Non-existent drop rate for evoker legendary

4 Normal and 10 heroic kills with 3-5 Evokers each week and none of my Guildies has seen it yet. Those were just the weeks I was there and they may have tried LFR and more Normals but still with that many Evokers you would figure 1 would see it drop.

So I’m going to ask this again. In all of Canada, the United States and South America… you honestly believe that the announcements are fake? Across two entire continents?

thought drop rate would be like 1/67 (1.5% on heroic.)

Legendaries are called legendaries for a reason. -Minus Legion-

Some people can go for a decade without seeing the one they want. Ask Demon Hunters.

You only need to kill him on heroic, not all 3, they told us that.

Let’s, say, for instance, LFR has .1% chance, Normal has .2% chance, Heroic has .3% chance, and Mythic has .4% chance. (fake numbers ofc)

If the only run you do each week is heroic, it uses up your heroic luck (.3%) as well as the two below it, giving you a .6% chance that run. However, if you do LFR, then Normal, then Heroic, you had a .1%, then .2%, then .3% chance to loot it. Which gives the same .6% overall chance, but over more runs.

But Wrath and Cata saw legendaries that were guaranteed quest items that were storylines and gathering to craft them. Those were good legendaries. That’s what this should have been.

The problem becomes when they balance the class damage around them. Like they did with hunters in Shadowlands and now Evokers.

Legendaries should be a bonus that push those that have it above everyone else. That’s the point of having a legendary.

They shouldn’t balance the class around having it, because that screws over everyone not lucky enough to get it.


but since no one can verify the code. What if by killing heroic, it removed your chance to get it on normal and lfr without giving you bonus chances?

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yes i do. i do not think what is being shown in game is accurate at all

They literally told us that it’s how it works.

Then you need to broaden your scope of how many players there are across two entire continents.

they did not show us the code. And you have to believe Blizzard coded correctly.

Week 1 of them telling us this, there were reports of people getting it on lower difficulties after doing it on a higher one.

And pretty much no reports week 2.

no, i don’t think i do.

Yeah, you really do. And you need to understand that the BLP is only for Heroic and Mythic. Maybe read the article that I linked for you.

Also for your information:


you’re funny. i read the article and don’t believe it. I still think what i am seeing is something inaccurate

Alright then.

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Last tier look at the damage between someone with the Rasz Bow and someone who didn’t have the Bow, it was night and day. Then look at what happened when they nerfed the Bow they had to give a huge buff just to compensate for the loss.

I’d recomment that you quit the game, if you can’t handle anything RNG related, We´re at the mercy of Devs. They can say X while the spagheti code is doing Y and We don’t have good ways to prove it.

Sometimes its obvious that there’s a massive issue like the love rocket drop rate for years, howerver; We don’t see a massive amount of post about this weapon anymore, We actually see a lot of data proving that recently fixes worked and unfortunately you’re doing somethings wrong by farming it in different difficulties when you only need to do heroic and probably you only have bad luck

I’ve talked to many people in game, and none have seen the drop. I have not seen, or heard anything from anyone to confirm what the posts say. I do not think the blp is real, and that’s my opinion.

The fact is the moment the next patch comes out and it gets a nerf the drop rates going to sky rocket, no diff with the Raz bow.

Blizzard will always tell you it’s A when in reality it’s -5…