The more likely answer is that it’s just an xpac people care more about
Eh, Cata and mop servers are pretty popular when a new one is released, problem with mop specifically was we hadn’t had a new one in ages until recently.
I really hope they don’t go Cata.
I’d be down for a classic+ expansion with new content. I’d be down to keep Wrath around. I’d be down for a way to progress through each expansion but stick in one if I choose.
What I’m not ok with is forcing folks to Cata.
Literally nothing is improved by this bastardization of the M+ system.
Classic ended few years ago. Later we had Classic TBC. Now we have Classic Wrath. If you love classic go play on dead Grobbulus era. Same fate probably will be for Classic Wrath Era if there will be any…
And im not ok with not going to cata and eventually mop, though you can also have the rest of that if thats what they want to do
All i want is cata and mop!
Alpha/Beta/Gamma are infinitely better than M+
M+ is an obnoxiously sweaty content treadmill. The classic versions are much better in being minimally invasive and not as centralizing
I mean, this has been proven to be mostly false. One of the main factors classic was ever even a thing was the wild, long term popularity on illegal private servers. Some still stand, and are quite popular. A permanent seasonal wrath would not be a bad thing.
Classic WoW is Vanilla thru Wrath. The old dynasty of WoW and pinnacle of the game.
Cata starts Retail.
I play Wrath on Grob it’s super packed and very active in all aspects of the game and WPvP.
wPvP on Grobb ended with launch of TBC Classic. I’m former member of Hurricane and those 4x40m vs 4x40m over world bosses battles are my best memories about Classic on Grob. One battle took 12 hours to win.
The only thing about Cata I thought was ridiculous, was the catastrophic changes to the world as a result of one Dragon flying around who is tiny in comparison to the sheer size of Azeroth.
I mean, that dragon in particular is the one literally blessed by the Titans to have power over the earth, so if any one dragon could break the planet it would be him
And even then it wasn’t entirely just him, a big part of it was also the elemental forces of Azeroth going out of whack too
I heard it dipped then and wasn’t on grob to start. I moved here and it’s been very active in Wrath especially lately. There are some good PvP guild rivalries atm. So the faction wars and attacking and city defense is great. Been in many 80+ vs 80+ events that last hours several times a week.
All I can say is it’s very active now and tons of WPvP. Grob is probably the best PvP server atm.
This was a mistake at that time to do. There should be an NPC to click that stuff off so the zones and world isn’t ruined. Cata made a lot of mistakes though. From restrictive talent trees, removal of stats, game design, gearing. Just feels like they tore down everything that was WoW and built something stranger and different that wasn’t quite WoW.
The introduction of mastery was also a mistake.
I mean see this is opinion I mean maybe it’s a hot take I think the cata Zones are a hundred times better Then the vanilla.
I mean even classic players Like a place like the barons You either love it or you hate it.
Give me cata Barons over classic barons any day of the millennia Same thing with desolous I hated desolates in Classic but I love it in cata So you know it’s opinion.
I hear what youre saying … though the actual event was caused by the Shattering; a worldwide disaster that struck Azeroth following Deathwing blasting his way from Deepholm into the world.
So it implies that all of what happened was a result of him erupting out from below, rather than a powerful magic or ritual cast.
And then there’s the physics that doesnt add up … an earthquake that caused Tsunamis across the other side of the world, yet cities and towns still had walls standing?
Not buying it
How many people even did those old redone zones? By the time wrath was over I had all the alts at level cap that I could manage. I never started a new level one alt in cata or after.
I mean you could make the same argument for wrath When I levelled up in benediction Or even if i’m going to go back in 2008 Is an original wrath yeah when the game launched there was a ton of people.
But Bye icc There was almost no one leveling as far as cata Goes I mean that was 2010 It depended When it first launched I decided to go back because I wanted to try out.
The new zones how many people did I see Between 5-6 per zone normally Don’t remember the name but the underwater zone Not so much a lot of people hate that place I know.
But to answer your question about how many als did i Make During cata I missed around with a lot of classes Just because I was curious to how they played.
But I would say I leveled between 5-6 Characters from 1-85 Give or Take.
I don’t think you can. Everyone I knew was leveling up tons of alts in wrath. Many people had at least an alt of every class. It was because of rdf in wrath that I had so many level capped alts going into cata that I never started another level 1 alt again.
Personally I’m probably going to end up doubling up on a few classes. I’m already saving shaman for when I can make a dwarf, and I’ll probably end up making another Warrior and a prot Paladin at some point because I love the Cata changes to them. As far as questing goes, I like the revamped zones way, WAY more. Zones have defined level ranges and actual plot lines to follow that keep a player engaged while they level. If I ever to do another quest that has me go to the literal opposite side of the world to talk to an npc, just for them to send me back to the first npc, so that they can have me go to the other opposite side of the map to a zone I haven’t even been close to yet to collect 20 tusks from a tribe of 90% tuskless trolls, all for a selection of green items that aren’t even relevant to my class, it’ll be too soon
Everyone always talks about how amazing and memorable the Linken quests are, and I could not tell anyone why because by the time it has me going all the way up to Winterspring I’ve lost all interest in seeing it through. Meanwhile I will never forget The Day That Deathwing Came