Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

the ones obtained or created through tokens, can be obtained faster than previously.

(and most tier appearances look terrible anyway)

thats marginally better. and legion is the best transmogs so they better make them learnable

We cannot know their goals in development. We can only guess from observing the changes they make. My observation is that they make certain types of qol changes to popular content despite the fact that theyā€™d rather players choose not to do that content, because people would unsub if they didnā€™t.

I would also propose that it often seems to be the case that multiple game changes counter each other, almost as if they are being made by different teams that do not communicate with each other. Which happens to be Blizzardā€™s reputation.


if there is no conspiracy against players and their time played being taken advantage ofā€¦

why did they buff old raids HP?


YEah even nerfed its 24% it was like 270%

Iā€™m going to keep playing, but yeah, nerf legacy content

I recall in the BfA beta people were complaining about old raids being harder. They asked if they would still be able to farm old raids as before. They were told by a poster who always posts comments supporting unpopular Blizzard development decisions, someone who still posts but is not in this thread, that players would still be able to farm old raids as they always had - on their mains after they got heroic raid gear.

This is a typical monkeyā€™s paw we are seeing. They gave us warbands and made old raids much harder.


id guess that player is a warlock

sounds a lot like them

even now on beta at level 80 in max 629 gear doing nylotha, some attacks miss or get parried. this is unreal.


I encountered that in the thread I last made at DF launch. Argumentative people who are completely ignorant of basic facts and change the conversation as soon as it gets pointed out. ā€œYeah, but what aboutā€¦ā€ without ever having the self awareness to realize they are no longer on topic.


Historically this is when those bosses should be falling over, or getting one shot by an auto attack. Ridiculousā€¦

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ions wow is a different kinda beast.

i have a feeling itll just keep getting buffed until the end of time. ā€œyou just need to be level 90 and have heroic gear to solo mythic nylotha its fine!!ā€


This is the cynical angle Iā€™m subscribing to currently.

I used to have a friend who played EverQuest ā€œone expansion behindā€ and it saved him a lot of money. In theory this situation exists with WoW, and the way you disincentivize one element of this style of play is lean heavily on ā€œ70 is not an intended stopping point as of 11.0ā€ with stuff like this unfavorable legacy scaling.


id say 80% of my time spent playing wow is old content from before current


The issue I see is there has been no explicit mention of legacy scaling or bonus damage. They just say itā€™s natural with level progression, but as others have pointed out, the scaling repeatedly changes for the worse. So this could realistically be a moving target and BFA raids are finally ā€œeasyā€ to solo in 11.0, and SL will come around in 12.0 or 13.0.

I feel they have pushed too hard. I would have caved and bought TWW if BFA is finally trivial and SL is easy/doable at base level 80 (like in the past), but it seems to be some poorly defined goal now. Iā€™m not going to wait 2 years to finish up the rest of my BFA transmogs on all my poorly geared alts.


Iā€™d prefer to have proper legacy scaling from BfA like weā€™ve seen in the past, even as recent as their adjustments to Legion content, but Iā€™m not expecting it to happen.


Who asked?

Do you have a reference for this?
I know that their intention is that you are definitely meant to be able to solo things like LFR and non-Mythic raids from two expansions ago. That is something I believe that they have said. But I canā€™t find any official references to anything like a hard coded multiplier; mind you I know that max level characters do exponential damage to low level enemies, but Iā€™m looking for an actual reference to figure out what you are saying.

Because it is entirely possible from your post that you simply are just confused why our non-max level characters arenā€™t doing max level damage to non-max level enemies in legacy content. But I think that isnā€™t what you are saying. And for anything besides that, any references would be great so one had some idea of what you are talking about.

For WOD, I have collections of Rarity screenshots with DPS meters showing ~10x normal DPS when doing cataclysm raids (normal was 20-40k, 200-400k with bonus), there was never an official mention by the devs how they decided to apply bonus damage after the stat squish following SoO. The same applies to the other expacs (BFA pre-patch level 110 doing mists raids), but I have screenshots with much higher numbers (100x) once expacs became even older, like doing cata raids on level 110 characters in BFA.

Iā€™m sure someone else has some more definitive proof. You can still test this as I mentioned in the original post, just use the post-squish characters (40 for WoD, 45 for legion, etc.)