No mo’ fomo

thats exactly what i had in mind. iLvL caps forcing you to do them properly.

edit this is actually an aspect of guild wars 2 that they nailed. zones were iLvL / lvl capped. so every zone was always exactly as challenging as intended

You’re not.

my solution? stop chasing FOMO stuff.

But then how will players with entitlement issues and superiority complex deal with the fact that other players can obtain stuff they thought was exclusive to them?

Poor elitist players.


Would you still be down for this if the requirement was like wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more steeper. 50, 15+ keys is nothing at the moment. Especially in a season like the current one. I have done over 50, 15+'s in two weeks give or take a day or two. On several characters. In no way would I see this outlet as an acceptable way to get a PVP reward. If it was something like 500 15+'s in exchange for a singular mount. Then i’d say, okay thats a grind that almost feels worth it. On all ends, and perhaps there should be a color variant of such to know it’s not the OG one for playing OG. As it should feel somewhat special to those who got it during the time they played.

All parties are happy. I think this would be okay, lots of hard work for a variant of sorts.

It sounds like you’re upset and salty a bit for whatever reason. There’s lots of stuff that I have that was limited and I feel great for having it. There’s a lot more stuff I don’t have that I missed out on, and I wish I played during that time, but I missed out so why should I be entitled? It makes it feel exclusive as you mentioned, and a nice reward for the work they put in.

If you wanted KSM right now, you could get it in 2 weeks. As long as you have an understanding of your class, and know the dungeon mechanics. I think the mount you get is a nice little reward for being able to do mid-highmid tier content. Just like mythic raiding mounts, or gladiator pvp mounts. It should be exclusive, because people put in work.

Thats all it ever really comes down to.
People like having something, literally anything, over people. It makes them feel special and gives meaning to their lives / play time.

Everything with a timer is FOMO, no expectations.

Unfortunately some people would die on a digital grave, while having nothing at all.

The current slime cat mount is that kind of form if you have been following the official statement about the moose-analogy.

The slime cat was simple to get. In my opinion LFR and Normal are the exact same with the only exception being able to queue for it lol. I got slime cat today. All content took me about 2 hours per raid, and that was due to people leaving after certain parts for reasons unknown. If I had a guild, or people that I actively played with and didn’t pug, it’d be even easier than LFR lol.

Realistically I think the level of skill, and achivement to do something like this would have to be astronomical. Like for instance, 50k kills, plus gladiator rating, plus X amount of honor. I think maybe 50 mythic final boss kills, plus having AOTC, and all that good stuff. I think 500+ Mythic 15s is a fair number. Then as I mentioned a slight variant. Idk, I just think people should be rewarded for effort, and entitlement for the same things is stupid. Imagine if they got the exact same mount, but there was a little bar/buff that says: “I got this mount using saved currencies and not during live”.

It takes far longer. I don’t do the “challenge” but I know several guilds here and I’m in their discords, seeing when everyone does it. The usual time is between 4-5 hours for a raid on weekend.

I’ll give it a shot on the second run but luckily though it’s not an important mount to have, it has no significant lore-meaning.

That’s wild, I pugged it. I guess I spent maybe 6 hours total. I also am a bit of a raider io snob. Don’t take n00bs or people who didn’t clear it. I did it on normal. Took hella geared people. I was in and out. I’d say the worst thing was maybe fatescribe, with 3 wipes at around 20% cause some random didn’t move off the ring. We kicked him, got someone else. 1 shotted it. I guess the big thing here isn’t FOTM but more so just playing with people who know their class.

I thought of this the moment I saw your profile that you’re the kind of person, to be honest. Oblivious to the general problem while also causing problems and give these topic a justified reason to exist.

i pugged it too what about me

But mooooom, I won’t feel spesho if everyone can get what I haaaave :sob:

FOMO has no place in any game at all anymore. It is time to abolish this concept entirely. No one here deserves some reward just for having more time or money than other people. No one deserves bragging rights, if you want those then you can brag you got it when it was current. This idea that things have to go away just so some of you fools can feel “special” is completely stupid and ridiculous.

No more FOMO it is literally killing this game, stop pretending it isn’t.


You’re not a casual player. Legendaries, high end gear. It’s not comparable.


WoW feels like this at the moment:
It sells an idea which cannot be acquired.

  • FOMO mount which represents the lore and is not accessible
  • Lack of physics for the specific head gear inGame
  • Hair style is not toggle-able

If your friends are taking 5-6 hours as a guild doing normal fated raids. That’s crazy to me. My current guild, who I don’t raid with because I hate raiding (spam M+ only) did heroic in about 4-5, and 3 of those were on Sylvanas. Due to that final phase.

If your friends are doing heroic, then it is totally understandable.

I don’t see a problem, I only see people wanting handouts, which is what this game has become. No one is entilted to anything. If you want something, then get it.

Its like if I was a software developer who made a really awesome software like idk: Adobe Photoshop. I made ten million off the software. I then hire you to teach the software. You don’t deserve ten million for teaching it. You don’t deserve the same praise and admiration for knowing the software and teaching it. I don’t see a problem.

If you took my source code and added stuff to it, or even made changes. Again, you still don’t deserve the same level of praise and admiration I do for creating it. That’s just unfair. Why should you get the same thing I get, when I did it before you.

Hard work deserves rewards. Rewards should be shown off as a sign of excitement; to be proud of the thing you did. It’s almost like the participation trophies everyone gets at soccer games now. Instead of getting a trophy only for being the winning team.

But how else will people feel special and show how much better they are over everyone else unless they have some super old item people cant get anymore.

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They seem to think their $15 a month is more valuable simply because they have more time and are fortunate to have such, but the reality is that just isn’t true! Everyones $15 a month is the same so rewards and effort should only be rewarded accordingly. Someone with less time should be able to get the legion elite PVP sets after grinding for it casually.

Or we can continue to let WoW die.

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Nobody tell this man that seasons have been a thing season BC.