No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

At that point idk why we even killed him there.

What was the point? Why was he there alone? What was he doing?
Why kill him now? He did nothing anyone else could have done after Darkshore so why spare him for so long?


At that point might as well jail his *** if he wants to go to the shadowlands so badly- you might even learn something of Sylvanas’ plans instead of going in blind like it happened in canon


 maybe cut off his tongue so he can’t sass us anymore
 maybe that would have been more interesting conclusion for him.

Not sure if I’ll regret it, but, if people have too much free time and promise not to insult others, there are still a few hours to add a vote in a fan poll I saw Nobbel retweeting.

gl hf

I don’t remember hearing about this. What do we know about it?

Just that

The Scarlets were active in Tirisfal again.

It is probably why the Alliance Strom NPCs use the Scarlet tabards, holdover from an abandoned plan that the Alliance had re-integrated the Scarlets back into the Church of Light communion.

Ergo the Scarlet NPC in Stormwind Cathedral.

No deal. I don’t want them under any circumstances. I want them gone.


It’s not a win when it led to the destruction of Brill, the decimation of the Undercity and the loss of the Arathi Highlands to the Alliance.


That’s up to the players who took on that cosmetic. They have to decide whether or not their characters have gone to the otherside of their rage.

It doesn’t matter what players want, it matters what Danuser wants and what’s most insulting towards Night Elves, and that will happen.

It absolutely is a win lol.

Ever heard about winning the battle but losing the war saying?
One is not the same as the other.

Some silly silly people posting here.

“Now we shall have justice”

What an amazing lie that was


Until today, one of the most ridiculous cinemas^^

The cinema was so bad ^^


They had to spend the money for Saurfang talking to Anduin in CGI or pre rendered Sylvanas talking to Anduin of course.

A Night Elf cinematic where they don’t lose or suffer tragedy won’t get more than a cheap ingame cutscene.


The night elves have literally had at least one cinematic(yes, its not the pre rendered one but it is still more than any other race) since at least Legion. I’d also point out Illidan, a night elf was the one narrating the cinematic of Burning Crusade.

We have seen night elves in the Vanilla, Burning Crusade and BFA cinematics.

We have seen all races in the vanilla cinematic. Not sure if you’d want to count Illidan as Night Elf though, he has nothing to do with his people anymore and instead of us getting a proper reunion, blizz avoided that entirely.

If you want to consider cutscenes, you can’t say this:

It’s just wrong.

Bfa had plenty of cinemas but this one is the worst of all^^

Nelf players: Praise Malfurion/Tyrande’s cinematics for killing Horde npcs.
Also Nelf Players: The Night Warrior cinematic where Tyrande one shot kills an entire military unit of Horde soldiers that outnumber the ones Malfurion killed is not good.


We have never see gnomes or goblins in a cinematic. Also, I personally thought it was more poignant and bitter sweet they didnt meet up with only a memory of a long gone past showing what once was.

Lets see Ysera’s death, the Darkshore cinematic, Nathanos death, the cinematic for 9.1. Humans probably do beat them but it seems like they are the only ones.