The little fireball that spins around my weapon from Flametongue makes bushes a few feet away light up for some reason.
Also bring back those dark nights please
The little fireball that spins around my weapon from Flametongue makes bushes a few feet away light up for some reason.
Also bring back those dark nights please
Bump for dark nights.
What about weather effects, are those still intact?
Anecdotal sadly, but I remember having T4 warrior set and going to the deeprun tram at the corners where it is suppose to be near pitch black and just wait there staring at people with an armor set that has orange, demon like glows.
Always had people get a kick out of it, but small things like that aren’t possible without the original lighting.
Weather seems fine, maybe just a tad bit brighter.
Would really be nice to get some confirmation from Blizzard that they are aware of how bad this is… like literally you almost cannot tell the difference between night and day in Tanaris right now…
I noticed last night when I ran SFK that on my way there it felt brighter, but I thought maybe I was overthinking it, until I zoned into SFK. SFK inside was probably about 20% darker and looking through the portal itself was also darker outside.
I zoned out to confirm and then realized, it really is way brighter in the open world and “open” dungeons at night are darker.
I miss true night time lighting for wpvp.
If Blizzard won’t fix this, then please at least let me download a true sky mod
I too really hope they fix this one as well as keep the weather effects indefinitely this time around.
I could have SWORN players requested Classics with NO changes… and I really don’t recall seeing ANYONE ask for money-grabbing deluxe editions either.
This is what Tanaris looked like at night a year and a half ago:
Okay guys here is the issue. Nighttime is fine. In fact everything is fine. This lighting is exactly how it was in TBC and Wrath.
Vanilla had its own lighting.
TBC and Wrath shared the same lighting with some bad changes IMO.
Cata made lighting even worse which was eventually corrected.
Keep in mind I am a stickler for lighting and even emailed some WoW DEVS (who answered me!) because I wanted to make sure vanilla lighting was good, and it was.
The issue you are noticing is that characters are no longer illuminated on one side and have a dark shadow on the other side. Unfortunately in original TBC this changed and all player characters have too much light.
The best place top test this out is in Darkshore where it is the most dramatic.
Characters are dark on one side and light on the other. This effect was removed in TBC original and now.
This is what you are missing, and now characters are illuminated on both sides.
Why though?
I get this same effect. It’s like an equidistant light source over my toon’s shoulder casting reflection on nearby groundclutter.
Here is the “night” sky outside of ironforge and it continued to be blue for hours, never changed till i went to another area and it started raining but was still bright as day…just raining and cloudy:
So, on reddit I have people saying the night is gone for them. On the EU side some people are getting a very scuffed night time with lighting issues, apparently switching over to direct x11 fixes some of the lighting bugs.
Have the devs commented at all?
This is going to be ignored, isn’t it?
I wondered what happened. Yes. Please Blizzard, we want our dark nights back!
From everything that anyone has posted, and from my own comparisons, the nights are the same as they were in Classic. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s virtually all Modern WoW characters posting about the nights not being dark enough. They didn’t play Classic and now they’re hopping on TBC and wondering why the nights aren’t very dark.
It’s just a mishmash of misinformation.