Non-existent drop rate for evoker legendary

I have been killing sarkareth on LFR, Normal, and Heroic difficulties for a few weeks now, and still no drop for the quest. I keep seeing the message about people completing it. That emote message is a slap in the face directly from blizzard. There is something very very wrong with this drop. It’s infuriating. Blizz needs to fix this asap!


So, here’s a bit of how it works.

  1. Its a legendary - NEVER guaranteed. People to this day havent gotten thunderfury because 2nd binding wont drop, so yeah. It tends to happen with legendaries.
  2. The most recent patch has added a bad luck protection - killing heroic or mythic sark weekly permanently increases the % of it to drop. Heroic sark kills prior to the recent patch do NOT count towards drop rate boost.
  3. Killing sark on heroic makes it so normal and LFR no longer drops it, but gives the LFR+normal+heroic chances all in 1 instead. Meaning…just do heroic sark if you cant do mythic. Do not go to normal or lfr after. That being said, LFR is a VERY low chance. Do not expect it on lfr.

TD:LR Kill heroic sark every week and you WILL get it one day for sure, every kill raises the drop rate permanently by an unknown amount.


even with the bad luck protection, it’s still not dropping from heroic. IMO there is something wrong with the drop itself


First time farming for a rare leggo from the last boss of the raid? At least you get bad luck protection!

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No there isn’t. The bad luck protection has only been in the game, what…3 weeks max? You will get it. Just keep killing it. Be thankful you can at least get it and its not a cursed old legendary that never drops and no way to guarantee them.


1/51 within 3 weeks, maybe 1/70 if counting start of tier. (just counting heroic sark kills.)

As for other people having it … 2/160? thinking of all evokers I’ve grouped with. Some might not be eligible for loot, but just assuming they are.

the emote message that pops up when one is completed is far too often to be real. with how low the drop rate is, there is no way there is that many people actually completing this thing. I have killed it every week since the bad luck protection was put into place, and i think that’s just a lie. there is no bad luck protection.

it’s for the entire region, so like 40k evokers.

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For every single message you see with it, theres hundreds and thousands of evokers who didnt get it that week still.

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the message pops up 10+ times a day, there is no way that many people are completing it like that. no possible way.

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They were guaranteed in Wrath and Cata. That’s how this should have been: start the questline, spend months farming to get what’s needed to craft it.


im talking about the non-quest ones. illidan warglaives, sylvannas bow, etc.

But this is a quest one. Not as in-depth, but still a quest one that has story to it and then needs crafted. I just feel that’s how legendaries should be, not a mix of RNG and quest/craft.

Started reading this and immediately thought about that “first time?” Meme. :joy:


Not fully. The first part of it is an RNG gem, which prior to update, had no bad luck protection. It dropped like any other legendary I mentioned that was always a chance. Yes there is a quest after that guarantees it, but thats after you beat the rng.

There are a lot of evokers.

but it does exist - (cause I have it on an alt.)

Also, making a guild called Liquid on that server might’ve something to do with it. About, 17 kills total then.

I literally just said that. LOL

So again…

i do not think the bad luck protection exists, thats just a rumor, and not factual

3 tries post BLP world for me.