No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

They’re all showing off their best social skills to convince people to do content with them, lol.


Defeat the following bosses on NORMAL difficulty or higher…

The 3 raid achievements were always normal or higher, people need to look at more than just the meta achievement.

Yeah because telling people to go get the mount from normal if they want it instead of crying on the forums is so bad.

Just imagine the tears if it required heroic.

I wouldn’t want to play with anyone who’s crying about this mount being in normal anyways.

Like do you think before you post something?

Yes, I do. I think about all the posts from people telling others to just do normal+. Not sure what you are thinking about Toxic Doxie.

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If you want the mount go do normal.

Or don’t. I don’t care.

Dudes on like his 35th reply to show how much he doesn’t care. Lol


I don’t care if people choose to do normal or not as it doesn’t affect me.

Sorry that went over your head.

I don’t want the mount. I’m here just for the conversation.

Ohhhh, post #36 to further illustrate how much you don’t care. :joy::joy:

That’s fine. I support your choice.

Ok Morton.

Ok Snozy. #37.

To be honest the raids from the last 2 expansions haven’t been the best Blizz has had to offer.

Now that I have the slime cat, it should be on LFR. Why? The mount is too garbage looking to be obtainable from anywhere else lmaooooo

You’re trying to use “shady business tactics” which everyone opposes to advance a much milder point of view that you have because there’s nothing shady about the rewards structure being changed in a video game to increase player participation in Normal raids. Not only is it not shady, it’s a good move after the fact and the emphasis on Normal raids as opposed to autoqueue content is a good thing.

It’s absolutely not a fallacy because the principle still holds. The poster I was responding to wanted the rewards of their choice from the content they wanted to do and I was pointing out how that’s a horrible idea in a gear-based MMO.

Fantastic, now do it in the core activities of the game for 17 years, non-autoqueue instanced content. And if you don’t want to do it, fine. But that doesn’t mean Blizzard doesn’t have every good reason imaginable to encourage people to do so .

This isn’t about you personally. I’m pointing out that encouraging people to leave LFR and do Normals is good for the game and gating slimecat behind Normals is a really smart move.

You’re not making any sense. SotFO has less raid participation because of the rewards structure incentivising Vault-M+ spam (which I also think is a mistake but that’s a separate topic).

Even if what you say were true, who would or should oppose that? Encouraging more and more people to participate in Normals and leave autoqueue content is a good thing.

By your logic, it’ll be faster to get to 70 in the expac post DF so we should just buff DF levelling.

If a speedrunner could do it without the buff in 5 hours and 37 mins in 2020, why should this of all things be a point to kvetch about? So it’ll take you 15hours to get from 1 to 60? 20? How is that terrible by any stretch of the imagination?

And levelling to 60 a few hours slower than when the WoW buff was up will?

It’s 2022. These days, no apology or admission of a mistake being made has been honoured, no issue put to rest. In many cases, apologies hurt the person or org making them much more than they provide any relief. Instead, apologies are instantly followed up with “these are just empty words, you need to do something to prove you are sorry”. The demand for apologies is not made in good faith, all people want is a wedge to force the apologiser to give them what they want.


I did it the last 2 weeks and yeah it had its fair share of AFKers and people dying.

Answer the question - if you were running a raid, would you take a stranger who didn’t have dual 291 legendaries and chanted gear (when mats and chants are dirt cheap these days) over another stranger who did?

And why not run your own raid and invite whoever you want to it? You’ve done LFR, Normal is hardly any different

run your own +2s and get blasted through by people looking for valour farm?

I was 180 in April. I got to 285 pugging all the damn way with 450ms (barring a heroic raid a week with my guild), you can do it too. Why haven’t you got your dual 291s? Why haven’t you chanted your gear?

Blizzard has every incentive imaginable to incentivise grouping and discourage autoqueue-only play.

Tovi isn’t confused, he just doesn’t want to concede the point, would rather continue to use the “scummy business practice” strawman to push his agenda.

There’s nothing to talk about because Blizzard changed something from PTR to live, which it has done before and will do in the future.

Normal is hardly progression raiding. If you used to be good, as you say, you can easily run your own Normal pug.

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Slime cat should be in LFR or at the very least put in to the game obtainable trough other means grind 150 000 toe nails at 1 drop every 5 kills if you want

But instead their playing on the FoMO = fear of missing out disorder that causes anxiety and isolation could lead to depression

They did it so those who unsubbed for a few months untill the next expansion come back and raid for it

But in reality if your a casual player that’s never raided and do current content in the next expansion when you can solo it your performance isn’t going to be great neither is your gear

You sighn up and get declined

If Ur not a top dps class you get declined

If your on a low pop server the raids options are much lower

Putting timed events in to the game under a fear of missing out is horrible and bad act in order to try funnel players back in

What about those who can’t raid due to accessibility or time restraints because of children or work ?

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Go ahead and remove LFR, just remember

More specifically this quote “The existence of LFR justifies the creation of more raid content for casual and hardcore players alike.”

So if they do, don’t cry when raid quality returns to that of Dragon Soul.

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I did it in raid for many years. But they aren’t the core activities. WoW initially was mostly open world. Raids weren’t a big part of it for a while. And even when it became that way, still most of the population did not do them. It’s why they had to re-release Naxx.

No you aren’t. I mean you might think that’s what you are doing, but it’s not what you are accomplishing here.

People aren’t gonna follow you into raid. And your’s and others on here are just mostly showing off bad attitude. Which is not really helpful to get people to raid.

Sepulcher didn’t have a lot of participation because people just didn’t like the raid. But they are still trying to get those raid numbers up. Putting in a community voted mount was an idea, but we’ll see how it pans out for them.

If something keeps failing, it’s futile.

No that’s not by my logic. Because DF is already buffed. They can just buff Shadowlands until pre-patch.

Speedrunners are not the general population. They use all kinds of tricks the regular players do not use.

No, but it will give some good will for players to level the rest of their alts before pre-patch.

And like I said, some of those alts might find their way into raid.


100% agreed OP.

The way Blizzard handled the Slime Cat is atrocious. The way they disrespected LFR players and their time is unacceptable.

I won’t be getting the slime cat. Sure, I could raid normal, several of my friends have done it, and I’ve even had a friend invite me to their raids so I can get it. I’ve refused. Because I will not give Blizzard a metric for fated raids after what they pulled.

Sure, at the end of the day I’m the only one that misses out. Blizzard isn’t going to notice one person not doing fated raids, and I’ll miss out on the mount, but it’s the principle of the thing.