No Less Than Fifty Hunters in DMT Flyhacking

The term “mega server” describes the capacity, not the actual population.

Every single time anyone on this forum ever referenced the term “mega server”, they were talking about servers with incredibly high populations, NOT the technical maximum capacity of the realm.

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Jesus Christ! This has been the definition for years from private servers who were actually the first ones to have mega servers.

But if you want to redefine things, here ya’ go:

Blizzard designed servers to hold 6X the population of original Vanilla servers. And before you get all weird about the exact amounts, this is assuming Vanilla servers were capped at 4K (it was actually less) and Classic servers are capped at 24K (it is actually more).

So servers with the capacity to hold over 24K pop were designed by Blizzard, not the players.

And yes, servers designed for this capacity are known as “mega servers” to all those who aren’t retail babies. Get over it.

You are free to design your own false narratives.

I mean this in the nicest way, but you’re really, really strange. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Try to find someone that agrees with you that Sul’thraze is a mega server. Not a low level alt you switch to either.

It is a mega server. It’s a dead mega server.

It’s obvious you’ve never played on private servers (you know, those people who defined mega servers) so you’re forgiven.

You’re also free to continue to “NUH UH!” this thread for the rest of your life if you want, won’t change anything.

BTW, this is my low level alt.

Of course, usually it’s low level alts pushing false narratives and trying to redefine popular forum terms to suit those narratives.

Over a DEFINITION?? Are you seriously picking that hill to die on?

Like I said, you’re really, really strange.

I guess when you see someone who only cares about the facts, it might seem strange to those that only care about their feelings.

Because they want you to migrate to Shadowlands.

Look, mega server was defined long, long before Classic. And you don’t have to like it.

“With megaserver technology, there are as many copies of a map as are needed to comfortably hold the population of players in that map at a given time. Rather than having a separate map copy for each home world and artificially limiting the amount of fellow adventurers you see, the megaserver system brings players together and dynamically opens up new map copies as necessary.”

Some call this sharding, some call it layering, but it’s the same technology. A mega server, by definition, has to exist before layering is possible.

Ergo, mega servers refer to capacity, not actual population.

But I’m done. You’re so caught up in arguing about things that have nothing to do with the issue than the issue itself. Which was, btw, Blizzard designing mega servers in the first place.