#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

i’m sorry you feel that people who disagree with you are “retail trolls”. Facts don’t
care about your feelings.
Classic needs new content or the majority of people will leave eventually. If you honestly think the same players will be redoing Ony or MC over and over again for years you’re delusional.

A true fan just want the game last long time and be a sucesfull even if that means have custom content, extra difficulties for raids etc

A narrow-minded idiot just want impose his willl saying No changes even if the game dies on the process. "You dont love wow you only love urself"

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Make your Classic+ suggestions for Retail WoW.

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You can just leave with your no true Scotsman trash

Yeah Shock, just because you’re stuck in your old ways doesn’t mean that everyone is a retail troll. Grow up a little bit, we all love classic and want to see it succeed. Hopefully they release unique content for classic.

Classic is already succeeding at what it was intended for.

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Your back handed insults don’t make very convincing arguments.

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It’s the RETAIL people who will leave eventually. The pserver community and the Classic community will be perfectly fine playing strictly with the content the game had and nothing more. They’ve been doing it illegally over the last 15 years…you people are just trying to sow FUD on the game’s longevity to support a poor attempt to sabotage the game

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let me make this simple.
who gets to decide what changes are in?
player a wants balance changes only.
player b wants new content.
player c wants transmog and lfd.
player d wants flying.
player e wants all the quality of life to date in retail. just in the vanilla setting.
player f wants all of the above.
player g wants vanilla to be authentic.

Yeah mate, 10k players playing private servers at their peak really proves that people don’t want new content.

That’s personal advice for him, not an argument. You have to seperate the two.

Except Pservers are a annoying to install and have no guarantee of staying up.

You don’t know what you are talking about.

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That’s just your opinion. I found it pretty easy, and the data disagrees with you. Millions of accounts on nostalrius, at the end of the day the peak was about 10,000. I suggest you do research.

Pservers have no subscription fee and the installation is very easy. What are you talking about?

NO FRIGGING CHANGES. Post your suggestions in the retail section. Oh, but you hate retail? Well too bad cuz Classic is supposed to be a museum piece. It’s not intended to save WoW or anything even remotely of that sort. If you want to ‘save’ Wow, go to the retail forums and attempt to save that garbage. People have fought long and hard to have an RECREATION of vanilla, and you have the nerve to piggyback on their hard work and come ask for changes they did not ask for. Go petition for your customized WoW version or go try saving the garbage that they are planning for the next expansion of BfA.

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Thanks for ignoring my second point which was the main point. Nost had 10,000 people and could have prob taken more if there was another server.

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Pserver community was in the thousands. Do you consider that a success? Even if you do, Blizz wants profits and will shutdown the game servers if they aren’t making any money.

Keep in mind the fact that the Nost team had nowhere NEAR the resources and hardware that Blizzard has, or they would have had more people playing…this is not at all an accurate representation of the TOTAL pserver community. How many other pservers exist??? Far more than just Nost. You are cherry picking the data to support your argument

If anything, your private server argument shows that the game is not sustainable without new content. You check mated yourself.

How did I checkmate myself? Because Private Server are often unstable and get taken down by blizzard? Or because Nost had 10k alone?

Take your smooth brain elsewhere.