I would much rather them force a move to cata if they want to create a wrath era servers with all these changes we have had.

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They are the same system. Put down the drugs.

I actually might do some revamped zones this time around. Rdf isn’t working as well as it did in original wrath especially on the vanilla level dungeons so I won’t have a full set of alts this time going into cata. I’ll have time to level up an alt or two and see what those quest lines are really like. Might be fun since it’ll be new to me.

Except they’re not timed, don’t require keys that people get upset about, and there’s not 5000 different levels to go over


I feel like Cataclysm quests as a whole get a bad rap for being nothing but hokey pop culture references, and while it is true there are a fair number of quests like this, there are plenty more that are played wholly straight and serious. And there’s nothing wrong with a bit of levity now and then anyway

Welcome to the Machine is a good one for early Undead/Horde going into Hillsbrad that starts off comedic, but leads into a pretty compelling story following a handful of player stereotype NPCs and how they handle their respective “quests”

The Day that Deathwing Came is a fully comedic questline in the Badlands that is an obligatory series of campfire stories, with each teller recounting what happened trying to outdo the previous with the absurdity of their story

Mankrik really, really, REALLY hates quilboar

There’s the story in Stonetalon Mountains that shows how amazing Garrosh can actually be if he were given to the right writer

And that’s just a few. If you haven’t seen much, or any, of the revamped quests yet, I do highly recommend exploring and seeing them for yourself. A lot of the dislike for the revamps seems horribly misguided by nostalgia for their original experience in the game. Or are people who think a cartoonish game like WoW needs to be 100% no laughing allowed super serious all of the time

Yes slightly buffed dungeons with some mechanical changes to match their dungeon theme that give gear from last season is EXACTLY the same as infinitely scaleable dungeons that are an extra pillar of end game, not just something to catch up alts

WoW(pun intended), another “No Cata” post

Let me give you a few bits of info
player bases die if a game has no measure of progression. Casuals, not no lifers or elitists are what sustain a game. LEARN THIS!

If they keep Wrath Classic as is, factually the playerbase will eventually die out to another MMO. This is precisely what is happening now to WoW’s competition of FF14! Square Enix added barely nothing to keep normies occupied such as open world content, and guess what
their numbers dropped by 1/3rd in 2 months and now by nearly half.

So get over yourself
Cata Classic will happen and Blizz will more than likely do something to appease Wrath only players(which I honestly find very pathetic).

Cata isn’t progression to Wrath though. It’s just a different game that most players don’t want to play.

That’s a huge mistake as there isn’t any demand for it. Even Blizz knows that Cata is the beginning of the end.

Well I mean that is where the players are. We are here for Wrath. The Classic part of WoW is Vanilla, HC and Wrath. Cata will never be considered Classic even if they do it. Cata is the start of Retail.

This is just rude and misdirected anger. We get it you love an unpopular expansion like Cata. There is a small niche crowd like yourself that wants it. They really shouldn’t dedicate resources too it though. They should continue to focus on Vanilla, HC and Wrath. Then of course Classic + which is the future of WoW.

I might have been through those zones once or twice at most after it happened. I will admit, it was nice the quests/zone had changed, and it was not the same old kill 500 pigs for 5 pig snouts (but let me pull 499 swords out of the pig rear-end cause snoutless pigs are a thing) :slight_smile:

100% - which means Scentsy is correct - they are not the same.

I came back for Wrath too from Warmane
if they force us to play Cata instead of keeping different expansion servers running and giving us the CHOICE to play what we want then that’s when I’m going back to Warmane. In my opinion Cata was the beginning of the end for WoW
again (in my opinion) to the garbage of what this game is now in retail


This proposed version of Cata sounds pretty interesting to me

  • Account Wide Mounts and Pets
  • Solo Queue Arena
  • UI for collectibles.
  • Providing reliable methods to find groups for Heroic+ and Mythic+
  • Oh right Mythic+ apparently (Probably MoP Challenge modes that led to Mythic+ as the rewards for them are akin to those challenge modes)
  • Reworked 1-60 (to include flying) and reduced grind from 60-80. Yep, that is right level 1 flying mounts,
  • Live events (Think AQ40, elemental invasions, Naxx invasion). Things to make the game feel alive. This included World Bosses.
  • Rework of old raids
 so that they remain challenging at Level 85. That is right every raid from Molten Core to Ruby Sanctum brought up to 85
 That includes their item drops. The example given was DFT being worth going back to do BWL for.
  • Talent tree rework without the changes brought in with the original cataclysm.
    Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

Already done that, so check

Not a pvper but people seem to want that, so good

Pretty sure this is just lfd tool

Dont know what this means, cata already did that

Not bad

This would just be an unbalanced mess that would make guild leaders lives impossible

No freaking thank you, cata classes were near perfection

  1. who cares
  2. who cares
  3. who cares
  4. RDF?
  5. Yuck
  6. Absolutely not
  7. Neat
  8. Meh I’m good
  9. That’s fine

Most people hate the talent trees in Cata and the shift to restrictive gameplay. I don’t think trying to fix everything wrong with Cata is a good option.

Who are “most people” most people didnt play hybrid specs so it changed nothing

Though i dont really care as long as class design stays the same


People will move to cata
at first. The question how long they will stay.

This is like Blockbuster, bringing back brick and mortar dvd rentals. We already know how the 1st round played out 

I really think you are discounting that a lot of people won’t. They know what Cata is and don’t want to relive it. Cata is pretty much a Doa. Players can do Wrath, HC and other game modes till Classic +.

Your posts smell a whole lot of “i got what i want, you cant have yours”

Let those of us who want cata have cata, im not saying remove wrath or dont do classic+ for those who want it


I will see what the changes are, but no wrath era servers and I am out.