No mo’ fomo

This is something Acctivision does with all their games. They make someone only able to get for a certain limited time and also make it very grindy to get and then make it to where if you didnt put 100% if your time and effort into getting it, then it is simply removed and you will never see it.

So you want to say nothing effectively by saying something.

This is a vertical progression, seasonal and cyclical MMO.

The reward structure is only messed up in raid loot considerations. In this entire expansion, gear rewards have been largely outsize in terms of reward vs investment for people who won’t engage in group content.

Detracting from that betrays the entire design philosophy that has made this the most successful MMO in history. No. People who are intolerant of difficulty in game don’t need to reap rewards that are competitive for doing non competitive content even “if it takes a long time.”

Might be taking an indefinite break from MMO’s to focus on my mental health.

Not a bad idea, but do try and stay in contact with friends. Nothing healthier than having people to talk to and work through life, even if it’s casual conversations!

You have to come first

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I’m really gonna miss respectful comments like this.

I’m not asking for anything to be free.

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Look at the comment I’m responding to. You couldn’t have been more disrespectful yourself. So sorry if you aren’t going to be taken seriously.

I don’t think what I said is disrespectful?

I do not want to be around ppl that need validation from that. Most ppl I’ve met who constantly brag and need that kind of validation are insufferable in other area’s. No thanks.

I don’t think what I said is disrespectful?

Most ppl I’ve met who constantly brag and need that kind of validation are insufferable in other area’s. No thanks.

I sneak into Tol Barad and hide until the PvP battle is over. If someone comes in I just ghost them ruining their plans. Is this what you mean?

Of course it was. It was a sour grapes style form of derision aimed at cheapening the achievements of players in game.

Just because you met some people etc has no bearing on this lol. People are excited to get exclusive rewards. It shouldn’t be removed because players seek participation trophies.

Don’t we all generally get excited to get rewards?

I am not sour. I do not want to be around those ppl. Thanks.

Reading through your comments you made all day long, you did all this by yourself already. Having an opinion is one thing, but the constant clashing with others shows your insecurity and lack of self-awareness.

You’re not wrong and anyone who says you are is abliest, its way overdue that this abliest practice was abandoned

I find fomo alienating for new players, but it definitely seems like Blizzard isn’t trying to attract new people to the game anymore anyway.

I think what works are the systems where the content doesn’t go away, but because of the nature of it not being new anymore (and insane power creep) it’s more difficult to get later on. Rares being harder to tap because there’s nobody to call them out and they die in seconds, less people in an area you need multiple bodies for (spawns that need summoning, pvp), etc.

Thanks for the internet psychology. Truly. Because of you, I now know what my problems are.


Because all of these things are designed to be time limited. Suddenly making them not time limited is silly and counter intuitive. It’s to reward people for playing now.

Especially for PvP. It’s meant to reward you for playing in a specific meta. Season 2 SL glad is very different than season 1 BFA glad for example. It makes no sense to give a glad mount in that situation.

Bad take.

oh gud, I still have time left on this account

And you have your achievement to link when you need to stroke your epeen to show you didn’t get glad during a weird/inflated season, for example.

I think token options would be awesome for previous mounts.

I wish I could make some mounts on different accounts boe and give them away, like the ah Dino and the horde motorcycle.

If you’re clutching your pearls to not want others to be able to “work” towards some pixels in a game… I’d rethink how I think. :woman_shrugging:

I’m not ‘clutching my pearls’. But I am an advocate of the current method and I approve of the current method. Holinka came to these forums back during 7.2 and asked the arena community in the forums how we thought about being able to earn previous elite mogs. We all came back with a resounding ‘no’ and they agreed that the idea wasn’t a good one but they wanted to see how we felt.

I do not agree with bringing back old things. PvE needs more time sensitive rewards. PvP has a good amount but could also use more. Neither should bring back previous things. Time sensitive means time sensitive.

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Well then id argue leave the past alone and make a new paradigm going forward.

The “things/meta were different then” argument becomes more flawed since things get nerfed over a single patch. Jailer end of s3 was way different then at the start for example.

For pvp if a meta changes then having an opportunity for new classes to get old things shouldnt be restricted, if playing at the same level. Im sure all the rmp comps really deserve the exclusivity

And exclusivity doesnt do anything for the wider community. The value it adds to an individual would pale in comparison to the value of engagement in getting ppl in involved now to earn what they want. If earning past items requires play at the same level it shouldnt matter.

Frankly since i came back early legion the only time i ever have noticed someone have something unique was a corrupted ashbringer mog in a Tomb of Sargeras pug back in legion.

exactly. It feels like 40% of this games rewards are taken away after seasons now. Waste of resources. FOMO is just used so people buy tokens for carries. The devs couldnt care less about players ego

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