No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Suffering is the wrong frame to put this in. Horde players need an actual resolution for the villainy that their faction was made to portray, not a vague statement that it was all Sylvanas’s fault when no one believes that.

As for the Night Elves, this is a two faction game, and to restore their participation in it, they need to hit back against that faction rival. Sorry, you hit us, now it’s our turn. Although I will say again that I believe that this should be limited to Ashenvale, and frozen in stalemate from then on so that what is fundamentally PVP content can be expressed through PVP gameplay.

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On this I agree.

And thus the issue.

Not from a stance of “you’re not allowed to” but that this will not solve anything other than make the other side feel miserable.

And then they’ll hit back.

Then you’ll hit back.

Then they’ll hit back.

Then you’ll hit back.

“We suffered so you have to suffer too” solves nothing.


I don’t believe that, and we have no reason to think that is the case.

Honestly, I am willing to bet the majority of Horde players want to wipe out Vulpera.

This is why again, I assert that Ashenvale is the ticket here. It provides a venue for the Night Elves to demonstrate that they’re not pushovers, where that cycle you’re talking about can be slotted into Warsong Gulch so that the factional rivalry can be expressed through gameplay as opposed to more content.

But we do need to hit back and demonstrate that we’re not pushovers for that rivalry to feel believable.

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The forums at BFA’s launch were overflowing with Horde players who hated War of Thorns and the outcome. It’s why I personally rate BFA as the worst expansion they’ve ever made.

I’d take that bet, seeing as how we pushed to have them and got our obviously originally intended Allied Race replaced by them.

Didn’t Night Elves/Alliance already retake Ashenvale in the background though? I know they’re canonically in control of Arathi as well unless the writers double back on that.


Funny how the vast majority of the story forum horde posters hated WoT yet always get the flak of what other horde players did or didn’t do just because they’re here. :roll_eyes:


Ashenvale was left as a question mark - leaving it ripe for an onscreen reconquest - something to put a bit of spring into our step again.

Arathi was wrongly decided if you ask me, but being a Night Elf fan, I have zero investment in Arathi.

And is that the majority of all Horde players?

Finally got to that point.

  1. It really sucks running this on mythic when the alt you picked is only level 45.
  2. I see a single caged troll, paired up with a goblin. The next cage over has a Wildhammer and Theramore pair, and the final cage has a dead tauren in it. If any trolls are strung up somewhere, I can’t find them.
  3. I had forgotten how my original preferred AH orc was the one they chose to make those two citizens fight under threat of losing their children. That was a “fun” memory to relive.
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Many Alliance players refuse to accept the Horde’s suffering in BfA as legitimate because it did not track with how they personally think the Horde should have suffered.

The effective argument here is that the Alliance suffered more and thus deserves the chance to make the Horde more miserable. This is why there is a very great deal of downplaying Alliance victories and advances as insufficient or not “counting” for whatever reason, while simultaneously playing up the War of Thorns as an overwhelming faction pride moment for the Horde.

The moment they acknowledge that the Horde took plenty of hits in BfA, the foundation crumbles from under their argument, so they turn a blind eye to this.


This is, bluntly, self-serving rhetoric designed to protect a position of supremacy over the Night Elves, rhetoric that is directly contradicted by the content in this post that it is replying to.


You’ve basically illustrated my point anyway. Acknowledging that the Horde suffered quite a lot in BfA basically pulls out the entire underpinning of your argument, and so you will desperately do whatever it takes to avoid that.




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Also, acknowledging the Horde also suffered in BFA doesn’t change the fact that Night Elves deserve to feel competent and powerful, and deserve retribution for what happened to them.

Blame Blizzard for their writing, but the damage is done, we can’t go back, and ignoring the problem isn’t a solution.


According to Blizzard, That’s the entire Alliance.

Hope you’re ready for some more Wrynnsplaining, Jaina Deus Exing, Human Gileans, and rolling over whenever the going gets tough.


The object of our hatred is the Horde and the developers. The hate target of Horde players is the developers, because they feel ashamed of themselves, not hate themselves. And they really don’t want to be ashamed anymore. The side target is the Alliance, which really wants to kill them.
The Horde is much closer than the developers. In addition, the Horde prevents us from crying. And humiliates, telling us that for us, if we think logically, for us everything should have gone even worse.

There was some thought, but I could not formulate it. I guess I’m just complaining. Yes.

And why don’t we torture the Horde? Why should we be tormented by the thought that we will never take revenge, and not you tormented by the thought of “Once again besieged Orgrimmar”?


Объект нашей ненависти - Орда и разработчики. Цель ненависти игроков Орды - разработчики, потому что себя они стыдятся, а не ненавидят. И им очень не хочется стыдится больше. Побочная цель - Альянс, который очень хочет их убить.
Орда гораздо ближе, чем разработчики. К тому же Орда мешает нам рыдать. И унижает, рассказывая нам о том, что для нас, если рассуждать логически, для нас все должно было пройти еще хуже.

Тут была какая-то мысль, но я так и не смог ее сформулировать. Наверно, я просто жалуюсь. Да.

И почему бы нам не помучать Орду? Почему мы должны мучаться от мысли, что никогда не отомстим, а не вы мучаться от мысли “Снова осадили Оргриммар”?

It’s only been a year and we haven’t got our revenge
We have not budged a single step.
Just think - killed, think - forgiven,
But we didn’t get our revenge! So it’s time for us to moan.
We moaned a lot in the past, and even now we moan,
And we will continue to moan all day.
And you, closing your ears, exclaim:
"Listen! The dwarfs suffered the most,
They were silent every day! So be like the dwarfs:
Moan not very much, about once
Never in twenty or thirty! "

Origianal "verse"

Прошел всего лишь год, а мы не отомстили,
Ни сдвинулись мы с места ни на шаг.
Подумаешь - убили, подумаешь - простили,
Но мы не отомстили! Значит время нам стонать.
Стонали в прошлом много, да и сейчас мы стонем,
И будем продолжать стонать весь день.
А вы, зажавши уши, воскликните:
“Послушай! Страдали гномы больше всех,
Молчали каждый день! Так будь подобен гномам:
Стони не очень много, примерно один раз
За двадцать-тридцать никогда!”

The only time it’s brought up is as a false olive branch to try and make you sympathize with their point. It’s quickly yoinked away if you don’t agree.


The number of hits the Horde took in BFA is not relevant to the fact that the Burning of Teldrassil happened.

Yes genocide against the horde is bad

Can someone give me a quick rundown of the thread I’m too lazy and/or stupid to read 306 posts.