No Less Than Fifty Hunters in DMT Flyhacking

I just don’t get how they don’t have an anticheat system in place? Since we use the legion client on classic that must mean retail has similar problems.

I doubt it would happen on pvp servers so prevalent because the bot keeps trying to zone in even if locked out, so they would just get killed. It seems to be a thing where they literally just bot 30 instances of it then log in a new one. Major manas went from 5g to 2.5, and thats in a few days. By next week I bet they are 1g

Large brilliant shards, major Mana potions, and healing potions are a third of the value.

They don’t even use seaforium to blast the door or an invis pot to bypass the otherwise impassable pulls.

Is it wrong that I want them reigned in, because it marginalizes the work I’ve put in learning the run and using mats to accomplish?

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This is absolutely wonderful news!

No… but my point is people keep constantly equating two tangentially related things. Prices dropping and botting. Botting has been around forever, it doesnt make sense that all of a sudden bots would have a huge previously unseen impact in the economy. Not denying they do, but it’s not what’s driving the current price changes.

What is driving price changes is a huge decrease in demand as content becomes farmed and consumable requirements decrease dramatically, as well as the patch changes that increased drop rates on arcane crystals and righteous orbs. Major manas were going for around 2.5 before Aq hit. What you’re seeing is a return to normal pricing after the initial inflation caused by P5. Nothing more…

I need some DMT.


They haven’t started to flyhack this zone so much before, so yes there is a direct correlation between them botting it more and the prices tanking. It has always been around yes, and say botting contributed to 10 percent of the markets items/value. If now they contribute to 60-70 percent it will drive the current price change. Righteous orbs were nerfed, not increased. You get a guarenteed one now from a named so that kind of makes up for it. The reason they dropped so much is 6-10 groups of botters doing it 24/7. You can just who the zone and see how many are in there all the time. I really cannot see how you can argue that there is no correlation, unless you are trying to downplay the effect it is having on the game.

Any videos of flyhacking in DMT? I saw one for ZG boosting, but nothing else.

I’m sure it’s possible and I saw the Zg video, I just dont think it’s so prevalent that its actually having a real impact on a servers economy. I think people just dont understand economics almost as much as they love tin foil hats. :man_shrugging:

Dunno how else you could bot it, especially with fresh 60 hunters with terrible gear. They are definitively doing the tribute because when you inspect them you will see awful greens and tribute loot, nothing else. Also they are hitting the lockout of instances per hour, and using a bot so If there is another logical explanation id want to hear ut.

Harms the medium servers also. Cheaters do nothing good for anyone.

Let us say that 50 hunters do it in 1 day. I am sure they have many many more but that is a conservative estimate. An average of 25g in items per run + 5 pots. So 750g + 150 major pots a day for 1. 37500 gold + 7500 pots botted per day. This is also resources that will just be solds as gold back into the economy. It is essentially printing mass amounts of money into the game, but I don’t understand economics so I’m sure this will all be fine :+1:


You don’t need good gear to do a hunter tribute clear. You just need to know how to do it.

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I agree, but to bot it in less than 10 mins how could you do that without flying.

How are you getting this number?

Again you clearly dont understand how economies work, at all… You’re arguing two factors that work counter to each other. More gold in the economy causes inflation. Inflation causes prices to rise. More raw goods (ie mana/health pots/shards) causes prices to fall. So even if both were having as big an effect as you claim, which I doubt, theyd be offsetting one another. But you’re complaining about mana pots dropping in price while claiming an increase in inflation. That’s literally not how economics works.

I would imagine it originated from his :peach:

this has been and still going on since May… if you guys knew how dirty blizzard is… you still play this once beautifal game

Clearly you cannot argue with someone whos using false information to push a clearly incorrect narrative.

From the time they zone in, then out to reset.