No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

LFR players already don’t respect their own time if they think wiping on LFR Anduin is a good use of their time.

What LFR players choose to do with their time is their business. I’m not judging them. I’m judging Blizzard for their treatment of them.


Indeed, it’s their business, so they can just opt to not get the mount at all. I really don’t see how Blizzard is “disrespecting their time” as if they had any entitlement to getting it for almost no effort in the first place.

You have to admit that it is interesting that they added the new Boost/Carry Channel while this is going one .

Players: I tried to do the fated raids during their initial weeks but was unable to get them all because of my schedule.

Blizz: No worries we have a solution for you .

Players : Really what ?

Blizz: Buy one of our tokens , they’re only $20 and once you get the gold check out our new Trade Services (Boost/Carry ) channel for a group to take you along

I agree with you there .

I’ve done normals on my vulpera hunter and even got aotc Sylvans and up to heroic Anduin with it but to be honest redoing the raids this expansion for a mount that should of not been a fomo but a thank you from Blizz for people willing to stay subbed for an end of season in a bad expansion .


It wasn’t changed from PTR to live, it was changed from live to live via hotfix…

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I don’t think lfr is disrespecting my time and I am aotc Sanctum and 8/11 heroic SotFO

Oh and I can post the toon I have those on if you want to check this toons armory and decide to call bs

This is such a bad argument, and you know it. It’s literally done to clean up actual trade chat which would otherwise be used for the same purpose. This new channel only makes it harder for boosters to sell their services as most people will just leave that cesspool of spam instantly.

nonsense. It was changed before fated raids dropped.

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So, first of all, that was from August 2012.

And, second, to clarify, what Ion said elsewhere at the time was that the large number of people doing Dragon Soul (due to LFR) inspired them to creative a titantic 16-boss raid tier to open up Mists of Pandaria.

Mists of Pandaria came out a month after that article was published. It was all part of the 16-boss MoP opening tier promotion.

If removing LFR means they’ll never do a 16-boss raid tier again? GOOD

But it’s irrelevant because they don’t do them anymore.

To paraphrase Loremaster Cho: “I don’t see any 16-boss raid tiers today. Do you?”

Clean it up ?

Carry /Boost adds are probably the only true forms of trade in Trade Chat .
Actual trading in trade chat has pretty much been frowned on by players since Cata when Trade became a more toxic version of Barrens chat.

The only trading most will allow in there is the trading of insults . Other thing they will allow is Thunderfury spam and spamming of a 4 letter A word followed by some kind of achievement.

People complained because trade chat was actually used by people for what it was meant for.

This best sums up what Trade Chat without carry/boost posts really is .


Premade groups can deny you entry to content for whatever reason (or even no reason at all), and remove you from the group at any time for whatever reason (or even no reason at all).

LFR is multi-player.

Elitist players are using the “but it’s an MMO!” excuse as a knee-jerk reaction without realizing what they are saying.

To go from queues to premades is a huge hurdle that potentially discourages millions of players from experiencing content. Blizzard needs to stop dying on this “only reward premades” hill. Shadowlands has already devastated sub counts enough.


Specifically, the introduction of Enchanting Vellum killed trade chat. Prior to that, people still used it to look for enchanters.

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But not from the ptr to the live servers .

It was already in the live server when 9.2.5 dropped and wasn’t changed on the live servers until hours before 9.2.7 went live.


True but the time between when the change happens on live servers and the time for fate raids to be available, matters for some players and that won’t change, Devs did wrong by not doing a specific text like any other glory achievement “normal or higher” it was that simple to add since PTR… And this could happened again because Devs keep doing the same mistakes every patch…

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Ok I will give you that but for the most part since Cata trade has been a more toxic version of Barrens chat .

That’s why most avoid it and the only ones really complaining are those that are having their trade trolling interrupted by people advertising carries and such .

It was hotfixed on 2022-08-02, pushed to 9.2.7 PTR on 2022-08-05 and 9.2.7 went live on 2022-08-16. I wouldn’t call that “hours before 9.2.7 went live”.

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Weidmann was talking about S4 launch not 9.2.7, remember that Fated raids were available on 2022-08-02, but the achievement and the whole content for S4 was introduced on patch 9.2.5 to the live servers including all the achievements with their previous descriptions.


Yes, He commited a mistake mentioning 9.2.7 instead of S4, that’s what i mean by “Weidmann was talking about S4 launch not 9.2.7”

It was not changed on the live servers until the day before .

On live until the 15th the individual raid cheevos said any difficulty .