No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

I already said why I think the cat should be in RF. I said it along time ago.

Your why makes no sense. Nobody is asking for everything to be in RF.


Oh your funny people are going to pick the highest ilvl people they can to get through it as fast as possible . Any one under a certain ilvl is either going to skip it or buy a carry so that Blizz can justify its new boosting channel.

Irony is they already had an approved channel for selling carries via gold . It was called Trade Chat. I guess advertising carries got in the way of the real trading of trade chat (insults).


Or we could take out LFR.

Yawn yawn yawn.

Whatever you say. You just prove over and over why the CC is a joke.

These are not the same ideas. That you think it should be in RF, is not the same idea as the OP’s statment that there is no reason it shouldn’t be. I acknowledge you think it should be because Blizzard messed up the text or lied on their achievement. That is not the same as falsifying the OP’s statement that there is “no reason” by demonstrating item hierarchies are integral to the game have been a thing since launch. As I said, you have misunderstood and misinterpreted that as my dishonesty.

Which is why I moved the idea to just mounts…

and yet you keep going back to that anyway. If not for dishonest reasons, why?

They may as well not have. This is pretty much another 6.2 WoD raid or die season and to be honest WoD had better raids.

They pretty much this season told people that don’t do normal and higher raids to bugger off.

LfR could of been given a battle pet and open world could of been given cypher upgrades to increase wq ilvl for the season .

I did normals and heroics this expansion on Ronalio my vulpera hunter including SoD AotC and to be honest the raids even for the cat aren’t worth doing over again beyond LfR . Give me a fated HFC or Blackrock Foundry, maybe a Fated Fire Lands or Fated Shrine of Sargeras. Oh heck even better then all of those give me a fated Throne of Thunder . Honestly all of those are better then the raids this expansion .

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Is that why everyone (including raiders) is gearing up with Mythic+?

This is M+ or die. Same as most of Shadowlands.

Because its absolutely horrible trying to gear through raiding. For example SotFO’s last night 11 bosses killed only 2 pieces of gear dropped for me both I didn’t need.

M+ is infinitely more efficient to gear to do raiding.

The only solution would be to have a piece of gear drop for every player 100% of the time for gearing via raiding to be feasible. Otherwise most raiding guilds will just gear through M+ then prog the raid on their raid nights.


But Blizzard can’t do anything for raiders, because the raider-haters are still reading from their 10-year-old script about how the game is “raid or die” when that hasn’t been the case in years.

Dude, first you implied that people just want to log on and get free stuff. Then you implied that people want every thing from RF. Then I pointed out that you were being dishonest because nobody in this thread said that then your “clarification” was “There is no difference between one reward and another” which is wrong.

Blizzard didn’t tell us 3, almost 4 months ago now, that mythic level gear will drop in “all difficulties.” They only said the cat and I’m only talking about the cat. I’m not going to sit here with you and have a debate about something that didn’t even happen.

And it wasn’t just the wording of the achievement that I gave for a reason. It’s related but there’s more to it. I said it along time ago and I’m getting to the point where I’m really getting sick of repeating myself.


Extension of the leveling buff would have been a nice bone to throw us.


i’ve been around a while you know. I have never seen any lfr boss beaten with 5 people alive and everyone else having “auto attack” as their best damage figure. Just never, ever. In all those years.

So, how much damage do you claim my flying mount does?


True .

Like I’ve said I’ve done the raids this expansion on normal and some heroic but to be honest none of these raids are worth doing over again on normal or higher for a mount that most will never ever use since it doesn’t fly.

Now if it was 3 fated good raids say for fated season they give us some old school TW raids like say Fated Black Temple , Fated ICC and Fated Throne of Thunder with gear ilvls concurrent to what the current expansions raid ilvls would be oh yeah I’m in

Heck throw in BrF and HFC from WoD or Terrace and ToS from Legion yup you have peaked my intrest. SL raids naw I’m good.

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Early on in Hellfire Citadel there was a DK who solo’d the 2nd boss because it had no enrage timer. The entire rest of the team was dead but he decided to just press on, had people complaining about it since the kill took so long. I believe Blizzard added an enrage timer to the boss in response.

I already got my slime cat but since my core isn’t raiding for S4, I had to do it via PuG and as expected, I got comments for being a Ragnaros player :slight_smile: I love the PuG scene on this game.

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The irony whe. You keep claiming Blizzard advertised the mount came from LFR.

The issue is that you need to kill ALL bosses in the fated raids, the raids are on rotation and it is a shorter season that normal.

If all the fated raids were available all the time there would be less of an issue.

As soon as pre-patch kicks in, it will take half as much xp to level.

The prepatch isn’t until… October? I think? And his point is they are leaving out the casual or whatever you want to call that group of people in season 4.

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But how would Ion explain how “popular” his Recycled Reruns Season is, if people were doing other things instead? :smirk:

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Maybe Blizzard didn’t say anything about it being LFR, but the achievement mentioned “Any difficulty” and the achievement was in game for weeks with that description, that´s why i created this thread on July 17

because a lot of player tough it was available from LFR + as a participation reward, similar to the Deathwing mount from the LFR anniversary event. As mentioned by Maizou and others, the text of the achievement was changed days before the S4 launch.

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