No New Customizations is the "Don't you guys have phones" of 2021

Take the 2D texture --> Open Photoshop —> Adjustments —> Hue Saturation —> Move the slider around

How to make 15 different color variants of one eye texture in 2 minutes


When did I told you what do enjoy?

So what?

I’m sure you will get there in less then 3 months.

No, this is a change of plans. Sharing plans for the future and not being able to follow them is not the same as refusing to deliver something they sold. It was never “Buy this now, and you’ll get 4 new worgen skins”

We got plenty of eye colors, that is not what everyone is asking for.

Of course not, they canceled it. What will hold the patch is the complete and utter lack of assets. We just had a Blizzcon with barely any screenshots at all. This is unprecedented. They seem to be extremely behind schedule.

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Void Elves should have access to Blood Elf hair colors and Blood Elves should have access to their ugly Void Elf hair styles.


but eye color and hair cuts!

Can we at least get simple options like skintone/hair color/eye colors :pleading_face:

I just want magenta eyes on my Draenei Blizzard.


The entire length of this thread has shown that it is not hard to do both. It isn’t. You are defending a non-issue.

It’s like cutting $100,000 from the food stamps budget to give it to the multi-billion military budget.

It won’t make your patch release faster or better because you are diverting next to no resources.

This is not a zero-sum issue.
We can be mad at both things!

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Yep, yep, yep. It’s just that easy. Even hair styles and designs aren’t too complicated to make, especially for a professional artist. I’ve dabbled a bit in modelling and with my limited experience I could probably remake several of the basic human hair styles in maybe an hour tops.

Heck I did calculations on estimated averages of artists and such for a little… presentation. So say we have 5 artists for each race… right? There are about… 24 playable races in WoW… so that’s quite a few artists right? That’s about 120 or so. Now let’s get a bit crazy with the numbers and say the yearly pay for one of these artists is about 120k, though realistically the averages tend to be between 70-100k… Now Say we make these artists work for only… 3 months just pumping out new cosmetic options for these 24 races. That is about 30k for each artist for those 3 months. That totals about 3.6 million over the course of 3 months. A statistic last year said that there were approximately 4.88 million WoW players at $15 a month over the course of 3 months well… That’s approximately 220 million over the course of 3 months…

You see where I am going with this? In terms of their earnings, they could easily afford that extensive artist team delving into and making cosmetics for the various WoW races. Heck this is just the income from WoW itself, not counting their other games or all the game services and store transactions performed on a daily basis.

I don’t need to tell you what a team of 5 devoted artists can do when given one race, and three months time to incorporate as many interesting styles/designs and stuff into that race as possible.


Yeah I’m an Animation and VFX art student and in my first week of using Maya I made a fully textured and intricate long elven hairstyle and character bust, lol. The artists on Twitter are prime examples of this, they make insanely good hairstyles, colors, prostehtic limbs, beards, tats, mana hair and hands, etc. super fast.

It can be done easily if it’s given any attention


Simple lesson. IF YOU SAY IT, You better DO IT.
If you don’t know if you can pull it off, Then DON’T SAY IT. Do NOT backtrack with nerds, it is NEVER pritty! Because they CAN find your old video’s and will not hesitate to play them in sequence forcing you to choke on your own words.

How many times must I tell you this lesson Blizzard. The NPC’s you write show more wisdom then you!

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First, @margirita, that is niiiice! Nice and True!

@Isveria I’m not even a student and I’ve managed to scrap some things together up in less than an hour that could pass for being game assets. If professionals that get paid oodles of money can’t do that, then… maybe Blizz needs to think about rehiring lol. I’ve seen so many people make custom models for WoW and some people use them with other programs I will not mention here lol. I’ve seen the videos though of those models in game and its amazing the work some people can do to really spruce up the models in barely any time at all.

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Full quote for context:

Sidenote: To me, this reads as, “We want to do more because players like it, but corporate won’t let us until subscribers hemorrhage and we need something to draw them back in.”


FFXIV is a fun game, especially for old school FF vets but its not a good comparison for customization. There’s literally 0 customization on the character level, nothing. No specs, no talents, no set gear or trinkets or a single iota of anything that will separate you from anyone else on your job.

Which is fine, because there’s no content to use any of it on.

All their development goes into campaign and cosmetics which is why almost no one does the non-existent end game in FFXIV, which totals up to be a handful of uninspired raid bosses per year and a literal expansion duration gated AFK grind inspired by FFXI for the casual player bone.

Again, I like the game, but it’s something you hammer out for the campaign then peace out on. Yoshi P even said that’s the best way to play, and Shadowbringers quadrupled down on it. They used to at least add filler dungeons on the regular but even those have dwindled to nothing now. The moment the credits end, you go make outfits in Limsa and then afk.


My prediction is that, as with model updates, they’ll continue to roll out customization options with major patches and expansions.

I feel the outrage is stemming from the perception they promised they’d add more options during Shadowlands, when in reality their quotes on the matter show they said “in the future.”

This is exactly the vibe I got. It’s a cheap people pleaser so it’s going to be held hostage until things are really bad like in WoD. It sucks that the casual player can’t have a tiny cookie until the mythics have given up and quit.


lol then they would have done this LONG ago

I’ll don’t you guys have phones you.

They didn’t have metrics to prove it. Now they have measurable evidence that it is popular and gets people back in, at least for a while, so they’ll “hold it hostage” as other said.

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I got the same vibe when they said that. Risking customer trust/loyalty with that statements is ballsy. I truly have to wonder who was in charge of that decision. Player Customization was one of the major drawing points of the expansion. I would have sacrficed the soulbind system tbh for new customization.


Same. At least one of those things will actually still be relevant in a few years :upside_down_face:

Permanent QoL updates? No no, borrowed power systems that go away after each expac!


Yes I would gladly trade borrowed power for permenant customization.