No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

And I’m tired of the fact that people don’t even try to have objective discussions any more, but everything is so emotionally charged that you don’t even get the chance to exchange arguments without immediately getting hit on the head by “both sides.”

Maybe that’s because one side wants blizz to stop treating their favorite race as incompetent morons who can’t even defend their ancestral lands properly or have to get taught proper tactics by a toxic male king(Varian) who would be considered a child next to a certain priestess(Tyrande), and the other half who constantly dismiss the very legitimate grievances NE/Worgen fans have about how blizzz has been treating us.

I’ll let you figure out which side is worse, And here’s a hint, it’s not us with the grievances :wolf:


“Sounds like you want the game to be all about Night Elves and Worgen, and have them exterminate every other race and take over Azeroth! Night Elf and Worgen fans are so unreasonable!”

Meanwhile there are Horde threads where they ask for Lordaeron to happen first and then Teldrassil after so that they could feel justified in commiting genocide. And that’s just one of many examples.


That’s sadly the response I see from certain horde posters. It’s like No, we just want a few onsceen feel good moments like most other races get

The other thing I bristle at, is when people honestly tell others how they really feel about a certain topic, or that a opinion doesn’t count because it doesn’t conform to everyone else’s idea of a good time. :wolf:


Whenever people respond to me like that, I just link them one of my threads I made about what I would’ve wanted for Night Elves, such as this one:

Or this one:

And then I let them point out where I’m asking for those absurd things.

In reality, I have never actually seen Night Elf players to ask for much more than to keep what they had, to get victories in their own zones or to have positive development that doesn’t affect anyone else.

Horde players tend to make up lies to invalidate the legitimate concerns of Night Elf players, and use that as an argument as to why the Night Elves or Worgen shouldn’t get any positive development, because they are unreasonable, they ask for too much and they will never be happy.


It’s just sad that some people are that petty is all. Have I seen people be overly dramatic with their statements? Sure, but that doesn’t mean we should dismiss their opinions. :wolf:

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What is happening there? Why was Tyrande dragged to the portal to the living world?

she wasn´t dragged, she starts to “levitate”

the animations are just epic. Quality execution indeed.

gl hf

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At this point it is evident not even the art/cinematics team is really on board with the story. So whose idea was it to do Shadowlands?

Game team neither given Ion’s thousand yard stare during Blizzcon.

So who?

Shadowlands is speculated to follow the fate of WoD and be terribly unfinished.
And the tradition of bad-good addition will be broken.

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What the hell is that?

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

So the cutscene where Sylvanas defeats her has the same quality, I guess. Not that it would matter, but damn they really don’t waste any ressources for proper Tyrande cinematics. Crazy…

Etriel, don’t weep for not working on the night elf cutscenes. Kel’Thuzad also had jerky animations. They were jerky, weren’t they?

Fuh. But no. Okay.

How are you even supposed to know what happens in this cutscene? And the quality, eeewwww.
AWFUL. Guess Night Elf fans aren’t worth any ressources, not sure why I expected this to be any better

IMO the whole things is handled oddly if we go back to the kaldorei story.

I could get if they would want to go all-in on the loyalist side, and unfold that story. Some could like it, some not - but that would’ve been a coherent and clear story to tell. Maybe even following anti-hero / villain / whatever, like the starting original DK quest line.

Alternatively, to follow up of the advertised “elves seeking justice” theme, and go in that direction, be it “hero”, “villain” or “those are too narrow categories for the story” approach.

In either case that might’ve been something coherent, clear, and “as advertised”. Even if one of sides involved (player) would be unhappy about direction, at least it might’ve been possible to say “but if you take a step away from personal preferences there are some neat things”.

Yet somehow they managed to fail on both fronts, and then some. Night elves are a mess and a story not needed. Loyalists are fed up with the story about “being loyal is bad-bad” after forcing the whole faction to participate. Those who wanted this version of the horde, got the councing and moralization instead. Those who liked W3 horde are dragged through odd substences.

But shaping what those factions mean in the world and how they interact with one another? That’s something this expansion really allows us to focus on and resolve in a way that will be satisfying for players on both sides.

^ somebody seriously thought that. And I am not even sure how to politely allude to maybe using alcohol or something to get to the mental state where it would seem so.

[it almost like making an advert of TBC Classic with the store mount showed in it, after the community backlash against adding monetisation where it did not belong]

gl hf


That’s a cutscene that normally plays in-between quests where characters have jerky movements and lip-syncing doesn’t match. They have always been pretty bad.

Given how much troubles that whole story line caused since BfA, I am not sure that it is a right place to seek for “cheaper” production.

I know, people do call blizzard a multi-dollar indie company. But the expectations are different. Were different.

I guess it’s one of those things that just happen and tell more than scripted event. Be it sitting Baine with his “tauren stand proud”, or me falling into the Maw from Oribos while NPCs nearby say “the Purpose is our way”.

gl hf


Every time you put this up, I’m obliged to remind you that the Night Elves were facing everything that Saurfang and Sylvannas could throw up at them, outnumbering the Night Elf forces 8 to one, not to mention the advantage of a coordiated series of sneak attacks at every Night Elf settlement and camp in Ashenvale.

Considering how much of a butcher’s bill they handed to the Horde, and that they were fighting with the bulk of their best away, while realing from a coordinated sneak attack, incompetence is the LAST word that should be applied to the Night Elf defense.


Which is the point that I have to remind you that you are tacking to an already crazy scenario that went out of its way to force the loss at the same time that I remind you that the aspects discussed were not visually portrayed.

The elements that you described do not undo the impression, and the impression is what matters.


That impression is totally subjective on your part. I played through the War of Thorns questline and my impression does not match this narrative of yours. Even in “A Good War” Sylvannas notes incidents where Night Elf forces overwhelmed and then tortured Fosaken forces, noting that the Night Elves had finally learned (in her view) to be properly ruthless.