No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Keep doing what you do! :heart_eyes:

I’m not, and you know that :roll_eyes: I’m just saying you should direct you frustration to them instead of players.

Well, they did give the blood elf fans the blue eyes a few people really wanted and made multiple threads requesting.

And half elf ears.

Doesn’t hurt to get what you want out there. It doesn’t mean you’re going to get it. I’m not actually that optimistic about Bronzebeards and Dark Itons sharing hair… but I may as well ask!

It’s not Blizzard that’s behaving badly.

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I am never going to understand how currently anyone thinks Void Elves deserve more than they have already gotten, it’s like unreal.


And people will say things like

Is what irks me like Blood Elf players haven’t been vocal. Now it is important to me anyways to also be vocal about protecting what is left for Blood Elves, because nothing else has been done.

The requests for the jewelry have already begun, our most lackluster feature but they want that too.

This sense of if Blood Elves have it “We should also have it” should stop VE’s and BE’s should now continue to differentiate.

Void Elves got skin tones shared. Ok? Does that mean Void Elf players are not allowed to ask for anything else ever again?

If Blizzard shares some Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elves, would that mean Blood Elves could never ask for anything else either?

Asking for more hair colors isn’t stealing. The reason I ask for the Kul Tiran hair textures isn’t because I want to “steal” from them. I specifically ask for those because instead of asking Blizzard to make new hair textures from scratch, in the colors I desire, they can save a boatload of time and money by taking the Kul Tiran hair textures and proliferating those since they already use some of the same assets as the Void Elf hair textures.

Observe this comparison of the Void Elf and Kul Tiran hair textures:

Now what makes more sense? Asking Blizzard to make a new asset from scratch? Or asking for them to modify an existing asset to fulfill a request? My requests for sharing Kul Tiran hair textures and Human hairstyles stem from a simple desire to make the process as easy on Blizzard as possible.

Would I prefer entirely unique hair textures and hairstyles? Of course I would. But that takes far more time and resources than asking for some colors and styles to simply be shared between races… like they have been shared before.


I bet you were here when the Alliance refused to PVP cause some of the BG were unfair to them I remember that very well and how it became a easy alliance win every time since those changes went into effect. and now we have the same lets stomp our feet and scream and demand we the alliance get everything again.

Bad enough they had to bribe the alliance to pvp when that is a player problem.

Right? I seriously hope everyone who stays on the forums never forgets what happened.

New forums got implemented and the full rules of reporting etc. not fully defined.
High elf alliance players spamming forums with non-stop demands of high elves on the alliance, when people disagree they teamed up and mass reported anyone who disagreed to get them completely silenced / temporarily silenced on the forums.

They literally had a discord where they called out threads and names of users who should be targeted for mass reports…

I made multiple threads that literally had nothing to do with high elfs on the alliance, like future eye customization options for all races where I was harassed and bullied by MULTIPLE high elf alliance fans, where one of them in particular after over 3 hours of me saying “This has nothing to do with high elves” finally realized it didn’t and apologized…out of the many. It still got mass reported. The thread was mass reported and un-flagged over 8 times before Blizzard finally deleted it due to the non-stop mass reporting…

All those people who supported high elves for the alliance and acted like that in my opinion should be permanently banned from not only the forums but WoW as well…

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My void elf may not “deserve” things as much as, say, my pandaren. But on a thread about void elves, I’ll be on about void elf customizations more.

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Behaving badly?Asking options we want is behave badly for you? Ok then.

Told you earlier I’m not the only one that looks down on you and people like you.

Cool, people like me will always be here to fight it so I guess that’s where it’s at.

Throwing tantrums.

And this is your where I think you’re making a mistake.

Every post you make trying to “protect” something that needs no protection, is a post not made requesting the options you want to see added. If Blizzard is going to share something, they are going to share something. There’s nothing you or I can do about that.

Splitting your feedback between “give us this” and “don’t give them that” instead of just focusing all your energy and feedback “give us this” you’re not as likely to get what you want.

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Well, not all of us were here for all that.

And frankly, my interest in high elves is based on lore instead of DRAMA ON THE HIGH INTERNET.

I’m pretty sure I’m not “disgusting” over my interest in perhaps someday playing a pretendy fun internet elf who looks the part. But I’m sorry you had a rough time.

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It’s the duty of Blood Elf fans who want to preserve what remains of their already deteriorating identity to stand up and say no whenever people request to get everything from Blood Elves. Especially since we’ve never gotten anything in return.


Being annoying and spamming up the forums isn’t going to get you what you want either just make more people dislike you, if this thread doesn’t convince you of that I don’t know what would convince you.


And I love that list and support it. As someone who plays on both sides, many of those things are options I want for my Blood Elf characters. The thing is, that list needs to be posted everywhere and anywhere. The topic of it needs to be kept front and center at all times.

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and here you don’t even see your own flaw it’s all about YOU nothing else matters my wants my needs come first. If I was to post Void elves need to be removed and dwarfs need no customizations and got enough people to agree blizzard would still ignore it. I want the Alliance to stop demanding Horde customization be handed over to them like I see every day.

That’s how you get reported for spamming.

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