No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

I believe the official count was 14 hours before Fated was released.

They mentioned in a thread by Peppermint (IIRC) that the mount was only normal or higher 5 days before.


Exactly 5 days before the S4, the Dev that asked only on twitter for questions regarding how the S4 works posted a thread with doubts and then Pepermint asked for the mount and it was clarified only 5 days before the launch.

However, since mid July, I was asking for it to be a permanent reward instead of a temporal one since I tought it will only required LFR and I still hope it’s included to the BMAH , because the removed content just impact the new mount achievements.

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Yes and it’s been established that was an error. Please stop beating the dead horse.

Blizzard never advertised the mount being awarded from LFR. It’s not going to be from LFR.

Deathwing is an anniversary mount. Slimecat is a seasonal reward mount. LFR has never awarded a seasonal mount before. It was wrong for anyone to assume it would award the slimecat.

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Different cases then. It has many to me many of the times when i tried to raid lfr for OWS on my DK. Most people would die in p3 from arrow,falling off map etc and I’d end up with 5 people who have brains killing the boss. Or when I tried farm for gavel until I got lucky with M+ dungeon chest and got it People just outright die from the slam/domination or jumping into the hole for no reason when they dont have the bomb

Many people for the 3 times I did Jailer just instantly attacked the boss then ran into the holes in the floor and just outright died.
But after these bad times Im never tanking or wasting my time on lfr When people just waste to be afk, But at the same time If a person is trying their best to learn mechanics and try and do the fight then its fine since you gotta start some where. What I’m not fine with are the same people who do the same thing over and over and you need to kick them and waste more time

At least LFR players got an answer.

Blizzard STILL won’t tell anyone what this is for.

I hope people don’t stop talking from this, because it’s a matter of principle and philosophy, it’s their problem for first providing all these data to wowhead before implementation and also for adding the achievement in game with a wrong text, It impacted a lot of players not only the LFR players.

It’s not a seasonal reward, its an experiment participation reward, the rewards for this season comes from M+ KSM and Vicious/Gladiatior, its just an incentive cosmetic for the experimentation process. It will be seasonal if the next seasons we’ve the raid also in this kind of raid + system.

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I really don’t get their overall plan for this season.

I would think the raiders, people that have been doing these raids for 2 years, would get their cat, title and/or ports then be done with it.


Their plan is “how can we make raiding like Mythic+?”.

I think it is to just show that the specific raid is fated at that time.

Haven’t gone into any of the raids this season when not fated so can’t be positive if it is there during non fated weeks

That’s a lot of effort when they could just add “Fated” to the existing ways to tell what difficulty it’s set to.

But in any case… they won’t answer. So… yeah. This is all par for the course.

Well we are talking about Blizz and Blizz making sense well


My honest opinion is no one needs more than one mount (assuming it is both a flying and ground mount). But people like to collect them. I personally have more mounts than I can use, even if I rode a different one every day.

The point of mounts like the slime cat is as an incentive to get players to do certain content. For this particular mount, Blizzard has decided that content is completing all the fated raids on Normal or above, and they decided to make it this season only, so people can’t come back later to try when they can do it solo. While I disagree with these decisions, I do believe the folks at Blizzard have the right to make them.

Note: I tried to use the mount’s correct name, but it’s not allowed on the forums. :rofl:

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Is fun going back to the previous 2 raids, sepulcher fated was a bit disappointing, it was pretty much the same except for a couple of fights where the affix mattered (Lihuim and Jailer).

People that raid think is fun and keep doing it after fully clearing it, is nothing new.

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Well, neither are the raids, which is my point.

I guess people selling boosts will be running it nonstop.


It’s not a matter of principle. LFR has never rewarded seasonal mounts and an achievement error was fixed. The entitled cry babies are the only ones complaining

There are people that only play the game to raid, I know some that raid in 3 mythic guilds. Is what a lot of us think is fun and the only reason we play WoW.

You do understand that some people know they are bad ( Hi I’m Bad, used to be good got older not so good anymore ) and choose to not join normal raids because of a desire not to drag other peoples experience down or waste other peoples time. You can argue that if you suck you don’t deserve rewards I mean that’s an option. I would disagree. One of my biggest issues with this decision is that they took something they know A Lot of people wanted that was originally proposed as something for all players via community vote and now instead of finding another way to allow the entire wow community, many of whom voted for the cat not that stupid tree, to get it they have blocked a large group of people from having it. People I would argue care more about that mount than raiders do.

As a bad casual I have to say I have really enjoyed doing the Fated LFRs but I still would not want to subject an actual progression raid group to my raiding failures. Give us all a chance to get the cat. Make it purchasable for one of the Dinar that even casuals can get. We would be happy to LFR our way to a Dinar and buy it.


Seems to me the elitist jerks are having their own fun complaining about the folks who are complaining.

Also, I’m with those who feel Blizz did a lousy job with this whole achieve. If they never meant for it to apply to LFR, the achieve never should have said “any” difficulty. But since I don’t feel at all entitled to the mount, I don’t see how I can be an entitled crybaby.

It’s kind of funny how it’s easy to name call when other people are upset about something that doesn’t affect you, but when Blizz changes things that do affect you, I bet you don’t hesitate to complain.


Yes I know that, but I was speaking from a “tuning” aspect - your expected to meet certain conditions, and not everyone can but that’s reality. But that’s also like saying “Everyone should have the chance at the golden trophy because not everyone can run”. That’s not how reality works. Some things are always going to be gated behind certain required actions and some can’t participate. In this case, performing correctly in normal raids to do mechanics/meet DPS checks to down bosses.

Is just normal, 10 good players can carry 20 bad ones, if you have a pulse you can do it.