No matter what blizzard does people will never trust them again

If the truth is that you despise everybody and think they deserve to be talked down to because they only one who has the True Faith™, that’s a you thing.

They say a lot of things. We won’t know until they happen whether they will be as we were told, or will be an unhappy surprise.

Your “open letter to all of you who I hate” series of spam posts says a lot more about you than it does about the 100% of readers you excoriate for being some sort of a hivemind.

If you are so burnt out that you can’t treat people civilly and need to lie about them, then again, that’s a you thing that can’t let go of the odd notion that everybody out there is wrong but you, and they’re all wrong in exactly the same way, they all think exactly the same and believe exactly the same things, and you need to preach to them over and over and over again to force them to become a member of your “groupthink of one”, you are your own problem.

I’m going to wait and see what happens. No, I do not have faith in Ion or whoever you have faith in to do the right thing after season 4 was such a failure for the majority of players.

They’ve been working on getting better at saying the right thing, which is what players need to hear. We won’t see what the next expansion is until after it happens.

This is not true at all. It is not up to players to agree with each other, with what Blizzard decides to do, or with you. Devs have told us over and over again they don’t take feedback or suggestions from the forum. They don’t base their changes on some random player complaints that annoy you. They have their vision of the game and that’s what they base their changes on.

Sometimes it appears they are responding to complaints. They are not. They are responding to a large number of players who unsubbed because they had the same complaint, something that was bothering them so much they decided to stop playing the game.

No one owes it to you to pretend to be in agreement with you or with anyone else. The forums exist only for players to blow off steam. If you can’t tolerate reading different opinions, especially those you might disagree with, maybe you should stop coming to the forums rather than whining that other players won’t give up their individuality to make you happy.

Blizzard has access to the same marketing research resources that all responsible companies use to plan in advance and make sure their customers stay paying customers. They can choose to use them. Pretending you know what other people are thinking isn’t part of the process.


They are a company never to be trusted

To be fair, There is a connection between all of these.

World of Warcraft.

Shadowlands was an expansion of WoW
BFA was an expansion of WoW
Legion was an expansion of WoW
Dragonflight will be an expansion of WoW

It may be that the problem for those people is WoW itself.
No matter what is done it still will be WoW

Thank you, you just made my point. We have heard endlessly that “The devs don’t listen to the players” and “The devs don’t care about what the players say”.

If they did listen what they would hear is that “the players” don’t agree on what they should do so the people complaining that “the devs don’t do what the players want” are asking for something impossible.

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Here’s something you can take to the bank. If you just assume that every company that you deal with is trying to make a profit then you can trust them 100%.

If you think companies have some other goal then you have to ask yourself, what planet were you on before you fell off the rocket ship yesterday?

Telling folks to leave the game is not the most smart move on your part.


no words, only actions.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

I see what you are saying, but a lot of those players as you describe them speak from a place of entitlement, and they go into this weird “doomsday” mode if their wants specifically for WoW are unfilled.

Just see the plethora of people begging for LFD in Wrath Classic, even though it wasn’t in the game until ICC patch was released. Some players beleive commodities such as LFD ruined the community aspect of WoW, and I largely agree with them.

The less we are required to interact with players in order to get consumables, materials, to do dungeons or raids or pvp, the weaker the social aspect of WoW has become over the years. So much so that you can group for heroic raids and not really even have to or be expected to communicate with anyone in the group.

Sure wasn’t like that before the likes of LFD and LFR were implemented into the game, which, sure, allows a larger % of the player base to see the endgame content, but it has had a dire effect on the community as a whole.

Another argument you see pop up in favor of LFD is “well gearscore is going to be used and I won’t be able to group for heroic dungeons because my GS is low”, complaints about GDKP, etc which are all problems that the players of WoW have manufactured for themselevs and Blizzard really, just can’t do anything about.

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Couldn’t disagree there. The relationship between the company and its player base is fractured beyond repair.

It’s Blizzard’s fault that they are running an 18 year old game in an industry where dozens of new games come out each year and the trend is away from massive MMOs toward social media and mobile?

Well, you see, a whole lot of people have moved on to other things.

Myself, I’d rather Blizzard would make a fun game, so I sometimes come to the forums and offer suggestions for improvement.

As far as “trust” goes, four years ago, Ion said the guild permissions getting broken was unintentional, and they were working on a fix. Four. Years. Ago. And no fix has come. That makes it very hard for me to believe what Ion says anymore, sorry.

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I disagree. I think what really needed is for Ion Hazzikostas to step down. He lacks the heart of WoW, the wonder in discovering stuff inGame without subtle hindrances and math attached to it. He doesn’t even use transmogs, one of the most popular features in the game.

Pretty much true

Yeah, sometimes I wonder why the sky is so bleu.

Are you watching me at 2 am eating pop tarts like a degenerate?


ion bad weeeee up-dootles please

the community punching bag is really getting the end of it this time when he hasn’t even really done anything wrong besides just report what’s going on. like this could be a social experiment, how mad can people get at someone who literally just states what’s going on internally at blizzy game-wise.

people were getting mad at ion for the priest / druid tree debacle lmao

i don’t know what videos your watching, but even people like asmon and preach want the game in their best state. they say it over and over and yet you guys like nit pick what they say and just say streamer = bad. like it’s just not at all what the point of the video is, and they all want the game to be enjoyable. even preach, surprise surprise, has like 30k hours on wow. you think he wants it to fail? after he says over and over and over he wants it to be fun for everyone. same with asmon, who normally does casual content these days in wow, wants it to be fun for the casual player.

asmon is literally advocating for casuals 24/7 and then you guys come and say he’s a doomsayer lmao

Lets hit the other end of the spectrum in pvp. Savix has gotten a lot of heat for stating his opinion on the game, and again, surprise surprise has over 20k hours on the game and just wants it in the best state pvp wise. These people don’t actively want the game to fail, they just give their opinion on the current state of the game

I don’t recall saying anything about a specific streamer