#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

Why does it need to be successful for years to come? How many years do you want to play the same game?

Changes will be required to sustain interest over years, but RPGs require power creep. That will inevitably break the Vanilla model.

I am ok with that ONLY if they do it on new realms not tied to any of the existing realms. As soon as they force anything not original on the current realms they risk losing a lot of players. Make new realms let people make new characters (or xfer but once there can never go back) and play on that realm with changes.

This is a troll right? All the QoL changes exist in the retail game. It’s there to be played right now.

Of course the population will drop but the people who fought for years and years to get this already changed version of it will absolutely riot if more changes are made.

Despite some vocal people screeching for Classic+ and other changes, the key to making Classic successful for years to come is two fold.

(1) No changes. Classic is classic.
(2) Every year, at the last week of August, launch a new round of brand new classic servers.

While not an exact comparison, Daybreak Games has been doing this for nearly 5 years at this point with EverQuest. They first debuted the “time locked progression servers” in 2011, and have been doing it pretty much annually since 2015. Every year it attracts a fresh crowd of people who want to start on a “new/clean” server as well as those looking to be crowned “server firsts” for that year.

Not only is it lucrative, but it’s sustainable. As per usual, you simply condense down any low pop servers each year as well to keep populations healthy.

In my opinion, you just do this ad infinitum with Classic only. But as I mention in the Classic+/TBC/WOTLK threads, go ahead and argue for them as well. Just as long as I get to stay on a Classic-only server and don’t get pulled forward into custom/new content or expansions.

I would have no interest in the yearly server launches. I’d just stay on my current Classic server for years to come. But, yearly fresh servers are a proven way to sustain Classic without bringing in new/additional content that is not at all Classic.

Definitely disagree, but I think me, you, and blizzard have very different definitions for “kill the game”. Here’s the thing, classic wow is a niche game. But that niche is large enough for it to be very profitable for blizzard. As big as retail? Not even remotely. And that’s fine, we want an authentic experience, if you start adding changes, especially things like class balancing, you will lose the private server community.

As far as more content, the private server community has been playing on fresh servers for a long time. We absolutely love it when a server comes to a close, so we can do it all over again on a fresh server. Again not something everyone is going to do, but the niche audience for classic loves it.

Personally I don’t want any changes for classic. But in 2 years when naxx has had it’s time, I want classic TBC servers that we can xfer or copy our characters to. And I also want to see fresh servers going up at the same time. That way players can decide what they want to do. Stay on the server with your 60, xfer to a TBC server, or start fresh. Let the community decide what they want to do. Some people argue this will split the community, but that’s fine, it only takes 5-10k people to have a very healthy server community.


We are already aware that no changes is not really a thing. There have been a lot of changes to the original version, and ultimately there is nothing they can do. They are practically running on scratch. They said if popular enough they will add more content to the game. Who knows what that will be.

I love how you’re talking as if Classic+ is an actual thing . . . did Blizz say something about creating this “Classic+”? The assumptions here are quite astronomical

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I love it how people REALLY wanted classic and everything original, now it’s “Wow, this really sucks. I want classic+!”

This is the reason they released it in the first damn place, this isn’t some lore start over, this was recreating classic as it was…You want to see changes to the game they have done this …ITS CALLED BFA, You can go play there.

I know I dont speak for every one But I know few people that if they change it to much we are done and they will lose our subscription.


Omg I can’t un-hear this now!

I like the cut of your jib, Honestly I think after naxx, I would love to see classic go the way of OSRS where they kept character play the same, while adding new content to experience that character play with. I think adding more levels will not work out, because the current model of retail really just made all past content irrelevant and not worth playing. i think if they can take Classic and add on it not make it’s content pointless after new content releases it would make for a better play experience.

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I used to be on the #nochange bandwagon, but I wouldn’t mind small minot changes such as the graphics upgrade or maybe different class/race combinations such as human hunters and what not. A classic+ experience is good down the road.

I am totally against anything that effect overall story or classes or any major changes that effect wide groups people or entire game. They should be small changes.

No to flying mounts, LFG or other aspects that destroy community for convenience /easy if use.


If they do go this route, I would definitely like them to consider not getting bogged down in power creep. It was a rough go back in Vanilla if you were just starting out and guilds were in Naxx. You had a ways to go to catch up.

I feel like there might be room for parallel gearing strategies, allowing for content that is challenging but doesn’t require you to clear a bunch of other raids to get there.

This is all hypothetical, of course.

That’s not true, Blizzard already said they would consider Classic+. That goes against your idea of it being a time capsule.

They already said there will be change to classic either thru new content or thru releasing old expansions.

thats fine with me as long as they leave the classic server the F*** alone.

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@OP…all I had to do was SKIM your entire post and find the word Classic+ and quit reading immediately thereafter



I’ve said more than enough how much I hate the idea and would NEVER play it even if it was optional. You Classic+ fanatics don’t even have enough people to fill ONE server, let alone multiples. TBC/Wrath on the other hand is a completely different story and will make Blizzard PHAT BANK. If you were betting on a horse race, would you take the longshot or a sure thing? I know damn well what I would choose…the same goes for Blizzard


Citation needed

I generally agree with the #NoChanges gang, I mean layering alone has proven them right on a hard level.

But it’s also obvious that is no new content if added, it’s going to die off, a lot of players don’t care if the population dwindles, as long as they have their circle/enough people to fight, which doesn’t take a lot, but they’re ignoring Blizzard simply not wanting to bother keeping up with it, hell they don’t even make you buy Classic, it comes free with a sub, meaning they can even more easily shut it down as opposed to if you bought a game proper.

I know people have very, very, very little faith in Blizzard, I’m one of them, but I do think it’s possible to come together and make new content that strictly follows the design philosophies present in Classic. Things like QoL and such can be a slippery slope, but something like adding a raid or new area can be created pretty safely in a vacuum and kept accurate to Classic.

But again I understand both sides, it really comes down to a lot of people thinking “I have so little faith in Blizzard to make good new content I rather we not even risk it”

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It’s not unpopular around here lmao everyone hates the new models. Go back to retail if you want the new models. Retail is literally what Blizzard’s idea of what the post-vanilla wow world should look like, so there you go. Play that.