Everyone can’t get what they want. Every time they try to do that everyone loses. Which is obviously bad.

It’s likely unhealthy for Classic and it’s community. If they do Cata though I just hope they have their priorities straight and don’t waste resources on it when the focus should be Vanilla, HC, Wrath and Classic +.

What even is classic+, everyone gives a different answer, i dont think they could please everyone with it


Classic + is the future of WoW. It’s starting a new adventure and story. It’s a brand new expansion in the Classic Era. Classic + is WoW 2. Something ALL WoW fans desperately need. You can’t fix Retail due to critical mass and keep adding which is why new expansions are pointless. At some point the game needs to start again. A hard reset.

Classic + is the WoW we all been waiting for. Realistically any MMO/Game has 2-3 expansions before you should stop because the game is ruined and then do the sequel. So this is something that should of happened a long time ago.

Blizz has been given a golden goose with the chance of doing WoW 2 with Classic +. It’s the easiest win they ever had. The only exciting news that could save WoW at Blizzcon is the announcement of Classic +.

But what is it? Cause some people just want new raids/dungeons, some want class changes some don’t, no one can agree on what should go into it

You know what a new expansion is right? It’s all new zones, story, content, classes etc. It’s a brand new never seen before adventure. You are starting the WoW story over and going in a different direction. Say for example TBC never happens, we never go through the dark portal and the game goes in a different direction/timeline.

Thats not really an answer to the question


I don’t really have time for trolling. I literally answered your question in great detail. There should be no confusion on your part.

Abomb is the leader of trolls. Just ignore him.
He has no opinion. His mind is just “I HATE CATA AND EVERYONE THAT LIKES CATA”


That’s too general to answer the questions, like does it include qol features like rdf or dual spec? Both are controversial. Are there new races or classes, like blood elfs or DK’s? Wow tokens are not? Higher level dungeons beyond heroics or not? There might be support for the general idea of classic + but there would be huge disagreements when you get into the nitty gritty specifics.

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Thats basically what i was getting at, even if people want classic+ theu may not want the same classic + as the next person, making one happy is pissing off the next

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Yeah, I know. I thought I’d try to make it more specific since abomb didn’t seem able to grasp the obvious.


Yea, i wasnt aiming that at you lol, besides hes a troll but fun to poke at


So what you’re trying to say is you don’t think Is any one ever levelled a character From level 1 Since the end of wrath ?

I can tell you that’s just not true I’ve made several aits And i’ve known friends That have left the game and came back From cata-df I assure you there are plenty of people that levelled from level one.

For 1 reason or another And just because you didn’t Doesn’t mean everybody else did too So no There are plenty of people that levelled up in cata And beyond From level 1

So yes i cen Make the same argument for wrath and tbc To an extent The only difference is it got faster every expansion Mainly because the level cap increased So no, it’s not the same leveling experience for sure But that doesn’t mean no one ever did it.

Of course not. You need to read more carefully. I don’t live in a black/white world so I don’t speak in absolutes. But I do think the number of players starting a level 1 alt was significantly less in cata then in wrath. Mostly because with the addition of rdf and the year long content drought with no loss of subs a huge number of people leveled up so many alts to cap they didn’t want or have time for any more. For the same reason I think wrath had more people leveling alts than Vanilla or BC.

I would have to think on that You’re not wrong with the content drought for sure And i’m sure people did hit their character cap I can tell you I didn’t.

And I ended up leveling up a lot more characters in cata More than I did in wrath But again Either way it’s the same point The world is dead.

Now there was a ton of people in northren in wrath But if we’re talking in the classic zones Whether they be redone or not You didn’t see a bunch of people in them.

I can tell you at the end of wrath I had 3 80 A Paladen, Rogue, and dk no at the end of cata i had 5 85 Palatin,Rogue,dk,Warrior, Druid I can also tell you.

I had about 10 of 12 Other characters in the ranges of 24-80 Weather be friends coming back Why to start on another server for whatever reason.

As far as far less people leveling From level 1 in cata and Beyond vs wrath I just don’t know But either way Let’s just be honest outside of Classic Vanilla That happens with every expansion.

And for the record I always Levelled at least one character from level one in every expansion For me personally it was just to see how the 1 to cap Had changed.

Now that’s not every one for sure but i’m just saying Either way I still say that the cata Re vamp was a good thing and The world is just as dead in wrath as in cata.

I’d really just like them to have one or a few of each type of permanent servers (normal, pvp, rp, rppvp) for each expansion. I still want my forever BC home and a forever WotLK home. I don’t see why they can’t also make a Cataclysm one for those who want it (I wouldn’t likely be playing it). Maybe a classic plus as well.

I think a Classic + could be in the order of a time jump back to when the world of Azeroth was just beginning. Why not explore the world as it was before the Sundering? What was it like in the time of Azshara as Queen of the Kaldorei? Think of all the unique quests and adventures we could have as Night Elves caught in the middle of the conflict that started it all by attracting the Legion?

I would love to see us explore the beginnings of humans expanding out from their start as Vrykul or even playable Vrykul? How did they manage to reach every corner of Azeroth?

The dwarves and their ancient beginnings as Earthen and Troggs? The bustling city of Gnomeregan before the time of Thermoplug! I would love a city of gnomes and all their marvelous inventions and various occupations. How did they become alive and not mechagnomes? So many things we could explore and do if we went back 10,000 years and relived that timeline.

If there always has to be a Lich King, then there must be a place where the Undead began. How did they start and how did they manage to survive? Who was the original Necromancer?

We have heard the tales and some of us have read the books. I for one would LOVE to see a character develop from the perspective of the Ancients and their connection to the mysterious Titans.

I can even see an Orc world of Draenor without all the mess of the Portal, maybe a separate world? The Draenei and the Orcs living in peace after the Exodar landed there and the influence of the trolls and other races. Of course there has to be an even number of Horde and Alliance races. Maybe explore some races we have not had an opportunity to play? The Arakoa Bird people, Lizard or dragonkin, any of the Centaur like races, including the Cat ones in Uldum.

I can see starting at 10K years before the present time and eventually exploring the evolution of Azeroth through meaningful expansions by 10 year or even 100 year time jumps, making you create a new character each expansion and leveling through to a set cap. Plenty of areas to set dungeons and raids. A great opportunity to begin the Horde versus Alliance in massive world pvp events all can partake in, or find ways of escaping the battles and making sure the world continues.

All the lore is there, I just want to experience it as it happened. Am I the only one that can see the marvelous potential?

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I’m sure most of us can see the potential but a business also has to justify the expense.

This is not a classic+, this is WoW2 and a huge investment cost on a risky chance of reward. Not something I would expect to see happening right after an acquisition.

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I can see it as a worthy project for Microsoft to make the game more interesting and to invite more new players as well as old timers who would like to see a revamp. I do not expect it to happen right away, its just an idea.

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