No Less Than Fifty Hunters in DMT Flyhacking

Hunters are now levelling in DMT via flyhacking and utterly shattering the Herod economy.

Blizzard: Why have you waited so long to deal with the bot epidemic?


Yeah the hunter scouting bots are all over WPL/EPL/Winterspring and its literally impossible to gather even a single herb.

GG blizz lol


what is DMT… why use acronyms for everything…? ugh… the internet.


dire maul tribute, noob


I think I might have a cheat day tomorrow.

You know what an easy fix is for this? Stop buying tribute drops. Stop buying boosts. Play the game like its supposed to be played. Get the levels and the gear yourself with the help of your guild or pug it. This can’t stop the herb and mining problem but its a start.


Lul i remember the time when id question someone claiming they saw a dude fly hack farming stuff in wow but given the videos around and the way moder blizz acts; ye its most likely true.

at this point you can only hope they murder classic by naxx so a new fresh pserver can blossom

NB4 Delimicus post where he incredulously proclaims “I ONLY COUNT THIRTY-SEVEN HUNTERS FLYHACKING IN DMT”


Ok, boomer

Whao, what a well though through Idea you are having here! Can it get any more polemic than that? You know, what a real start is? Blizzard going rampant against Botters, gold seller and buyer. This can by the way also stop the problem of mining and herbalism botting. But you seem to rather care for how others play the game instead of going for the real problem.

People are playing the game like they are “supposed” to. The economy in WoW is a sandbox set by the players. Boosts and Item sales have been part of the game since Vanilla WoW all the way to BFA and will continue until the game is no more.

Imagine scapegoating players for taking the path of least resistance. The guy says they are literally FLYING, save your boomer take for a boosting thread.

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Please ban all of them! They are killing DMT runs!

Just wait until the next banwave in 7 months, brah.

Something Something small indie company.


Those flyhackers in Dire Maul Tribute aren’t selling boosts or gear. They get 7 item drops and 5 major potions every run. And they are crashing one of the largest server’s economy.

Then how do you know what they are doing?

Don’t worry, classic token is coming any second so they can sell ou the solution to the problem they’ve permitted to exist.

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Big server problems.

All I have to say is that it is hugely laugh-worthy when the reason someone complains about bots and hacks is because the things they hoped to make money on aren’t selling for the high price they want.

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There were over 300 new listings of stacks of 5 major mana potions in a 4 hour period. If you head over to dm n zone in on the big servers, you see hunters botting trying to zone in over and over after they hit the lockout timer.

So they’re single handedly crashing the economy through vendored gear and cheap mana pots? Seems highly unlikely

Not saying it doesnt happen but Ive literally never seen this on Faerlina and I spend a fair amount of time outside Dmn selling summons so… :man_shrugging:

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