Arcanite reaper dead server

it’s prime time weekend and there’s 2 people in ironforge and the last remaining guilds are going to server transfer after the aq event is completed so it’s about to be a ghost town here what happened to maintaining population? it’s time to server merge this one…

There are people on this forum that believe every server is a megaserver.



I remember that being one of the servers that I could have transferred to when I went to Earthfury last year.

I looked it up and it really does look dead (unlike “dead” servers where it’s only one faction that is) and it doesn’t even seem to have a PVP community like Sul’Thraze does. That sucks for those who are left unless they like only having a few others around. :frowning:

Hopefully the people that are still there enjoy the really small server size and the people that don’t are able to find somewhere else that works better for them.

No one ever called Arcanite Reaper a megaserver but you knew that


That’s not the only person claiming Low pop servers are megaservers or at least as full as Full Vanilla servers.

But you knew that.

Eh, technically they’re correct. All servers have more or less the same capacity to be a mega server. But not all of them are at full capacity. So there isn’t really much reason to talk about it unless they want to clarify what they mean.

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not sure what to say, I mean I’m on skeram. we have so many horde that they opened the gates for us day 1… but playing on a server where the gates still aren’t open. I shouldn’t complain… which for the most part I don’t. But I just find that crazy that some servers still don’t have the gates open.

AR has 191 characters who raided within the last 30 days according to and as is stated in this post even more have transferred off. That’s why the gates aren’t open. Skeram has its own stories of course.

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No merge, that will be 20 dollars.

Would you like fries with that

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omg theres really less than 200 people there LOL

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please clap :smiley:

the server is still dead