No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

This is because multiple achievements, which you can get in LFR, use “Any Difficulty” these are the wings of the raid and killing all the bosses. So killing all CN bosses gives you the achievements for all 3 wings and the Castle Nathria achievement.

grats lokaa

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any means any, i am a wordsmith, trust me

Oh wow, that’s awesome. I hope you get there soon!

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That’s your solution, I don’t want to quit my current guild for a temp guild just for a season, for some players a guild means something and besides that i already have my pool of friends for N/H, for me this whole issue it’s not about LFR or not, it’s about the poor communication from Devs.

poor communication has led to may ills, facts

I’m not being rude to anyone. If someone is getting upset because of an entitled brat comment then they should probably look at their actions.

I don’t even have the slimecat mount because I honestly don’t care. I’m not the one throwing a tantrum because I’m not getting it.

It’s not poor communication. People made incorrect assumptions and got mad once it was clarified.

Thank God your whims, and wants are the end of the line for the other 8 billion people in the world. Very convenient for you. Lol

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lmao people are still making threads about this

Adding anything to the live servers for months and then changing it before it can be achieved, it’s bad communication, I’d say that even providing that data to wowhead and other pages its bad communication.

Even the Dev that responded several question and concerns about S4 didn’t mention anything about this reward, it was until a player asked later on the same thread and the Community manager replied with clarification, Normal was the original intend but if you’ve players asking for LFR 5 days before launch based on the data provided by in game achievement added months before and official sources, then you´ve a problem with communication.


Which has always been one of Blizzard’s biggest problems. This never would have been an issue if they had clearly communicated their intentions from the start.


Exactly, just like any achievement for a glory mentions normal or higher, it was just a typo mistake that didn’t align with their desing intention but they took a lot of time to fix and didn’t provide any sort of comment besides the CM response “now it’s normal”…and this happens all the time with minimum response from Devs.

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Either way I’m not the one throwing a tantrum because I didn’t get what I wanted or demanding the devs cater to me.

It honestly sounds like they didn’t have any idea it was that way till peppermint made the thread.

Even then it’s still on ptr and subject to change.

Which show a lack of awareness from Community managers, I did a post in mid July about LFR and the reward being from there based on wowhead post that you already posted here before, if you go to the comments:

you’ll find comments talking about LFR as an option since it was posted on wowhead, that shows that community managers and Devs don´t pay attention to forums, wowhead comments…etc, we didn’t need Peppermint on the last minute to ask for something for months on PTR and then months on live server.

Then it was for more that 1 month on live server too.

If you’ve players asking for LFR on your tweet about concerns and doubts for S4 days before your actual post on the forums, maybe there’s a communication problem, those are facts.

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How are community managers going to know about ptr development?

Doesn’t change anything.

Still don’t care.

Nah, you’re just the guy going out of his way to adamantly oppose people who apparently care about something getting it, when you’ve said you don’t care about it. That’s much better. O.o


I agree, but it should be a different look for all levels of the raid. Lfr, normal, heroic, and mythic should have their own individual appearance.

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