Night time removed? Lighting engine broken? Help!

This is a video posted in 2006, it’s Duskwood at night (look at the Moon icon on the minimap 17 seconds in):

Here’s a screenshot of Duskwood at night I took on Modern WoW (lowered view distance to simulate the fog as best as possible):

The nights haven’t been as bright as the screenshot from the OP on Modern WoW in many years. Instead of using 7+ year old screenshots like the OP did, go onto Classic Era realms and log some characters out at different locations. Go to those same locations in TBC Classic and do a comparison of the nights.

Night time is definitely broken…here is how the sky looked outside of ironforge at night…it never changed

But its not just night, its all shading. Its just pronounced at night because you expect darkness and the game is just constantly bright no matter the time, weather, or location like in the shade.

They are hoping you will just get used to it and move on so they dont have to fix it, especially because people will be so eager to join the conversation and tell you that you can bandaid the issue by turning off all features, roll back drivers, go to an older direct x, and hop on one foot while singing in order to get by, and Blizzard will go “HEY LOOK THERE IS A TEMP FIX SO WE DONT HAVE TO WORK ON THIS NOW”. They did that in Shadowlands and thats why the issue still exists today.

Dont let them off the hook. We deserve quality for how much we pay and how much is expected from us to keep them afloat.

I’m going to show you what it looks like outside Ironforge tonight. You should do the same, take the image at midnight server time if you can.

pretty sure that was midnight server time since im on west coast and that was east coast but sure ill try and remember

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Alright, 11:52 P.M. on Classic TBC:

Screenshot posted to the Classic WoW reddit two months ago:

I think my screenshot actually looks slightly darker.

I am not 100% sure what you are talking about specifically, but I can say that in both BC and wrath, dark areas could appear nearly pitch black in regards to any model inside of them. Good example of this was in the deeprun tram, where the corners/edges were so dark, you could effectively hide yourself inside of them, only yours glows showing.

What we have now isn’t any form of BC lighting to say the least. BC was a very dark game, and on the PTR we noticed that dungeons like sethek halls were way brighter than it use to be. Not sure if this is a retail thing, or simply a bug with the classic client, but everything is way too lit up.

I love night mode, would be sad to see it go.

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It’s because during TBC you used a CRT monitor.

You can stop picking the areas that look mostly ok. Yes some places still look more or less dark at night. Others look ridiculous and unacceptable. Forget outside Ironforge, go look at Un’goro. The lighting engine is totally screwed up in the game, it just doesn’t look as bad in some places.

Picking and choosing? I “picked” the area the guy said was messed up. I’m also not talking about the lighting, if you noticed. I’m talking about the nights because that’s what I’m choosing to focus on.

I’m going to do Redridge tonight because the screenshot in the OP is misinformation. The screenshot is over 7 years old and isn’t indicative of anything.

Love the nighttime and lighting from classic please fix.

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I’m getting other bugs along with the nighttime. Texture and lighting issues have plagued me since pre patch. Not game breaking but it’s a nuisance for sure.

Just took this screenshot in Redridge, same spot as the screenshot in the OP:


Oh look this argument again. I liked it better the last time.

You seem to be ignoring the context of the posts that followed. The lighting engine is broken in certain areas, it’s almost completely borked for some people that are being forced to switch to DX11 to fix it. Repeating the same argument and dancing around the issue won’t change that.

I’m not addressing it because I want to focus on one of the two issues people are claiming to have in this thread. The “night” issue was widely purported to be a thing back at the start of Classic too. You used a screenshot from over 7 years ago to mislead people into thinking the nights are somehow incorrect. I’ve been dealing with this kind of misinformation for years on this forum. Example thread from 2019:

I was posting on my Warrior named Galdor in that thread.

even in daytime the client is much brighter than the classic client. It’s like they turned the gamma up or something, weird.

Never give us that fake nighttime again.

Real nighttime please.

That has absolutely nothing to do with entire segments of land/areas having pitch black spots you can essentially hide in.

You can look at old archived screenshots from the original WoW website posted in 2004 and see that the nights were not as dark as you remember them.

CRT monitors, that’s the answer. Glare and black levels, that’s the answer.

I could sit here for hours showing you hundreds of screenshots proving you wrong but what’s the point? People will believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how much you stack the truth in front of them.