No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Of course, but we here are criticizing the devs, and their approach. Hence it’s fair game to advocate for, and not just for ourselves.

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Technically I’m not a troll fan. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just something that stuck out to me at the time in a “Did Blizzard really just do that?” sort of way.
I probably shouldn’t have been surprised, given Theramore.

If you played warcraft 3, you’d know that the enslaved murlocs under her took Sen’jin. The Darkspear also actively kill naga. But the witch was directly responsible and faced direct action. Sylvanas wasn’t enslaved, it was her choice and her action upon that choice.

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Except the Jailer didn’t Burn Teldrassil. Not even Sylvanas is solely responsible for Teldrassil burning. The Horde did it, Gleefully and enthusiastically.


Actually we don’t know that for sure anymore since the shard of her soul that Frostmourne took is missing. All of her actions since the Edge of Night were probably at the direction of Zovaal and not her own choice even if she says otherwise.

Which only backs up my point that the Darkspear should have been more invested in going after the Naga. Thanks for your support.

1000 night elves coupled with the many killed during the War of Thorns. The Burning overshadows the rest of the pre-patch often, but there were already a ton of kaldorei killed before they’d even set up the catapults. Give the literal river of wisps floating to Darkshore, we can assume a fairly large amount were killed in that advancement too.

We have no real canon number for night elves, but we do know from old lore that it numbers in the low tens of thousands, so even a thousand is a big bite. Coupled with those killed before the Burning and it could very well be 5% of an entire race flat out deleted, which is… bad.

Also, while again 1k seems low, keep in mind that that’s more civilians killed on purpose than the entirety of the Alliance has ever killed by accident.

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I will just add here - the Horde in no way backtracked on the ideology that led them to this either. Saurfang tried, but Anduin cut what could have been a somewhat passable realization with “but what about Arthas?”

Hence the problem for both sides I would argue is unfulfilled - and to Horde players, this is notable because without further development, this means that feeling of shame that many of you have complained about will never go away without some form of content to address the consequences of BFA.

We can talk about what that content should look like of course, but pretending that the problem can be left to fester hurts you too.


It is our current knowledge, and what we are working with. Btw, coercion is not enslavement, because coercion requires you to find no possible alternatives and basically have no choice, which I doubt Sylvanas was faced with.

No it doesn’t… because only one Naga was there specifically doing it. I don’t care about the Jailer, and likewise, you shouldn’t care about Azshara.

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What are you talking about? They still “, go after the naga”. They regularly hunt naga and there are several naga killing quests in the start zone and as part of the Horde. They killed the main sea witch responsible. It’s not like Azshara gave the order to kill Sen’jin.
You can’t get more invested than that.


Anything he can latch onto for a counterargument, no matter how tangential, unrelated, or off-the-mark it is.

They could have been a part of attacking Nazjatar at all. That would have been something.

Instead the Horde rep there was Lorthimar for some reason.

Btw, coercion is not enslavement, because coercion requires you to find no possible alternatives and basically have no choice, which I doubt Sylvanas was faced with.

Typically if someone owns your soul that is a form of enslavement. If Zovaal holds even a fragment of her soul it’s not just coercion at that point.

War of Thorns did not make the Horde look awesome, and it certainly didn’t make us feel awesome.

Stop treating it like it’s something we can be proud of.


Except they were affiliated with the horde. They are literally allowing the horde to dock there and help them with their internal struggles. That is affiliation.

Affiliation does not require membership.

I’m afraid I disagree, especially after all of that commissioned art displaying Horde characters killing Night Elf ones that tended to attract “FOR THE HORDE” posts on Twitter before we learned who was responsible.

That the devs like the evil Horde and most of the playerbase doesn’t doesn’t undo what the intent was here, or how it felt from the view of the rivalry.

We might get “it was all fake Sylvanas!!1” story from the current dev team.

gl hf

I would agree if not for the vast number of Horde fans shouting “For the Horde” and mocking nelf fans with images of flaming Teldrassil.


Uh no, you don’t get to decide what I like or enjoy or am okay with.

The Blizzard writers messed up. NOT the players. This was not a win for the Horde.

This isn’t about revenge or justice at this point, you just want to one-up this faux-lead you think the other side has.

War of Thorns was NOT a good thing. It was not a win. It was not a fist bump moment

“The Horde players need to suffer, they have to!” mindset is not going to sway people to agree with you or put you into the right.


There’s always jackasses, the sheer amount of people who hated War of Thorns severely outweighed the jerks.

There’s constant posts of Alliance peeps wanting to wipe out Vulpera, that doesn’t mean all or even the majority of the Alliance want to do so.


to be fair, there is more than one single nelf player and they may not agree as a collective mass

Tyrande: Alright Sylvanas, let’s see who you REALLY are! (rips off mask) Why it’s Old Man Withers, the guy who runs the haunted amusement park!