No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Trolls and orcs too.

That would only technically be true if we consider both zandalari/Darkspear.

I think Vol’jin had 3 cinematics he was included in?

I mean, you count illidan as n11 cinematics too. So why seperate the trolls?

Most cinemas have gotten (exclusive)

  • human
  • trolls
  • orcs
  • nightelf.
  • draenei

In terms of numbers.

Because Illidan is a night elf. If we’re going to start incorporating allied races in this count why do zandalari/trolls get to be bunched up and say not night elves and either void elves/nightborne?

There would be a whole messy argument of which should be considered as a “racial” cinematic/cutscene.

Illidan is no night elf anymore. That his own statement. Hes an illidari.

And neither nightborne nor voidelves see themselves as nightelves. Trolls see themselves as trolls.

The nightelves see him not as nightelf aswell. So no, he isn’t a nightelf anymore. He is another being with nightelf origin but not an nightelf (like nagas)

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The illidari are not their own race. No matter how much Illidan himself might protest. All the Illidari are either blood elf or night elf.

Using this logic all of the branches of the elves consider themselves as elves. To the point Elisande once address them all as if they use to be one people.

Which is not true either. Again he is still biological an elf. There is no lore stating Illidan is his own race now.

He isnt biological an elf, hes an halfdemon

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Difference here is: all elves branches have a different culture (entire differently)

They belief not in the same gods, they share not the same worldview, they even not share the same biological limits.

The trollculture atleast is more centralizied and beliefe in an familiar worldview, religion, architecture.

The elves do this not.

Malfurion, even with in his current state is still considered a night elf. I think a character race/species is deeper then that.

You mean the same Gods the Drakarri ate or the same god the Zandalari wanted killed(Hakkar)?

The world view Vol’jin spit on when they meet in Cata?

Pretty sure even a void elf can potentially still mate with say a blood elf or even night elf.

“The rest of the Horde, I can fathom. Sylvanas, I can fathom,” Malfurion continued, “but our peoples once lived together. We fought together in the same wars, and we died for one another. It was true long ago, and it was true only a few months ago, out on the Broken Isles. There should be no divide between my kaldorei and your sin’dorei*.* ”

Sounds like the divisions itself are not exactly as deep as you claim.

“Once” mean actually they are

“Should be” means there is indeed this divide.

So stop pretending false fact. They are divided and no, even wow enzyclopädie didn’t list illidan as nightelf but as half demon

The troll dont live together either. And I am not sure the amani, farraki etc consider themselves as part of the Zandalari empire.

By that definition the rest of the Illidari should ne half demons as well but we still considef them blood/night elves. Not half demon.

No, because not every demonhunter consumed the scull of gul’dan and you can see the difference between an normal demon hunter and illidan.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting on here all depressed(annoyed more than anything really) and stuff, knowing my fav race, the worgen, will never get a badass cinematic like that :wolf:

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Somehow there is a possibility of high elf / human children. Other than that - extremely odd draenei / orc possibility.

Not sure what about blood elves / nightborne, and how far would it go. Night elves / trolls? Humans / night elves?

Rather concerning in some cases tbh.

Well, lately (I’d say since Cata) story does fall apart when looked at closely. But the community is pretty fun to interact with.

gl hf

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Most of the community is pretty chill and actually super fun to talk to. I wouldn’t be playing WoW long as I have if the community was super toxic after all :wolf:

But I was mainly pointing out how the worgen never got a cool cinematic(Outside of Genn in Stormheim that is), while the Kaldorei got two during BfA and a whole zone in SL dedicated to them. :wolf:

Quantity does not mean quality. If it does not serve the Purpose (be blessed) of progressing the advertised story, IMO it’s a waste of development resources and a way to lose the players.

gl hf

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Atleast Genn got to break Sylvanas’ lantern which turned out to be completely irrelevant. Gilneas avenged, I guess.

I’m proud of Genn and what happened in Stormheim. He did stop Sylvanas from whatever evil plan she was hatching, and I do like you, just sometimes you can be a little over the top.

Not that I blame you, I’m prone to doing it occasionally to :wolf:

I’m just tired of it, and especially when I have to call out that much bs for example from Dreadmoore, maybe I move a bit over the top sometimes.

But atleast I’m not a blatant liar and hypocrite like him. Remember this is the guy that said that BfA was great for the Alliance and absolutely absurd things like that.

I didn’t say it was a bad thing hun, we all have something we love about this game, it just means your passionate about it, I do applaud that. And Me and Treng disagree a lot more than we agree, trust me. I’ve had my fair share of arguments with him. :wolf: