No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Easy because stuff previously was shared and decided to be shared by Blizzard not due to a bunch of crybabies crying and crying until they got their way like children.

I answered it for you.

Blood Elf players, unlike High Elf stans, are not whining petulant children who flood the forums with tears until they bully Blizzard into giving them what they want to try and shut them up.

Not gonna lie, I find you more entitled than any High Elfer I’ve ever met.

The first character I ever made on this game was a Blood Elf. I later swapped them to Alliance, then back to Horde, and back to Alliance again. If I had any biases towards factions in the past, I sincerely doubt I’ve got any now. So this isn’t about faction favoritism or bias or anything of that sort.

I’ve also been quite vocal throughout my time on the forums about not wanting playable High Elves for the Alliance for many my own reasons. I still hold those opinions now, and find the Void Elves and their new customizations to be a good compromise, albeit a somewhat undercooked one. So this isn’t about wanting to be a High Elf either (especially since I really do like the Void customizations and I just alternate).

This is about explaining to people that there is still plenty of distinction and uniqueness between the Blood Elves and Void Elves. There has been no stealing of customization, only sharing between the two, and it makes perfect sense why they would share some things. They are both, quite literally, thalassian elves at their core. They are fundamentally the same race already, just with different quirks to them. As a matter of fact that’s most likely why Void Elves are an Allied Race, not a core race, They constitute more as a sub-race to Blood Elves, and by extension High Elves, than anything. In that regard it arguably makes even more sense that they would share some customizations with the core race they’re derived from. Look at some of the other Allied Races too. Highmountain Tauren. Lightforged Draenei. Mag’har Orcs. All three of these constitute more as sub-races than anything as well.

Understand that I’m not arguing against you out of favoritism or entitlement or anything. I’m arguing against you because I genuinely believe most of the things you’ve said have made little sense, and have even come across more as entitled than anything anyone else in here has said recently.

Refuse to admit what?

I have plenty of respect for how players feel, but I also have EVERY RIGHT to ask for the options I want. It doesn’t mean I’ll get them. It doesn’t mean I’m entitled to them. But I DO have the right to ask for them.

And you still haven’t answered my question:

Why was sharing ok then, but it’s no longer ok now?


Lol my comment right before yours has the same exact tone and wording, great minds think alike. :yum: :yum: :yum:


But were not getting anything and people have been ASKING all all I see in response is the Alliance getting pampered left and right and the blood elves getting spit on. It’s annoying when we ask for thing every alliance player screams NO or Horde Bias when we get one little thing.

We were asked to request what we wanted to see for customizations by Bliz.

Seems like a good time for everyone to talk about what they’d like to see.

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you got enough sharing from us already so stop acting like you don’t know void elves are the pampered ones on the alliance now.

People continued to ask for what they wanted and didn’t give up until they got something reasonably close enough to it to sate their desire. :man_shrugging:

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To me there’s a limit on asking or wanting things, like it’s okay to want or like one or two things from another race but when you want everything, that’s not okay.


We did ask your right and what happened it almost all went to the void elves as well so nothing we asked for stayed excursively Horde like it should have.

That’s a funny way to spell “threw a tantrum.”

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That’ll be humans for a thousand, Alex.

And even humans, the golden children of customization roulette, could use the ability to customize skin color separately from their face.

And also scars, tattoos, and white and black hair.

Here’s a list of things Blood Elves have asked for.


Maybe you should start bully blizzard instead of players that have nothing to do with their decisions?

Because I have a disdain for people who behave like my seven year old niece.

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This list is wonderful, sadly I bet we won’t get any of it because everything we want or could get customization wise gets stopped by Alliance and Void Elf players crying and complaining.

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Advocating for bullying?

Yikes but unsurprising from some I guess.

then that is on those who play Alliance NOT Horde to change.

We asked for things for the blood elves including our missing hairstyles since BC and it was for nothing since they were all handed to Void elves except a few hairstyles. Yes our opinions and feed back really mattered.

THIS! 1000%

Which is why a lot of people who want more for void elves would prefer it’s not from blood elves. I’d prefer something unique or at least coming from Alliance races.

Even if that would be the easiest way so there’s a nonzero risk Bliz will do it.