Night time removed? Lighting engine broken? Help!

Just took this at 11:45 P.M:

The nights get progressively darker as midnight approaches, as they always have.


I actually had the bug the OP is having tonight. I noticed it was basically day time, forever. I just relogged and it fixed it. I think OP had the bug as well and didn’t realize logging out and in would fix it.

It ran on 7.3 legion client… nothing to do with bfa… also wasn’t a problem until prepatch…

It’s harder to see, but it’s also brighter in the day. I thought my monitor was playing Trix on me but it’s definitely the game. I don’t like it.

In regards to the black sections… You aren’t proving anything. So we are suppose to believe that the picture is like that because of the monitor… just because?

Do you have actual proof of this, or like everyone else here, making assumptions?

As for the nights, they were darker before pre patch and that has already been proven, so I am not sure what your point is here?

It hasn’t been proven one bit. I’m the only one in here posting proof and everything I’m posting proves that the nights are just as dark as they were in Classic as well as Vanilla.

I’ve already explained this to you; I can’t understand it for you.

You made a claim, but provide no proof.

Showing pics from 2004 doesn’t prove that the monitor is to blame what so ever.

Showing pics from 2004 proves that the nights are currently correct. I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand.


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I hope this is priority #384,277 on the dev’s to-do list.

Nights aside, you mentioned blackness spots in relation to a CRT monitor, that is what I am referring to.

I did not mention “blackness spots.” I’m telling you that CRT monitors were glossy screens and produced deep black levels relative to most LCD monitors.

This is why you remember things being so dark. It completely has to do with the type of monitor you and most other people were using back then. The archived screenshots don’t lie; WoW was never as dark as people remember it.

Oh god, I forgot what an orange nightmare that was.

my night time is correct

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All this talk and ALL of you are forgetting one thing. Listen up people.

WoW nighttine really does not kick in until about 930 or 10pm SERVER TIME. Until then it is still light out.

OP, show me a midnight Redridge screenshot or this thread is over…

Blizz devs also stated during Classic Beta that it was changed to run on the BfA client, long before release. But the forums can’t read apparently.

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