Theres so much back and forth in this thread its exhausting. But I’m gonna add my noise to this.
People on both sides are failing to fundamentally understand the difference between the suffering of fictional characters vs the suffering of the human player behind the screen. No, Night Elf, Worgen or Forsaken has suffered anything because they aren’t real. But we can acknowledge that this game, blizz and it’s community have hurt different groups within the player base.
I don’t play NE, but I do play Forsaken and Worgen. And I didn’t realize how much Undercity meant to me until it was cruelly taken away. So I can relate to how upset NE players are. What I am exhausted hearing about though, are NE players saying “it’s the Horde’s fault they lost Undercity so they can’t complain”. That goes back to the whole seperating out fictional characters with real living breathing human beings.
Horde players had no say in the loss of Undercity. So you can recognize that the feeling of loss on our side is just as valid as yours.
But, I have made peace with it, for two reasons.
- I’ve known for years that Blizz was playing around with the idea of permanently destroying playable cities. It seems Blizz chickened out on nuking the faction capitols and targetted the popular secondary cities instead.
TBH they should have gone with the capitols so it affected everyone equally.
- Blizz understands that players do not like to use a playable thing. The loss is permanent only in the current timeline.
I was upset for awhile after losing Undercity. Then one day I learned all I had do to was talk to some NPC and voila, my favorite city is playable again. I imagine the same must be true for Teldrassil. (If not then that’s really messed up)
Outside of nuking cities though, I do think Blizz has crossed a line and created a game that’s deeply upsetting for many. Shadowlands has only made it worse - it should have never happened the way it did. The afterlife has always been canon in the WoWverse, and for literally many quests we put “spirits to rest” by beating them up. The belief was there must be some sort of Azerothian afterlife where loved ones can reunite.
First Blizz obliterates this long held belief for all the races. No one reuintes with family apparently, which is already fked up and territority they should have never touched. If that wasn’t all wrong, now all souls just go to the MAW. That’s even more horrible. And now some of those souls, say the victims of horrible events, are just obliterated?
Let’s be honest, this is content that should have never ever been in this game. We signed up for a faction fantasy war game, not a psychological horror that makes you feel all is pointless because all there is is suffering. No one plays a game for that.
I think we can all agree NE, Worgen and Forsaken are victims of bad writing that’s upsetting to players year after year.
Some more thoughts.
Forsaken aren’t even acknowledged in Shadowlands. Were called “mortals” when were clearly not. Were Undead walking in the afterlife. For what reason do we return to the living?
Won’t the Forsaken cease to exist without Sylvanas raising more? What’s the justification now for this playable race?
It’s ironic that NE players ask if NE will just cease being playable. I actually asked the same thing of Forsaken. Plot and storywise, we no longer have any reason for being and it makes all the sense Azeroth will just ask us to go Maldraxxus or something, apparently we’d fit right in.