Too many players are leaving dungeons when legendaries don't drop

Six times in the past two days now, I’ve had players leave groups because a particular boss didn’t drop a memory they needed for a legendary. Three of those times, the groups ended up falling apart and we didn’t finish the dungeon as a result.

This whole “leave the dungeon and requeue” when something doesn’t drop that you need is getting out of control. Something should be done about it, whether it’s increasing the time the deserter debuff lasts, or making it so that you get the deserter debuff even after the first boss goes down. I’m getting a little tired of having to requeue just because people are going too hard on a meta that shouldn’t really matter until they start gearing for M+.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. Hopefully Blizzard listens and puts all the powers on a vendor for gold.

It pushes DPS queues back from 5-7 minutes on average to 50-60 minute wait times. For one dungeon.

What do you expect when their legendary drop rate is really low %? Blizz created this mess forcing you to grind dungeons endlessly for it.

It took me 30-35 dungeons to get my warrior BIS and I stayed for the last 2 bosses but after 30+ tries I was about to give in and leave after 2nd boss…I was driven the point of insanity that I had to grind this stupid thing out mindlessly. Thankfully I got deathmaker before I got to the point of leaving dungeons but I was on the last dungeon before I would start it. Change the system or put it on last boss to make people stay.


Ditch with no bosses clear, should be a 45 min deserter debuff, leave at boss 1, that is a 30 min deserter, leave after boss 2 that is a 20 min deserter, leave after boss 3 15 min deserter, leave after the final boss, well grats, you cleared a dungeon!!!


This has always happened.

How many times have you been in a pug raid where half the raid leaves after the second or third boss doesn’t drop the loot they wanted?

This is not my point, never mind that pugging and dungeon finder are two completely different situations (I.E. I can select who I want in a pug. I’m randomly matched in dungeon finder).

I understand that this has always been a thing. However, I have never seen it on a level to where it happens so frequently and in Heroics, no less.

My point is that it needs to be fixed. I’m quite tired of having to sit around and wait for queues to pop, only for people to leave and wait even longer.

Don’t worry, Tuesday no one will be doing normals/heroics. So not point in fixing it

Then rude players would vote kick just because they can to penalize others.

You get deserter even if you personally do not leave the dungeon. The most toxic game in the history of gaming and you want to encourage more of it is crazy.

League of legends is still infinitely more toxic.


vote kick, and ditching would be on 2 different cooldowns. They should be at any rate. People abuse that already. I am talking only about ditchers.

They need to rethink their system either way. It sure isn’t working to well now.

I agree honestly. I go in for legendary stuff but I don’t leave if I don’t get it… seems unfair to the rest of the group.


Well they are “legendary.” They are supposed to be rare. /shrug

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I agree with make it so you get the deserter buff if you leave before the end but I think Blizz should take it a step further. They should compile a list of the best legendary drops for each spec in the game, what boss they drop off of and if the game pings that you left after that boss and no legendary dropped, you get deserter buff for a week.

Don’t waste people’s time.

I mean, I dislike that people just quit out after their boss.

But I get it. I get why they leave, I had to farm de other sides last boss, muahzala of w/e for my leggo. So I kinda got forced into doing the entire thing, it got repetitive having to deal with entire groups being nuked by shatter reality.

Honestly, they should just put them on the last boss, have a Fragment of the legendary drop from them, and you get 3 fragments, combine it to make the legendary memory.

3 kills required, so no rng, drops off last boss so nobody leaves.

It’s a Win win tbh.


I don’t care if people ditch after any sort of boss, but the fact after boss 1 they can do that, then just re que. It floods the DPS que inflating it already more than it needs to be.

It’s a problem even in BFA dungeons. Folks leave immediately if someone dies. There’s no communication. It’s just go go go.

If someone couldn’t leave when something came up without a week debuff, then many more people probably would never queue for a random LFR or dungeon making the queues even longer. That would leave a lot of the game inaccessible.

Should make it a quest item that you can’t complete until the last boss of the dungeon is dead. Then someone pops up, complete the quest and bam you’ve got your memory.
Regardless, I finished both when I got mine on early bosses. It’s not blizz’s fault that people in general take the fastest route to obtain something. Even week one when no one had enough soul ash to make it, people jumped ship if they got it or not. It’s a people problem and I’m glad Blizz made early dungeon bosses relevant like this. It’s always about what you loot and when you loot it.

Tell that to the classes with BiS that are guaranteed. If I have to explain the final boss of Da Other Side one more time I will literally go to the Shadowlands irl.