No mo’ fomo

I mean heck FF14 handels this issue rather well.

People think their store filled with 5mil things is unreasonable meanwhile its just old stuff that was originally free in game.

Even some old sets still pop up in similair events.

FOMO adds nothing to the game. Its general purpose is meant to divide the player base into the have and have nots. It does not foster a player friendly environment and most players have nothing to benifit from it. It is designed to make people feel bad so they feel obligated to spend money on the game so they can be like everyone else. The fact people support this system is beyond me.


They pretty much bring everything back in FF14 in some capacity after a while. It does no harm when they do and I never see a single person complain about this ever. Meanwhile, the WoW community doped up on bitterness lol.


legendaries makes someone not a casual? that’s wild. how do u think i got to 298 ilvl im curious, do u think i spawned in 298? this is a fresh boosted 60 character this season LOL

It’s very complicated to do a normal dungeon for a memory, then do a bit of Torghast for some resources and combine that with some crap you bought off an AH.

Only the hardest of hardcore can pull that off.

cosmetic fomo sucks but is fine

actual content fomo is not fine.

both mop and wod have huge story gaps in their expansions thanks to questlines being removed.

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This is what casual players experience is like.
And most casuals don’t want to or have the time to do m+ due its toxic nature and the GOGOGO-mentality. I used to do it in BfA a bit but it’s a bad gameplay loop.

I am happier when my siblings and I just do the dungeons one time for the story, the gameplay loop has become bad the past 8-10 years.

The bigger problem lies with the rewards itself. Either they are lore-based, have the color which is associated with the class/race they use or are essentials because the developers do not update the old models.

FOMO is only acceptable when it’s a limited edition color, like neon pink or something. The game shouldn’t suffer from lack of meaningful rewards.

I see. You’re not casual enough to understand how people feel, I’m sorry.

im sorry i just don’t think there’s any casual that says legendaries are hardcore ur baiting but it’s funny

It’s not baiting. It’s a well documented issue regarding the legendaries in how you acquire some or what it causes to the general gameplay loop:

Otherwise there were also enough discussions about “buy the stuff from the AH” which is also contra-productive. Point is, a casual doesn’t do this.

casuals don’t make legendaries? bruh what, am i reading this right or am i too high

I honestly think how they treat FOMO is amazing. They feed peoples fragile egos and allow them to boast / brag but then allow the other part of the playerbase to have access to that once unobtainable item.

Like why cant WoW do this. Just let everyone win. Literally make everyone happy in one soop. Just flat out kill this toxic mindset…but nope


This is how it is supposed to be. Work for it and get it free or pay up later.

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Not at all, I was simply describing people who support FOMO.

I’m glad for you. I do not have the need to feel special, so I can’t really relate, unfortunately.

Why should people be entitled to things that new players did not even have the opportunity to obtain them? I haven’t missed on any of the FOMO rewards (including the Mage Tower artifact skins) and I would love for my new friends who joined to obtain them as well.

The reward is enough for people putting in the work. Making it exclusive has nothing to do with the effort, it has to do with an outdated marketing strategy to keep people subbed, and make new players fear that they might miss on nice rewards if they ever unsub sometime.

As far as game companies are concerned FOMO is awesome it’s why so many Games are introducing Battle Pass systems keeps people playing even though people have been complaining about it for years for multiple reasons many relating to Abliesm

And that’s really sad. I don’t wanna be around those ppl anymore.

I want to be around confident ppl because it’s within themselves and who they are. I know ppl like that and they aren’t bragging because they don’t have to.

I think really the big one is that entitlement doesn’t go both ways. You feel that players who did time-sensitive content for a reward don’t deserve it over someone who missed it. If someone who comes back and wants to play it and earn it. They should be able too. As well as new players. I think otherwise. I don’t see this as the flavor of the month, but just exclusiveness. I like the idea of exclusiveness. It’s a good thing. If you want it. Then get it in the moment, just simply play the game.

If you think about it, to actually do all three big types of content, pvp, mythic + and mythic raiding, you’d have to play this game for 22 hours a day. Just to get all rewards, and most people don’t have that game time. I know I don’t. So you pick the things you want, and try your hardest to get them. You will miss out on stuff and thats okay, it’s to get what you truly want, and dedicate your time and effort towards it. To me this makes a special bond to the connection of items and it feels good to be a completionist and collector of “rare things”.

I know you said you can’t relate, and that’s unfortunate. To me, it’s like owning a PSA 10 Charizard, or having a rare comic book from the 1950s in perfect condition. It’s worth a lot of money, not a lot of people have it, sure you can brag about it and show it off, but its more about the exclusiveness and wow factor that you have something different and unique and very few people may also have it. To some people its the bragging rights, to others its the money, and to most its just the idea of exlusiveness. To me thats the value.

When the Riot MMO comes out, i’m 100% done with WoW, and moving to that. Anything limited exclusive, cash shop stuff, or like day one pre order products, im absolutely reserving and buying. So that come years from now when someone like WOW where did you get that? I can flash my invisible day one card and go hehee got that vintage-goodgood, and smile! Fun lil bragging right that I was down bad for a game from the start. Taking that away makes everything mundane and stale.

I guess this thread should be, no more exclusive content. Rather than No Mo Fomo. Exclusiveness has nothing to do with Flavor Of The Month.


The sad thing is, even at 290 iLVL, I’m 100% casual. I don’t try hard. I just choose my teams carefully. Just cause I’m casual and no what to look for, versus someone who is casual and just takes what they can get because they don’t want to spend ten minutes of research. It doesn’t mean anything.

Lore in WoW is very bad now, and it has been since Warcraft 3’s story ended. Wrath Of The Lich King. Everything after that was downward spiral mostly. Though I will say Legion imo is the best expansion pack made, specifically for the last 2 patches. So playing for lore is subjective I guess but i’d say the majority of people playing this game both tryhard and casual can agree there. If you’re enjoying doing something one time for lore purposes and then you move on from it, that’s great. If that’s how you want to play the game. I’m not quite sure what youre time in WoW looks like. I log in, do my dailies quickly, play AH game for a lil bit, run 1-3 15’s, and then log out. Now with timewalking i’m pretty much leveling alts that I don’t have at 60 yet. As well as farming for the mount, because gosh its so good. Then I log out. Very casual.

Every game you play is toxic. It’s the nature of gaming in 2022. If someone is toxic. You can block it and move on. You can also stay toxic and give it back. Either works. Regardless, this is unavoidable in 2022. The gaming community is terrible.

Just push your own key, choose your own players, who have good IO and push those keys, you’ll get gear, you’ll get rewards, and you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience. Almost no one talks in high keys other than a HELLO, GOOD EVENING, HOWS EVERYONE DOING, before the start of a dungeon. If someone is salty, they just leave. The big ol’ toxicity comes from lower keys where people get stuck if they can push hire keys so they become dicks and tryhards in a lower bracket and act like tough guys.

I think most people just don’t want to invest at a normal pace and stick it out for the long haul. Like people are afraid to invest in a character or themselves in the game. Playing now vs playing in early wrath, its totally different and more or less its disgusting and sad how many people quit after one attempt. If people put in the effort and had a strong mentality to push through things and get what they want and crave. Have ambitiion. Casual or not. They’d succeed. A journey of 1000 miles starts with a step.


Another reminder that blaming “elitists” our people who have more time/effort/experience is not productive, and only fuels a pointless warfare between players.

There’s nothing wrong with those invested to get rewarded, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be invested but not being able to, and wanting stuff too.

Productivity comes from a place where we acknowledge both sides of the extreme (and the midline) are valuable and necessary components to the game and it’s life. No reason to treat one another poorly. There’s common ground and likely a middle ground on these arguments where we don’t lash out at one another. We all need one another in some capacity

Lol if you didn’t care about this stuff, you wouldn’t want it for free.

WoW is a seasonal game. Has been for some time. You shouldn’t be able to come back at the end of an expansion with a bloated ilvl and crush content that required rating when it was current for lasting rewards.

There’s everything wrong with this. Boiling down the entire world into a participation trophy is a terrible idea m.

Do content and get the rewards you want. Or don’t.

Yes, I agree. When you cherry pick part of a statement from a whole, it does read wrong, doesn’t it? That’s why I included those other words as thoughts to give context.

I’m not saying 1:1 rewards for all. I’m pointing out that there’s nothing wrong with desire and motivation on either side. Just as there’s nothing wrong with people who work hard wanting something, the same is true for those who want to also earn something, whether over a longer period of time, under the same pressures, or another less bombastic reward in general.

Discounting the feelings and motivations of others rarely produces much

Edit: seriously, heckin phones