Nightborne: Still in Need of Improvement

Which makes their decisions all the more confusing. There’s absolutely no call for all of our options to have a wrinkled, gaunt appearance.

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From time to time i try to level up this character but… damn, that face… i cant play with this. Every male looks the same. The npc model is a lot better.


NGL that’s also how the heritage set should’ve looked like!


It’s sad that there isn’t more of an uproar about this, but I suppose the anger of the community has dwindled in the 2 years since the Nightborne have been released.

I’ve seen a lot of people say, “Well it’s a reskin, did you really expect for them to put a lot of work in?” It’s really sad that subpar, unfinished work is the expected norm from the Blizzard team.


Someone needs to make a Chad Suramar Nightborne vs the Virgin Playable Nightborne meme.



Drazhoath, plz, these wounds are still too fresh for these jokes. :cry:

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Yeah I have 2 Nightborne I just view them has over clocked Night Elves they still share the same model problems as them and really need the heritage armor redone so it looks more like Arcanist Valtrois and First Arcanist Thalyssra. it was the one reason I made a Nightborne.

I honestly wish I could wrap my head around how the Nightborne were released in the state they are. Was there pressure to release them before they were finished? Or, is this how the developers always intended them to be released?

Either way, I really hope we have some changes coming. :roll_eyes:


Especially considering how much effort went into, say, Dark Iron Dwarves. they’re technically a reskin but they stand VERY well on their own with unique skin textures, hair effects, facepaint, etc. and so much less lore importance is put on Dark Iron Dwarves than the Nightfallen :confused:


I support this.

Nightborne need some major touch ups.

Right now they are the equivalent of a Sam’s Choice night elf.

Female are tolerable.

Male looks terrible in anything not a robe. Like an anemic, constipated, and perpetually grumpy old man trying to shank you a la the old guy from Tenacious D.

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Have the developers ever commented on the difficulty making tweaks to a model before?

I’m going to assume it’s a grueling endeavor with how long it took for them to implement the changes for Worgen and Goblins.

Nightborne & Lightforged Draenei are severely lacking customization atm, hopefully the get to new allied races customization after they finish the normal races.


Look at how different the npc male nightborne and playable one look. This is unacceptable…


I just want Nightborne to look more like the actual race. We got something really strange instead, and it’s the only Horde AR I’ve not even touched.


I support this thread.

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You guys are just weird remodels of the already weird nelf remodels that made that race look doofy.

Considering the customization options other races have been getting, I think some of these would go a long way to making the race more appealing:

  1. Slimmer eye options
  2. More faces (high cheekbones without looking gaunty, younger-looking faces in general)
  3. A few more skin tones
  4. More hairstyles! Every race seems to be getting a handful more…
  5. Ear options! I don’t see why Blood/Void elves are the only elves to get this type of option in SL. Above you can see awesome looking ears on NB NPCs that slant way back, which would look awesome and differentiate Nightborne from other elves.

Posting to give my support for more Nightborne options as I am in agreement that they are extremely lacking. They have the same problem that Blood Elves do in that the devs probably feel that they would be a popular option and felt like maybe they could skimp on customization options, but both races need more, and doubly so. What do Blood Elves have to do with this? I’ll get to that in a second.

First off though, I found some wonderful edits both in the old thread and the rest of the internet that I’d like to share here;

https:/ / Some gorgeous hair colors posted in the old thread.

https:/ / More narrow eyes better resembling the NPCs as well as another lovely skin tone and hair color which would also be welcome additions.

https:/ / And finally this gem. These would be welcome additions to all races, but namely these would be wonderful skin and eye colors for Nightborne.

Please forgive the broken links, I’m only TL2, so I can’t post them proper yet.

In addition to the above options I’d like gold eyes for Nightborne as well as green eyes and skin tones to represent Felborne options, which would give the race a second theme visually.

Now back to the part where I mentioned Blood Elves. Something that has been talked about in multiple Blood Elf customization threads as well as something that Nightborne NPCs already possess are glowing animations for hair and hands.

For Nightborne these would be natural additions which should be added in a myriad of colors; silver, violet, blue, and green for Felborne to list a few. For Blood Elves they could do green, blue, gold, and violet.

Why should Blood Elves get access to these as well? Well Blood Elves are another race steeped in magic with a Sunwell heavily influencing them and a number of Blood Elf players including myself would like this theme expanded on visually as Blood Elves are lacking in new additions for Shadowlands, albeit they started off much better than Nightborne.

I also feel that these are very similar themes and if this visual option can be applied to multiple races, then more players can benefit and it may be more likely to happen.

This is also by no means to hijack anything for Blood Elves, as in the Blood Elf threads I’ve always kept the Nighborne PCs and players in mind and if Blood Elves can benefit off of an idea/visual, I’d prefer they’d share the wealth with Nightborne as well.


Male night elves and their weird raisin children, male nightborne, really need some love.

Male night elves need a few faces (the goofy shape has actually grown on me, as have the stupid animations). Male Nightborne, like the body, hate the faces, hate the hair… I have one of my very own at 120, and I like him, but he’s so very goofy looking. I’m not sure you can really make a regal looking male nightborne right now.

Both genders could really benefit from inheriting some of the night elf skin tones and suitable hair, and maybe a variant on that baked in jewelry. And another pass at their tattoos, especially in regards to flow of arcane energy around the hands and hair.


Blizzard: #SwipeLeft #Ignore

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