Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

this has been the same discussion for 3 expansion prepatches now

blizz: does this
we: bring it up on forums
contrarians: it’s fine get over it.

blizz should just stop doing this BS


Its what im most exciting for

I had a spicy lunch. Also I am just spicy in general. :rofl:

I added a note in the original post for this. One of the main issues here is something with the scaling shift is increasing HP and damage values in old content (BFA / SL), and the same thing happened in the DF prepatch and was never addressed / fixed. This is documented in a number of posts you can search here on the forums.

So that said, it means that buying the new expansion and hitting max level simply recovers power that was lost. You are not much stronger at level 80 than you would have been at level 70 a month ago.


This was the case with SL as well. I skipped that expansion and I found myself outdamaging level 60s who were still camping rares in places like Mechagon lol

although that could have partly been because BfA mobs were scaling to 60 at the time

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Yep I forgot about it until I went through old articles.

  1. Huge player power nerf from end of BFA to SL due to item level squish, loss of azerite powers, and player level squish

  2. Player power nerf from end of SL to DF due to scaling changes

  3. Player power nerf from end of DF to TWW due to scaling changes (again)

At no point was there a legacy modifier added, despite many popular posts complaining about this.


maybe we hopefully will get a buff in midnight after the squish… MAYBE HOPEFULLY U HEAR ME ION

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Im with you OP, except the part about not subbing or buying the expansion. but besides that, i agree 100%

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Or they will just ignore it (again) like after the BFA → SL squish. I feel bad for new WoW players that never experienced the absurd damage numbers at the end of MOP and Legion. Doing 2 million DPS…

we may yet do 5m damage at the end of WW

In 2 years we will finally be able to do BFA bosses… at the speed a level 70 in greens almost 2 years ago should have been able to.


they really should bring tom chilton back as director. he knew what he was doin!!


all they have to do is add a debuff or a buff to the whole zone of content that is even ONE expansion old and call it “legacy advantage.” There is literally ZERO reason to gatekeep any older content, even if its’ just one expansion old.


And we know that there’s an exponential damage increase when you are max level when dealing damage to significantly lower level brackets.

Relatively speaking the power level we are at currently is not max level damage. Level 70 now and level 70 a month ago are two entirely different things. Yes we are far stronger at level 80 relatively to 70 now but of course we aren’t much stronger than what we were relatively to 70 a month ago because that’s an entirely different kind of calculations that are made in those situations.

I sincerely don’t get what your actual problem is, because it genuinely just sounds like that you don’t get what a pre-patch is and somehow think a pre-patch is… the same as a non-prepatch? And that damage scaling is simultaneously different and the same within both specific level ranges and at max level from different expansions…
I asked for specific references specifically because of this, and so far you have only reinforced this by being confusing. Do you have an actual point, or do you just not get how level-ranges work?

(By the way, the two references you added literally confirms what I said originally and confirms that yes, a pre-patch is a pre-patch.)

I just spent an hour (from when you posted the comment I’m responding to) testing stuff on the beta. Safe to say, the stuff you were talking about is just… not a thing. Legacy raids are soloable even at Mythic difficulty. Even in “I just hit level 80”-esque gear.

So… just flat out, no.

I think thats a dumb reason not to buy TWW but you do you

you probably werent even farming nylotha before prepatch so you wouldnt know or feel how much less powerful we are even at 80 in comparison to before prepatch at level 70


…This is the problem, I think you just have a fundamentally different view on player power.

When they did ilvl / stat squishes in the past, they added a modifier to preserve (and generally increase) player power against content in previous expansions. The core idea is that you should continually increase in power as you progress through expansions, as is the case with any MMO.

What has been happening is players immediately decrease in power when a prepatch is dropped, and effectively regain the power by becoming max level again, which for the sake of discussion is a net-zero gain in player power, even though you have now leveled through an expansion.

Do you see the issue with this?

Yes, you can solo BFA content at mythic again, meaning you made no progress in power as a player. But can you solo mythic sepulcher with no real difficulty at level 80? Because it should be trivially easy as was the case with cata raids in WOD, mists raids in legion, etc. due to the legacy modifier they specifically added to preserve / increase player power in legacy content. This was to offset the loss in power due to scaling.

If you follow this logic, we will never be able to solo SL or DF raids, because the “max level” power will continually shift and remain at the same level.


That technology was lost when they squished BFA to SL.

+11 jsut worked. No longer.

they really jsut need to clump BFA, SL to however WoD And prior scales.

But they won’t. Whatever makes up one shot all of ulduar…slapped on to BFA later legacy raids.

If they want to limit gold farming angles, classic has that answer.

We can’t pull massively in legacy content. once a timer goes off…you get 2 choices.

Alf-f4 out or enjoy the stunlock show. Maybe paladin with retribution aura would grind them down in time? I don’t know. I just pull my 3 to 5 mobs and slow grind this out.

We still get paid. But its taking much longer.

I honestly struggled at first w/M Kilajeden at first. I found the trick was to get him to 70ish percent to trigger first intermission phase which has much better spacing between knockback orbs. Then when he lands, you dump all cds before he can cast the veil spell that makes everything dark. I’ve been able to solo him 100% of the time since making this strat change.

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Yep, and they already set a precedent by doing this in WOD, legion, and BFA. It was just a simple damage multiplier which kicked in (I believe) at +11 levels or whatever the threshold was for 2 expansions ahead.

At times it may have been even lower. I have screencaps of players in TBC dungeons (through dungeon finder) doing absurd damage due to this buff, and they were still able to queue for them through the dungeon finder.

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