No matter what blizzard does people will never trust them again

No amount of action will convince people that blizzard or the World of Warcraft team will ever change. Even when they have showed they can change.

No amount of words will ever convince you people that they (blizzard and World of Warcraft team) can change. Even when they have kept their words.

No matter what they (World of Warcraft team/ blizzard) do people will never trust them again. Even when they have tried to earn back the trust albeit slowly.

People in the World of Warcraft community (forums, social media, YouTube and twitch and Reddit) wants this game to crash and burn and cease to exist.

People like these seriously if your mentality is all doomsaying then why even still follow World of Warcraft or stay subscribe or play the game if you people really wish this game to be shut down once and for all.

If your trust is so broken then why even still follow World of Warcraft. If you’re so burned and all that then go find something even better.

If you people still think Dragonflight will be I don’t know like the next shadowlands or Battle for Azeroth or Legion. When all the evidence doesn’t support that mindset but clearly no matter what people say people will still think there will be a hidden progression system when clearly there isn’t one. But, oh well what I can I even say I guess it’s show don’t tell.

Also, they have been listening to feedback and being proactive on making changes to the talent tree and keeping us updated and informed as to what is coming and what is being changed. They are now far more transparent then say before but sure say things like I am a shill or whatever but I hope Dragonflight will prove you people wrong.


My dog just :face_vomiting: on the floor…but I hear you op


what do you mean you people


It would read better if you used players instead of people


If you don’t have any kind of response to my post but to make fun of it then I suggest you leave. And I wasn’t making a joke when I made this thread / post.

Hard to joke when you type in a way to make it sound like your talking down to ppl.


Because what I said is true and if people lost the will to trust in blizzard or the World of Warcraft team to be very specific then they should just stop playing the game and move on to other stuff and never look back.

And if they think that the World of Warcraft team is incapable of changing their errors or their ways then just pack up and leave and vote with your wallet. And if they still think that somehow Dragonflight will be like shadowlands or Battle for Azeroth or Legion after how many evidence has been released and showed and talked about.

And yet, it’s like still not enough but clearly they obviously cannot be convinced because due to the fact that they have already made up their minds. If they are so burnt then just move on to other games or other stuff if they think that this game cannot turnover a new leaf.

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"What do you mean “you people?”

I love that movie.


Don’t care what they do in the office. I pay for entertainment.

What happens in their office is between the employment and the employer, and maybe a judge.

Now if they made the game a true pay to win, then maybe you’d have an better arguement though.


It’s like they frequent a pizza place. They used to like it but now they just grew out of it and then unfortunately the tastes change.

But, instead of leaving the pizza place for a new one, they continue to buy the pizza, plop down in view of the owners, and hate-eat it while locking a glare at them to ‘show them how much they hate the pizza.’


If you’re a hunter u mean lol :joy:

idc if i trust them or not, i just want a fun expansion. simple as that

i don’t play wow for blizzard, i play it cuz i like the game.


It’s doomsayer season.

We’re the inflection point of maximum hope and maximum fear. We have marketing and (some) content creators assuring us that the upcoming expansion is everything we ever wanted and will solve world hunger to boot. We have burnt out players debating what to do next… We have people who desperately want to watch the world burn.

Each of us are another couple of years older, with drifting tastes, changing expectations and the baggage of past experience good or I’ll, not knowing if we will find the fun or not in what’s to come.

For good or ill, it will all sort itself out in time.


Well since I can only speak for myself, for me that’s not true. But I doubt it will happen because it would appear Blizz has a different set of beliefs than I do so I KNOW they’ll do something stupid.

Because no one is ALL doomsaying, everyone likes SOMETHING and the something is why they play.


ppl buy games and expansions even without trust i dont think they care :slight_smile:

the “making a name” phase is long gone heh

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Are you new to WoW?
The Doomsaying, whining and just plain BS trolling about how terrible the current Xpac is and how utterly broken the upcoming Xpac will be happens every time a new one is announced.
Hell there are Folks on YouTube and Twitch who make a living on being all doom and woe about how Blizzard fails to listen to them and how Blizzard can’t be trusted.


most of those people you’re probably talking about are passionate and just want the game in the best state possible


A few but all the big names are just looking to make money by crying doom and woe since it draws a lot of views.

they all have like 20k+ hours on the game, i don’t like streamer = bad.

Yeah, I think it’s wierd that people “trust” a company in the first place. They make things and I buy them or I dont. Our relationship is not more complicated than that.