#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

LOL these people are hilarious. Not a snowball’s chance in Hell that Classic+ would make more profits than a re-release of TBC/Wrath. The Classic+ crowd are just the wpvp nolifers and tryhards who scream “FLYINGKILLEDWPVP REEEEEEEEEEEE”

If they don’t want flying that’s fine they can remain on Classic while the rest of us move on to TBC/Wrath at our discretion. If they don’t like the fact that Classic isn’t as heavily populated then they can quit or go back to retail.

I despise the very concept of Classic+ and everything it represents. You can’t complain about the expansions moving toward retail and then at the same time be asking for retail features in Classic+. That is PURE hypocrisy at it’s finest

I want Classic to stay as vanilla as possible. But, I too am concerned of what will happen when Naxx is out and multiple guilds have it on farm. I am not particularly excited by TBC. Something I heard that I am interested in is new content for Classic. Keep it level 60, but new loot and dungeons, quests, etc.

Forgive me, but what is Classic+ supposed to be?

New content for classic that isnt the crap that TBC is.

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This is the boat I’m in about this also. Aside from the fact that VERY FEW people would even participate in it, you have the potential for Blizzard to butcher it horribly, and then you lose a ton of subs over it because they caved to the whiners instead of going with what was popular with TBC/Wrath

Everybody wants “classic, but with MY improvements”. The trouble is there are thousands of different "MY"s there. Everyone wants something different.

Say it another way: everyone wants to DESIGN the game TO FIT THEM. We all want a custom game, for free (or $15/mo, which is basically free).

Sorry, Charlie. No custom game for you! You take no candle!

“Classic” has so many changes it’s literally unbelievable and it’s exactly what’s ruining the game.

This boogyman of “no changes” is hilarious. We’re nowhere even in the same universe as a no changes version of vanilla

Prepare yourself going in…these people want a hybrid/frankenstein version of WoW that is crossed between Classic and retail…But yet they don’t want the expansions cause retail…make up your mind folks :roll_eyes:

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Yep sounds like the Wall of No people to me. Doing everything they can to keep it from coming to fruition, but now that it’s here…it’s all about sabotaging it any way they possibly can just so they can gloat afterward and say

“We told you so…you think you do, but you don’t”

GTFO of here with that weaksauce troll. The queues alone were in the 20k+ range on SEVERAL servers the first few days after launch…even on newly created realms the queues were high. That equates to FAR MORE than the 10k figure you stated. Lrn2math

There…fixed that for you :slight_smile:

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Wonder how big of a scumbag you have to be to alienate people who love classic and just want to see content.

R/gatekeeping is waiting for you.


Lol the only people I am alienating who “love Classic” are the retail folks who are so intent on changing it. The TRUE Classic audience here does NOT want Classic+ AT ALL unless it is completely separate from Classic servers. As so many others have stated above…it is a MUSEUM PIECE. Leave it the hell ALONE

What part of #NOCHANGES do you not understand here???


Ahh, the no True Scotsman fallacy.

Only a TRUE classic player wants no changes!

Sounds like you need a bit of education my friend. College would be a good place to start.


Yeah Shocktastic, I think you might wanna sit this one out. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

LOL so sayeth the retail trolls who don’t even have the stones to post on their Classic avatars. You people are going to do nothing but DESTROY our beloved game a 2nd time

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People who want more content are a part of your in group, whether you like it or not.

This us vs. them mentality you have in your head is really self destructive. You should get it checked out.

Personally, I’m for #nochanges, even though I’m not exactly a huge classic fanatic.

Simply put, tens of thousands of people, or more, asked for Classic exactly as it is now. Going and changing it seems kind of like spitting on everything they worked so hard for.

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The game is already modified to cater to semi casuals… it has 1.12 itemization and class balancing, it has updated graphics and mods that were only dreamed of back in classic. Why does it need to change more? I am really feeling like this is a new age troll job - go to classic and complain you want changes to it. If you don’t enjoy classic - dont play it. Please lets not encourage Blizzard to dumb the game down more than it already has been.

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Ok so you people went from #nochanges to…#nochangesexceptwhatwewant.

Do you not see the inherent hypocrisy here??? Just how far down that rabbit hole do we go before we end up with the crap that is retail again??? Why do the Classic+ crowd want retail features?? It does against EVERYTHING that the Classic community has asked Blizzard for over the last 9+ years.

You people are the ones who need your head examined here. Not me


“Dude I love classic so much lets make classic not classic”

This is your brain on retail.