No Less Than Fifty Hunters in DMT Flyhacking

You have legit stood there and timed them start to finish?

Yeah I was curious the time it was taking them to complete the run, and run/fly to the entrance to zone out and reset.

just stop paying for a world of warcraft subscription, bro. If nobody played then bots wouldn’t have a reason to farm

Hey Bearhands, looks like your brain is thinking LONG RUN and completely ignoring that what is being described is exactly how economics in a game works. Bots farming thousands of potions would immediately lower the prices on these items. Not all items, which you act as though Cubbs implied but actually didn’t. Botter gold needs to be sold to players who then go into gdkp runs etc to launder the money and spread it around the community. Of course this takes more time than putting pots on the AH, so the effects will take more time to see and be harder to measure. Supply of gold goes up, so as you said, inflation will happen on all products, but the supply of potions will have a larger more noticeable effect, and will still cause a price decrease amid prices rising universally. The offset isn’t equal.

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Hahahaha that guy is such a douche.

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I mean, you’re not technically wrong, but clearly you can’t trust the players to not buy gold/other RMTs. Blizzard should be doing more. Especially going after gold buyers. It would only take a few examples to set most people straight.


What is it about DMN that makes it soloable, but other 5-man dungeons aren’t?

You can abuse wall pathing so that the boss never reaches you. And leaving up the other bosses grants you bonus loot, so it’s quite valuable.

Flyhackers skip all the groups, which are hard to pass, and fly over the door you need to blast, and kill the boss via flyhacking.

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Why would someone’s misfortune please you?

Major mana pots cost 4.5 - 5.5 G to make… you don’t think having botters sell them for 1g is a problem? Oh wait… you think that is the natural economy driving the price… cuz we don’t need mana pots anymore?

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Call it schadenfruede if you like, but in this case it is more a matter of consequences of choices. Players flood to a mega-server because they want certain things they consider positive, but then complain bitterly about the negatives as if there shouldn’t be any. Players want to drive the price up on items so they can make gold, but then complain that others buy gold to be able to afford the inflated prices.

That “cost” is an artificial number based on what the realms herbalists have decided to sell Dreamfoil and Icecap for. If someone farms all the herbs, the only cost to them is 1s 25c for the vial and their personal idea of the value of their time doing so. If someone sells a huge stockpile of the herbs for 10s apiece, the “cost” would nosedive to 50s. If someone buys up every one of those herbs and prices them at 2g apiece, keeping anyone from selling lower by immediately buying, the “cost” would jump to 10g without any change in the necessary materials.

That is a nice story you have constructed for yourself.

This might be a dumb question, but how do you know they’re fly hacking inside of an instance you’re not able to enter with them?

Because videos exist. And hack hunters start doing dmt at 58.

They literally level to 60 killing the king over and over.

Doing tribute is not easy unless you know what you are doing. They are completing it in 10-12 mins at level 58 sometimes missing gear slots. There is no other way other then warping to the end to do it this fast.


All servers are mega servers. All servers can hold 6X the players that Vanilla could. That is the way Blizzard designed it so that’s on THEM.

I have had the SAME character in my mailbox for three days straight with RMT spam. No, this shouldn’t happen. Blizzard isn’t handling the problem. It’s THEIR game so they need to hire a decent staff to deal with it.

You’re blaming the wrong people.

Yeah, Sul’thraze with its peak 200 player online count is a MEGA, SUPER server.

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Lol omg this server, almost forgot about it! Its a bot paradise, only 3 active guilds and 2/3 of the players online are bots.

Yeah, it’s bizarre. There’s currently 37 auctions on the Alliance AH on Sul’thraze.

37 total auctions.