No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

I’m going to guess they thought you were on other side of this :rofl:

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Raiders- “I don’t want to have to do any content other than what I enjoy.”

Also Raiders- “You shouldn’t get rewards from content you enjoy, only content I enjoy.”

Glad to see the raiders are still the same people they have always been. Want everything their way and no one else should get anything unless they play their way.


Probably :rofl:

Figured with all the people saying you’re opinion on the cat being available in LFR doesn’t matter until you have the cat I just had to get it to validate my opinion.

But ya I wasn’t carried either, CN my MM hunter was 270 ilvl after grinding M+ for 4 days (because he was in 226 greens aside from 291 leggo’s because I haven’t touched my hunter since 9.0) and was slightly below middle of the pack on DPS, by the time Sanctum I was 272 and was dead middle, then I finally got a weapon upgrade in M+ and new toys and I was consistently top 6 DPS for most boss rights at 278 ilvl in Sepulcher. Each raid was 16 to 20 players with the guildies. 2 tanks 4 heals rest dps.

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How is queueing up for a group or several groups negatively affecting your mental state?

as long as i avoid it won’t. lfr ftw! if it ain’t auto i ain’t queing for it.


Just because you don’t understand doesn’t make it vomit. So let me clear it up for you:

The statement here is “(There is) No reason why the slime cat shouldn’t be in LFR” my position is the reason is pretty conventional: That tiered rewards are inherent with the game. I’ve added to this: Particularly with mounts.


could be applied to anything and everything. You’re even repeating your own dishonesty by going back to my original broad example

instead of my condensed one


to try and be as fair as possible to your opinion.

Now if that is difficult to read, that is why I summarized it, but I don’t think I was dishonest with how I summarized, nor was it “word vomit.”

Of course you are. But you have to have to maintain a core idea of why your feedback is better than another person’s, particularly if that other is Blizzard. Your only objective point is a poorly worded achievement on the PTR, or one that was adjusted for live release. Not once have you attempted to prove the statement “no reason why the slime cat shouldn’t be in LFR” true beyond your own dislike. I 100% acknowledge you don’t like it.

And with that we come back to the purpose of my original stretch of that idea to show how absurd it is. I’m sure there are a lot of people who would like to just log in and get everything, or just get everything out of LFR. That does not negate the reasons this is not the case. That is the hurdle you must leap to make your point, and if you can’t then at best you need to think about it a little harder to get your idea across.

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Well if heroic is the traditional cut off then since the WoD prepatch the cut off has been the old normal difficulty . What is considered normal now is the old flex difficulty from SoO and that was just LfR + . Maybe normal needs to be taken out of the equation too .

No. No they didn’t.

I literally gave you screenshots of what they said DAYS BEFORE Season 4 a launched.

You linked directly to wowhead. Newsflash, wowhead updates with hotfixes. They SILENTLY hotfixed the achievements THE DAY BEFORE THE SEASON DROPPED to say normal.

The claim I was responding to was that they "always"said normal.

They did not.


But it’s not being applied to anything and every thing. No where in this thread did someone do that.

Except you.

You being dishonest does not make me dishonest. That’s what I mean by word vomit. You make no sense.


They didn’t clarify until just a few days before the patch went live yet people had been talking about it as far back as April and May when the individual raid cheevos said any difficulty as well as the lfr ui showing the raids as fated and lfr gear being fated.

The time for them to clarify should of been back then not at the 11th hour .


And that’s important because…?

Actually I would like to see where they have actually said officially LfR isn’t raiding.

I open my armory go to dungeons and raids and it is there with all the other raid levels.

Armor if official Blizzard so according to their official player character web site LfR is raiding.

It’s not a raiding difficulty. They said it regarding this issue, in the tooltip.

They didn’t say that and they updated the achievement from “any difficulty” to “normal and higher.”

That change does not mean RF is not a difficulty.


It does, since Blizzard has clarified that “any difficulty” does not include LFR.

That’s why this outrage threads make no sense. They clarified that LFR is not a raid difficulty, but people are mad because… they didn’t do it sooner?

Also piggy backing:

All the kill the entire raid achievement and the wings is only any difficulty include LFR.

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LOL no it doesn’t and your opinion does not trump their own website:


So if they removed LFR from Fated and people could not get the higher ilvl gear as a result, you would have been satisfied.

EDIT: Apparently I misunderstood. Still confused.

What? What does this even mean? You’re just like Cur. Neither me nor VC brought up gear in this thread.


And with that you totally avoided trying to validate the idea why there is No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn’t Be In LFR yet again.

That avoidance is you being blatantly dishonest by trying to sidetrack from the key point. I’m not sure if you are aware of it or just avoiding admitting it to yourself and attributing your confusion to me as “word vomit.”

Your lack of understanding does not make me dishonest. Particularly when I explicitly say I was using a broad example and why. Your repeated reversion to that rather than revisions I made in an attempt to be a little more fair to your point of view is supreme dishonesty on your part.