversation? Have you been checked for a stroke, or do you just enjoy the flavor of boots?


they will get MVP one day


I’m in the same boat as the OP. I’m planning on skipping TWW if this isn’t addressed. Probably a weird line to draw since it’s ‘irrelevant’ content to endgame, but I can draw my line wherever I want since it’s my line. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

This isn’t the first time balancing in legacy content has been thrown out of whack due to rebalancing in a prepatch, but this is the first time we’ve been able to easily observe the change because this time it was the mobs getting stronger, rather than us being squished down.


if the goal is legacy content, there’s no need to buy expansions anyway

Calling “you shouldn’t buy a game you don’t want to play” bootlicking is wild. Go for a walk.

If you aren’t just bootlicking, then you simply are not understanding the conversation, as your arguments aren’t tracking. I’m not here to help you with that.

Pfft! :roll_eyes:

I’ll do whatever the hell I want, I don’t take orders from people like you.

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So angsty. Its like I am in a Hot Topic in the early 2000s.

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