No one listens to open world players

Keep in mind, this is the same person that made that massive, stop the war on solo play or whatever it was:

I’m a little concerned about the direction of some of the requests here.

Given a choice between an easy-to-reach ilvl plateau and a long tail of small slow upgrades, I’d prefer the plateau.

9.0/1 had a long “progression” of open world gear upgrades and it simply wasn’t fun (to me at least) because it just became a huge dead space between hitting level 60 and where the world content first started to feel comfortable and well-paced.

Meh. It’s one person and I boil her point down to, “Killing elites and looting chests in ONE ugly zone is pretty darn repetitive while invalidating the other zones. Blizzard, you can do better.”

Surely you can understand that.


But it specifically speaks of the grind, something you were advocating for, and something I didn’t necessarily disagree with either.

It’s not the only one either, I just used it because the same person made threads with tons of responses in both cases.

It’s still one person and their point is that the grind in a single zone is pretty unacceptable.

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Well to the OP, I ask would you prefer to be able to get valor in M0 and upgrade those items to normal raid ilvl without M+ rating along with more robust crafting instead of our current system?

Or simply something like the current open world system that’s more deterministic with gearing that gets scaled higher to keep pace.

A lot of these complaints seem to be about the arbitrary time-gating and silly RNG that Blizz seems to have a love affair with…

Without the timegating, the grind is even worse. Then it truly does become a grind. Maybe people want that, I don’t know, but all the complaints over a “grind” seem that they don’t.

I always suggested challenging, solo content. Visions in BFA were a good step, imo. Problem there is we are right back to the same problem: people that at the very least claiming to be “casual” crying over difficulty.

korthia was sanctum raid and should have reflected that in ilvl, other than that i felt the grind was fine. (but thats like, my opinion) 226 was last tier catchu ilvl after a substantial grind, and as was stated kinda filler gear for the most part (but again nobodies asking for bis) I never made it to tier 6 (got close) before 226 was irrelevant (basically a few weeks after it opened >.<)

Korthia went to 233.

I really liked it too.

But it’s instanced content and I think casual players want non-instanced content with a variety of things to do and places to see. With multiple avenues to advance their character’s power.

(Not just a single zone; killing rares/looting chests)

BFA nearly had this solved perfectly. My alts were all WQ heroes with competent gear (all via WQs). The only rub was the RNG that was attached to it. I.e.

  • Turtles giving rings when you needed a trinket & vice-versa.
  • Getting an off-hand, on weapon day, when your character uses a 2-hander
  • Getting your 4th pair of gloves when you needed boots.
  • Getting the wrong piece of azerite gear (chest or head) for the 7th time in a row when you desperately needed shoulders.

This the the kind of grind people don’t mind as much.

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yeah its pretty easy really, difficult = fast gearing, easy = gonna take a some effort in the form of time.

To compare apples to oranges I’d like to say I really like how Destiny 2 does thier gearing.

You can reach light cap solo buy basically farming bear butts, but it’s gonna take a while like maybe 1-2 pieces a week that would be a higher ilvl (light level there), but the really neato guns/armor are in harder content UP TO raid specific items that are really useful everywhere (basically wow bis gear type stuff), but I can casually play and know I’ll get to light cap with a decent loadout to do whatever I want to on paper (now having the skill to pull it off and rng on my side is a different story)
Oh and if you have gear you like using, you can fuse your new ilvl gear into it to make it the same ilvl) For all its flaws D2 gearing loop is pretty satisfying for the most part.

:rofl: :rofl: There haven’t been rares in this game since TBC, Wolk, Cata, Mop to an extent lol. Aww man that rare in Maldraxxus is dead :sob: That’s ok friend it will be back in a few minutes lol. TLPD says hello :wave: to current rares.

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You seem to be misconstruing running an occasional dungeon for thts solely how people gear. It’s not. I’ve run about 4 or 5 +2 keys this season. That’s not where the majority of my gear came from. Actually, I think only one piece is from the Vault. Nothing from the runs themselves. And I only ran those to help friends.

Just because we do this occasionally doesn’t mean it’s our gearing system.

You mean the ones completed for an achievement or for storyline and not for gearing? Or to level alts? Or because they had to get memories?

You’re misconstruing “had to do it and don’t want to go back” for “this is where we spend the majority of our time to progress.”

No it doesn’t. It shows people had to run dungeons at some point. It doesn’t show that’s what they want or like or that it’s their gearing path.



I don’t think the boosting economy factors into this at all. Players boosting other players for gold is not part of the intended/designed reward structure of the game. It is in the grey area where is is not against the rules, but neither is it officially supported.

Thalia, it is clear you seem bored on how WoW works as Blizz wont give you something to do. You made a new term, OPEN WORLD PLAYERS which to me means SOLO PLAYERS.

Solo means I could kill 1 or 2 or 5 mobs at a time, then repeat. It keeps you getting the same low gear ilevel. At leveling, Solo happens.

Welfare epic catchups which is Solo pop out every after Season. Korthia is one of them. It seems you were fine becoz it took you long to reach the highest Korthia level.

After another season, another Welfare epic catchups for Solo popped out name Zereth Mortis. You were disappointed becoz it only took you a month to reach its max level. Should we request Blizz to point out that Welfare epic catchups should take long to get to the highest level so you wont be disappointed?

After Season 3, gaming drought would come. Dragonflight hasnt even started Alpha and there is a gaming drought. Blizz wants to save players from this drought. They would do Season 4. I am not sure if Blizz would come up with Welfare epic catchups for Season 4. I dont think that they would make a new area like Korthia or Zereth Mortis. But since Season 4 would have higher ilevel loots, it would be hard to play Season 4 dungeons and raids if you would be using lowbie Season 3 gear at Season 4. I believe there would be some catchup mechanics that we dont know yet. I hope there is one.

Since some Solo players want to remain Solo on Season 4. I dont know if there’s one like Korthia or Zereth Mortis. But one thing I know for sure. WoTLK Classic would come. Hope it opens. That’s where you should go when Season 4 has no new Solo playground for you. Maybe play TBC Classic first if WoTLK wont be available by that time. It’s free anyway.

Or maybe change your mind. Help your friends do some dungeons in Retail and you’ve gotten a Vault gear out of it. Do this every week and you would get more gear. Most of my gear upgrades in Shadowlands are all from the Vault. I know most of us do. There’s 10 dungeons right now. With Zereth Mortis gear you have, M+2 would be a cake for you. It’s like it’s nothing… but at least you helped your friends.

It does show that the solo ZM player base who care about character progression is a minority of players. About 30% of players have the achievement for finishing the ZM storyline, which is required (on at least 1 character) to unlock double legendary. So this will also include the raiders, high key pushers, and ranked PvP players.

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70% of players are afk in Oribos.

It’s not new. Others around here use it. And we’re not entirely solo. We run an occasional dungeon for friends or something. But it’s not our main end game.

Korthia was not a catch up system for anyone except open world players. And even then, do we call that catch up, since catch up is really for alts to catch up to end game group content?

You keep using this term. End game zones are meant for those who enjoy open world content at max level. Catch ups are used for alts to quickly catch up to mains to go into group content. Now… ZM is faster to gear than Korthia was… but I’m still not seeing this as a catch up mechanic.

And the more you use “welfare,” the more it’s starting to sound a bit condescending. Which I know isn’t what you’re going for. But I wanted to point it out in case someone gets uppity over it. lol

No, I’m sure there won’t be. But they could expand the Cypher ranks and do something more interesting with Sandworn Relics perhaps.

I have no desire to play an entirely different game and start over again, thanks.

Change my mind on what exactly? The fact that I finished ZM and there’s no progression left for me?

No. It doesn’t. This was explained to you. But I am not going to continue this pedantic conversation that isn’t even remotely the topic of this thread.

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