I keep hearing rumors that we are getting CATA in 2024, well if its true alot of people on my server are already saying they are quitting wow including me.
I came back to wow because they have a WOTLK server, if ya want cata make a new server for it.
I love wotlk just like it is.
Not have half the barrens destroyed and split.
If I wanted to play cata I would just go back to retail and deal with all the nerfs and garbage there.


“Most people”

Cata was the dropoff point for many people and they’ll probably do the same. “Continuing” to Cata is just lazy milking and will repeat the same dropoff again.


Meanwhile staying in wrath is a literal death sentence for classic outside of hardcore. But continue thinking that’s what’s best for the game if you want. You’re allowed to be wrong.


I’d rather have some sort of Wrath/Classic + than just advancing to a garbage expansion that marked the end of the original classic wow timeline. Re-releasing Cata is just seeing how long people will eat the same garbage with nothing else


Typical WoW forums, it always has to be one way or the other. Let Wrath have its own servers while everything else moves on to Cata, it’s not complicated


I don’t know what the answer is, but Cata was the twisting knife that has slowly been bringing WoW to its knees. The P1 success is directly attributed to the success and hype WotLK left off on. Obviously you can’t just stay in WotLK forever, but Cata will just be killing the game all over again.

If they made significant changes, it might see success.


Everyone thinks they’re so cool bashing Cata and MoP but hands down those expansions are amazing.

Most people can’t give any non-anecdotal reason they don’t like Cata (or MoP).

Most people crying about the world changing never do anything in the “world” anyways.
OH MY GOD THEY CHANGED THE BARRENS OH NO… Bro you haven’t been in the barrens in 3 years.


Classic ends in Wrath though. Cata is the start of Retail, the destruction of the world, restrictive game design. Releasing Cata again does more harm then good. They should focus on Classic Era aspects up too Wrath. Then release Classic + the first Classic expansion.

Except that was the downward spiral of WoW and when it wasn’t WoW anymore. Those expansions aren’t part of the Classic era of the game and they never can be.


Subscriber data just doesn’t agree. We did see record subscriber numbers with Cata’s launch, which bumped from 11.5MM to 12MM in P1 Cata… Then down to just over 10MM by the end of Cata. And then the launch of Mists saw a further decrease following the failure of Cata (under 10MM), but there was actually a significant boost back to 10MM after the conclusion of MoP to WoD. And of course, after WoD’s flop and 50% sub dropoff, it’s been a slow decline into obscurity.

Point is, the bleeding started with Cata.


My extrapolations, based on my own gathered resources that are non-withstanding, tell me that “most people” don’t want to move on beyond Wrath.

Where are you getting your information from that “most people” want to move on beyond Wrath?


Curious what it’s like living in a small sound proof room where your voice gets amplified and you think there are more than just a handful of people in there with you.

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What we have always said is that Cata wasn’t that bad, but wasn’t that great either.

Cata had some redeemable qualities; just not enough of them to invest in immersive progression, at least not a for a second go-around.

The same thing applies to MoP.


I’ll see you in both cata classic and mop classic cuz ya’ll are hypocrites and just like to whine. You’re not going anywhere.


Actually no; if they try to screw me with the way they screwed with the transition from vanilla to BC classic, I’m done.

You can foot the bill and can have the game tailored around whatever demographic you seem to represent.


Nah, the game’s gotta keep progressing. I’m all for WotLK era realms but I want to keep progressing. Cataclysm is an expansion that’ll be radically improved from the Alpha/Beta/Gamma system. Put transmog in the game in the pre-patch/Phase 1 and let players continue to access the pre-cata world and it’ll be infinitely better than it was.

It’s the era I started playing and I very much want to see how it holds up today. Plus after that we get the best expansion; MoP.


What don’t you like about Cata?

I get that Cata is very divisive, but I don’t really see how keeping Wrath forever is going to keep people interested either. Cata was an amazing expansion and the more videos I watch I’m reminded about all the cool things I forgot. I really don’t get why people are so resistant to it. Are people so angry about the world changes? I have to say, after all this time in classic I’m kind of sick of the old quests lol. I wonder though if Blizzard could add a toggle option where you could switch from the new cata world to the old world? I don’t know how hard that’d be but at least then people would have access to both.


What Cata did to change the game is just how people play WOTLK now. Pretty much raid log and parse chain circle jerk. Everyone will just gdkp and continue as it is now. The actual spirit of what the game was back in the day is long dead, and that is fine things die, this new era that started in Classic-Vanilla is a new thing. Raid or die, loot loot loot, look at the color of my number… that will all just carry right over to Cata just like it is here now in WOTLK. Its just a bigger content patch. Its fine, learn to deal with it, its just how its going to be.


Ive been waiting for Cata since the day the classic project was announced. I really hope we get it.


No. WoTLK is honestly not great except for the ICC patch. The first 3 phases were duds. Not even as fun as TBC Phase 1-4.

Will get boring fast. Bring on Cata and all the good QoL that comes with it. Game dies after Legion not Cata.


I get it. You probably havent played private servers so your memory of cata is not great. If you had… well, you wouldn’t be comparing it to Dragonflight. Cata feels wayyyyyy more like classic than Dragonflight. Dragonflight, Shadowlands, and BFA all feel like Legion. Nothing before Legion feels even remotely like retail.