Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

they do add a buff apparently according to ion, after a squish to preserve the power in old content.

Well they said a squish was in midnight and they add the buff during a squish to make up for the squish. So Id expect legions to go to 100X BFA to be 100x SL to be 100x and DF to be 10x

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SL will never be 100x

in our dreams maybe

I guess weā€™ll see what happens. I donā€™t have much hope for it myself especially with Shadowlands content anytime soon.

the last squish they did left legion undoable for a good portion of SL


Iā€™m still really annoyed about Eonar. The amount of times Iā€™ve attempted to solo is kind of sad. Angelic Feather and my PWS speed buff is just not enough.


my paladin will never get his bracers

This is essentially how I felt at DF launch, I have barely played since then because I assumed the TWW prepatch would finally fix this. Seems like it was intentional all along, maybe they did some analysis and found out a ton of players just log in to farm old content. Their success metric was hours played last time I checked, so it feels like they are purposely inflating the amount of time players need to spend.


They donā€™t want players to do old content. They will continue to make it as unpleasant as possible as an incentive to switch to current end game content and stop trying to do old content. Ion told us itā€™s not fun to zerg old content.


mog farming is the most lucrative aspect of wow so squeeze every inch of time out of us


yeah ever since he became director the flow of the game has gotten worse in many aspects he deems unacceptable

he doesnt even mog


from my experience soloing eonar on mythic, you only need to go in the ship once. dot up the guy inside the ship as you run to the back crystals, after you channel the second one use the glide inside the ship to get to the front and channel those, then glide to in front of eonar after you leave the ship and kill things until you trigger the ability, then just glide to wherever the next portal is and kill stuff. Iā€™ve cleared it on pally, monk, priest, and druid

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It wasnt bad before the azerite armor nerfsā€¦ Bind a interact key helps. just spam it and run. Also if you sitll have trouble a full set of longstrider is still 24% movement speed

didnt they nerf longstider

My pet theory is some executive thought themselves a genius by quadrupling the amount of time required to run old content, therefore quadrupling their KPI (which is still time played apparently). I have no hope this will be fixed.


Ion was a lifetime raid logger when he still played. He didnā€™t play alts. He didnā€™t do transmog. He didnā€™t do professions. Now look at the game and see how Ionā€™s preferences were grafted onto the game we play.


yeah he abandoned his gurgthock and plays a pally now if he is still GM of elitist jerks

and yep the character aint mogged either


if that was the goal, it wouldnā€™t have made sense to make the changes to transmog collection.

at least invent a conspiracy which sounds like it could be true.

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I followed this guide when I did it earlier on a few characters and it worked (need to add the periods to link)

https:// www youtube com/watch?v=acUge6Yg4jk

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tier sets still cant be collected though

which are almost always the core aspects of a transmog. shoulders, chest, legs, gloves helmet

tier tokens are warbound, itā€™s just legion and classic that have class-specific weirdness with who you run on.

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